Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India
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Theses Titles
Author Year
Atomic Force Microscopy beyond topography and electrochemical analysis: Graphene, Zinc Oxide and Bacteria Bhattacharya, Anuradha 2015
Biology of Megakaryocytes Haldar, Srijan 2015
Cell Proliferation, Differentiation and Mitochondrial Dynamics Anindita Deb 2015
Charmonium studies at LHC energies using the ALICE Muon Spectrometer Paul, Biswarup 2015
Exploring Some Models For Particle Dark Matter Biswas, Anirban 2015
Identification of the cellular signaling network which induces cancer cell death in response to certain drugs and natural products Rai, Neha 2015
Implications of the Higgs Discovery on Physics Beyond the Standard Model Das, Dipankar 2015
Lense-Thirring Precession in Strong Gravitational Fields Chakraborty, Chandrachur 2015
Magnetic, magnetotransport and magnetocaloric properties of doped perovskite manganites Das, Kalipada 2015
Search for a Standard Model Higgs Boson Produced in the Decay Channel H →rr with CMS Detector Mukherjee, Swagata 2015
Stochastic Resonance in Visual Computation Kundu, Ajanta 2015
Structure, dynamics and interaction of nucleic acids: theoretical computational analysis Mondal, Manas 2015
Alterations In Growth Factor Receptor Protein Binding Protein 2 (Grb2) Related Signaling In Huntington’s Disease Cell Model Baksi, Shounak 2014
Application of Greener Methods for the Radiochemical Separations of Clinically Relevant Copper, Zinc, Cadmium and Indium Radioisotopes Ghosh, Kaustab 2014
Applications of AdS/CFT to Non-Relativistic Systems Dey, Parijat 2014
Aspects of Some Quantum Integrable Systems with Long-Ranged Interactions Banerjee, Pratyay 2014
Effect of small molecules on chromatin assembly Banerjee, Amrita 2014
Effect of the Plant Alkaloids on Structure And Function of G-Quadruplex DNA Ghosh, Saptaparni 2014
Low dimensional transport and its applications Bagchi, Debarshee 2014
Magnetic and Magnetocaloric Properties of Some Rare-Earth Based Compounds Midya, Arindam 2014
Proteomic studies of erythrocytes in sickle cell disease, erythrocyte membrane skeleton and post translational modifications Basu, Avik 2014
Perturbative and Non Perturbative Aspects of Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics Chowdhury, Abhishek 2014
Quasi-one-dimensional Electronic transport Properties of Conducting polymer Nanowires Sarma, Abhisakh 2014
Search for excited electrons in pp collisions with the CMS Detector at LHC Jain, Shilpi 2014
Some Applications of Hard Thermal Loop Perturbation Theory in Quark Gluon Plasma Haque, Najmul 2014
Some Theoretical Aspects of Spin Transport in Mesoscopic Systems Dey, Moumita 2014
Statistical perspectives on soft matter and biologically motivated systems Sarkar, Niladri 2014
Universalities in Fixed Energy Sandpiles
Bondyopadhyay, Sourish 2014
Lagrangian Fluid Technique to Study Nonlinear Plasma Dynamics    Maity, Chandan 2013
Studies on Detection, Complexation and Dynamics of Technetium, Rhenium and Osmium using Analytical and Nuclear Techniques Dutta, Binita 2013
A Study of Photoinduced Interactions of Some Acridine Derivatives with Organic Amines and Macromolecules of Biological Relevance
Chakraborty, Brotati 2012
Non-linearity and flicker noise in disordered systems
Talukdar, Deep 2012
Ordering and Pattern Formation in Self-Assembled Nanostructured Materials Banerjee, Rupak 2011
Photons from Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions Bhattacharya, Lusaka 2011
Secondary Emission of MCsn+ Molecular Ions and Its Applications in Compositional Analysis of MBE Grown Si-Ge Structures Saha, Biswajit 2011
Structural and Morphological Evolution in Organic Films and Multilayers Mukherjee, Smita 2011
Transcription regulation by Huntingtin Interacting Protein 1 and its molecular partner HIPPI: possible role in Huntington's disease Moumita Datta 2011
A Study on Growth Factor Receptor Protein Binding Protein 2 (GRB2) And APP Intracellular C-terminal Domain (AICD) Trafficking in Relation to Alzheimer's Disease Pathogenesis Saha, Mithu 2010
