Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India
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In the Applied Nuclear Physics Division, we are engaged in basic and applied research using nuclear tools and techniques to explore structure and dynamics of nuclei, atoms, molecules, materials in bulk and nanoscales. Related development of detectors for various physics experiments and radiation-based imaging are also being pursued in the division. Side by side, we are working on novel pathways to simulation of expected performance of such detectors and computerized simulation of vision by drawing analogy with the human eye and its related functionalities. Collaboration with scientists from India and abroad, working on several important experiments in the areas of Neutrino Physics, Dark Matter search, etc. are also being pursued. Research in Applied Nuclear Physics at SINP dates back to the early days of formation of the Institute by its Founder Director Professor Meghnad Saha. Realizing the growing importance of the new and emerging field of Nuclear Physics in basic and applied areas for the benefit of the society at large, and its possible impact on the country’s scientific and industrial progress, Professor Saha, through a team of dedicated scientists and research scholars, initiated work on mastering the radiation detection techniques with Wilson cloud chambers, Geiger Muller counters, ionization chambers and beta ray spectrographs for the studies of cosmic rays, beta and gamma rays, and neutrons. The very first 40 inch cyclotron in India was set up in the 1950s and successfully utilized by the scientists and research scholars in production and characterization of radioactive nuclei through study of beta and gamma ray spectra, as well as their projected uses in medical imaging and other applications.


Last Updated on Tuesday, 09 May 2023 14:00
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