Aspects of Black Hole Physics Chatterjee, Ayan 2010
Beyond the Standard Model: Some Aspects of Supersymmetry and Extra Dimension Ray, Tirtha Sankar 2010
Cellular and Molecular Aspects of Survival and Death Mechanicsms of the Pathogen Entamoeba histolytica Sardar, Anupama 2010
Characterization of stress response: Involvement of the Cellular Communication Networks Mustafi, Soumyajit Banerjee 2010
Effect of Edge Biasing on SINP-TOKAMAK Plasmas Basu, Debjyoti 2010
Fluorescence and NMR Spectroscopic Studies on Structure and Conformation of Transcription Activator Proteins: RFXANK and DNA Binding Domain of RFX5 Chakraborty, Madhumita 2010
Interfacial Instability Driven Growth of Low Dimensional Structures Bal, Jayanta Kr. 2010
Linear and Nonlinear Optical Properties of Metal Nanocluster - Glass Composite Ghosh, Binita 2010
Molecular Basis of Action of a Putative Anticancer Agent Sanguinarine its Effect upon Structure of DNA and Chromatin Organization Pradhan, Suman Kalyan 2010
Neutrino Oscillations in Supernovae Chakraborty, Sovan 2010
Proteomics and Conformational Studies of Hemoglobin and Other Proteins of Erythrocytes Bhattacharya, Dipankar 2010
Role of Epstein-Barr virus in self-renewal and oncogenesis Banerjee, Aditi Sengupta 2010
Studies on Regulation of Differential Gene Expression in Leishmania Parasites Bhandari, Dipankar 2010
Studies on Some Quantum Integrable Spin Chains with Long-Range Interaction Bondyopadhaya, Nilanjan 2010
Study of Neutralization Kinetics in Polymer and Plymer Nanocomposite Systems Using X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Mukherjee, Subhrangsu 2010
A Theoretical Study on Quark Gluon Plasma Formation in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions Sen, Abhijit 2009
Aspects of Gravity in Higher Dimensions Chakrabarti, Sayan Kumar 2009
Interactions of Quinones with DNA Bases: A Laser Flash Photolysis and Magnetic Field Effect Study Bose (nee Chowdhury), Adity 2009
Magnetic Ordering in Nanostructured Materials Sarkar, Indranil 2009
Magnetocaloric effect and related phenomena in rare-earth based compounds Samanta, Tapas 2009
Nonlinear Dynamics Experiments in Glow Discharge Plasma Md. Nurujjaman 2009
Nuclear Structure Studies in the Vicinity of N=82 Shell Closure
Raut, Rajarshi 2009
p21 Activated Kinase and Small GTPase Signaling in Entamoeba histolytica
Dutta, Suman 2009
QCD Aspects to NLO in the Search of Some Beyond SM Scenarios at the Hadron Colliders
Meduri C. Kumar 2009
Role of Aminophospholipids, Cytoskeletal Proteins and Hemoglobin on Membrane Asymmetry of Erythrocytes
Basu, Sumanta 2009
Role of Huntingtin (Htt) interacting proteins in apoptosis induction in cultured cells expressing exon1 of mutated Huntingtin gene Banerjee, M. (nee Bhattacharya) 2009
Solvable Models in Quantum Physics Giri, Pulak Ranjan 2009
Study of Charge Density Wave Transition in Electron-Photon Interaction Models Datta, Sanjoy 2009
Study of Cold and Dense Neutron Star Matter Chatterjee, Debarati 2009
Theoretical Study of Low Dimensional Systems Maiti, Moitri 2009
X-Ray Crystal Structures of Cyclophilin from Leishmania Donovani in Native and Ligated Forms: Biophysical Studies and Bio-Informatics on its Interaction with the Drug Cyclosporin A Venugopal, V. 2009
Biophysical and Biological Characterization of Huntingtin Interacting Protein HYPK Raychaudhury, Swasti 2008
Characterizations of Cathode Pad Chamber as tracking detector for MUON Spectrometer of ALICE Pal, Sanjoy 2008
Charge Ordering and Related Phenomena in Nanocrystalline Manganites Biswas, Anis 2008
Effect of Complex Formation Between Zn2+ION and the Aureolic Acid Group of Anticancer Antibiotic Upon the Structure and Function of Zn(II)-Containing Enzymes Devi, Pukhrambam Grihanjali 2008
Electronic Transport Properties of Nanowires Rahman, Atikur 2008
Experimental Study of the Magnetic Properties of Quasi-one Dimensional Antiferromagnets Pahari, Bholanath 2008
Investigation of Interaction Potential for Loosely Bound Nuclei at Near Barrier Energies Biswas, Mili 2008
Knowledge Based Protein Engineering on a Chymotripsin Inhibitor Protein Khamrui, Susmita 2008
Modification of Silicon Surface under Medium energy Heavy Ion Bombardment Datta, Debi Prasad 2008
Morphology and Nanomechanical Property Studies on Ion Sputtered Solid Surfaces Mishra, Puneet 2008
NMR Study in Some Ternary Intermetallic Compounds Sarkar, Rajib 2008
Nonperturbative Studies of Quantum Field Theories on Space-Time Lattice Maiti, Jyotirmoy 2008
Rotational Absorption Spectral Studies and Ab Initio Quantum Chemical Calculations of Molecules in Gas Phase Varadwaj, Pradeep Risikrishna 2008
Shell Structure and Evolution of Collectivity on and away from the Stability Line Kshetri, Ritesh 2008
Signaling Pathways Involved in the Chemopreventive & Chemotherapeutic Action of Natural Products Chakraborty, Prabir Kumar 2008
Some aspects of Quantum Mechanics and Field Theory on Noncommutative Spaces Muthukumar, B. 2008
Spin Dependent Transport in Magnetic Nanostructure Mukhopadhyay, Soumik 2008
Structural and Biological Studies on Some Plant Proteins Ghosh, Raka 2008
Studies of Cell Cycle Related Proteins of Leishmania Parasites Roy, Santanu 2008
Studies of J-Domain Containing Proteins in Cellular Processes Dey, Sanjib 2008
Optical Spectroscopy and Structure of Polystyrene Films and Au-Polystyrene Nanocomposites Chattopadhyay, Sudeshna 2007
Statistical Physics of two Model Dynamical Systems: Magnets and Trading Markets Chatterjee, Arnab 2007
A Bio-Mimicking Approach to Real-Time Edge-Detection and its Application in Medical Images Ghosh, Kuntal 2006
Epstein Barr Virus and Gastrointestinal Malignancies in West Bengal Dutta, Nirmal 2006
Experimental Studies on Photon Induced Inner Shell Ionisation Santra, Sumita 2006
Interaction of Ocicam NSAIDs with Membrane Mimetic Systems/Membranes and Other Biomolecules Chakraborty, Hirak 2006
Investigation of High Energy Electrons and their Implications in the SINP Tokamak Narayanan, Ramesh 2006
Radiotracer Studies on some metal-poly (N-vinylpyrrolidone) complexes: Pertinent to nuclear medicine and environmentally benign technology Sarkar, Soumi 2006
Some Physical Aspects of Photoinduced Electron Transfer Reactions Duttachaudhury, Sharmistha 2006
Some Studies of Particle Physics in a Medium Chakraborty, Purnendu 2006
Some Studies on Approximate Methods in Acoustic Scattering Problems Saha, Ratan Kumar 2006
Study of the Interaction of Hemoglobin and its Subunits with Erythroid Spectrin Dutta, Poppy 2006
Characterization of Intermediates in Photo Induced Electron Transfer Reactions: Magnetic Field Effect and ab intio Quantum Chemical Studies Sen, Kakali 2005
Growth and Properties of Ultrathin Polymer Films Bhattacharya, Mishreyee 2005
Inner Shell Ionisation And Scattering By Photons and Charged Particles Mandal, Atis Chandra 2005
Phase Transitions in Ultra-Thin Organic Films Mukhopadhyay, Mrinmay Kr. 2005
Positron Annihilation Studies in Molecular Substances with Special Reference to Porous Materials Dutta, Dhanadeep 2005
Self-Organization in Magnetized Plasmas Bhattacharjee, Ramitendra Nath 2005
Crystallographic Studies of a Few Biologically Important Proteins Guha Thakurata, Piyali 2004
Magnetic Field Effect in Photoinduced Electron Transfer Sengupta, Tamal 2004
Steric Control on Photoinduced Electron Transfer Processes Chatterjee (nee Bandyopadhyay), Suchanda 2004
Crystal Structure Analysis of a Trypsin/Chymotrypsin Inhibitor Protein from 'Psophocapus Tetragonolobus' Das, Satyabrata 2002
Positronium Annihilation in Molecular Liquids Gangopadhyay, Debarshi 2002
Studies of Tertiary Amine Local Anesthetics in Phospholipid Membranes and in Membrane - Minetic Systems Mondal, Mousumi 2002
Experimental Investigation on Layered Oxide and Ternary Intermetallic compound Ray, Ruma 2001
Structure and Conformation of a Chymotripsin Inhibitor Protein at 90 K using X-ray Crystallographic Methods Ravichandran, S 2000
Structure of Surfaces and Interfaces in Thin Films Basu, Joydip K. 2000
Some Features of Electrical Transport in Nonlinear Inhomogeneous Systems Nandi, Upendranath 1999
Some Studies on Electron Correlation Effects in Low-Dimensional Model Systems Bhattacharyya, Bibhas 1999
X-ray Crystallographic Studies of a few Adrenergic Drugs and their Interactions Rakhi, Sengupta 1999
Experimental Investigation on Some Layered Compounds with Non-Collinear Magnetic Structure Giri, Saurav 1998
A Study on Triton X-100 Surfactant System using Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy and Photochemical Reactions Das, Subir Kumar 1997
Laser flash Photolysis and Magnetic Field Efect on Some Charge-Transfer Reactions Aich (nee Snyal), Sanjukta 1997
Study of the Electrical Properties of Metal-Insulator Composites Near Percolation Threshold Chakrobarty, Rajkumar 1997
X-ray Structure Determination  of a Serine Proteinase Inhibitor Protein Sen, Udayaditya 1997
Properties of Hot Nuclear Systems Pal, Subrata 1996
Spectroscopic Studies of Some Biologically Important Molecules in Different Environments Guharay, Jayanti 1996
Crystal Structure of Peanut Lectin at 2.95 A Resolution Banerjee, Rahul 1993
Spectroscopic Studies of Some Biologically Important Molecules Sarkar, Munna 1992
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies on Hydrides of Some Intermetallic Compounds Bandyopadhyay, Bilwadal 1991
Complex Carbohydrate - Lectin Interaction at the Interface: A Model for Cell-Cell Adhesion Chakraborty, Abhijit 1990
An X-ray Crystallographic Study on the Structure and Interactions of a Few Pharmaceutically Important Molecules Ghosh, Sutapa 1989
Momemtum and Density Dependent Two-Body Effective Interaction: Application to Nucleus-Nucleus Interaction and Nuclear Equation of State Bandyopadhyay, Debadesh 1989
Theoretical Study of Energy Migration in Model Chloroplast Priyadarshy, Satyam 1989
Studies on Rotational Spectra of Molecules using Microwave and Radio Frequency - Microwave Double Resonance Spectroscopy Datta, Alokmay 1987
Crystal & Molecular Structure of Biologically Important Molecules with Particular Reference to Sympathomimetic Amines Bhaumik, Rekha Rani 1984
Molecular and Cystal Structure Analysis of Some Biologically Important Compounds by X-ray Difraction Methods Chattopadhyay, Chandana 1983
NMR Investigation of Transition Metal and Rare-Earth Compounds Ghoshray, Amitabha 1981
Nuclear Magnetic resonance in paramagnetics Bhattacharyya, Manoranjan 1972
Nuclear Optical Model of Composite Particles and DWBA in Stripping Reactions Samaddar, Santosh Kumar 1972
Structure Calculations in 18O Nucleus with Realistic two-Nucleon Potentials De, Jadunath 1972
A Study on the Crystal Structure of Biologically Important Molecules Dutta Gupta, Jiban Kanti 1971
Trapping of Metal Ions Injected into Metals Smith, Hendrik Johann 1971
A Dispersion Theoretic Approach to Sum Rules for Scattering of Pions from Hardronic Targets Mallik, Samirnath 1970
Application of Brueckner-Goldstone Many-Body Perturbation Theory to Atomic Properties of Lithium Chang, Edward Shih-Tou 1967
On some aspects of vibrations in solids - Agroup theoretical study Rudra, Prasantakumar 1967
Development and Studies on Energy Response and Resolution of Scintillation Counters and Their Applications in Measurement of Alpha Activity and in Gamma Ray Spectroscopy Dhar, Sobhana 1955
Investigations on the Ionosphere Roy, Rabindra Nath 1955
Alpha Decay and automatic Wilson Cloud Chamber in a Magnetic Field and Some Associated Techniques Das, Ranjit Kumar 1951
Problems of Nuclear Physics and Problems of Electronic Circuits Associated with Problems of Nuclear physics and Application of Nuclear Physics Techniques to Biological and Medical Measurements Sen, Sunil Kumar 1950
Etude de la representation conforme au voisinage de la frontiere Ferrand, Par Jacqueline 1942
Study of the Intensity Theories in Molecular Spectra and Some Related Aspects: N2 Second Positive and First Positive systems Patankar, V. S. 1940
Study of Hyperfine Structure of Spectral Lines and Study of the Nature of the Solid and the Liquid States Sibaiya, L. 1939
Exchange Processes in the Direct Interaction Theory of Inelastic scattering Mitra, Dipti  



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