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Surface Physics and Material Science



Nanocluster Deposition System

Nanocluster Deposition System Nanocluster Deposition System

This deposition facility has been procured under a sub-project entitled "Low Energy Nanocluster Ion beam facility for novel film deposition and characterization" in the 11th Plan period of India under the project Center for Nanoscience and Surface Physics (CENSUP) of SINP. The whole set-up is a unique facility in combination of nanocluster film deposition unit (Model: Nanodep60) attached with in-situ X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) facility. The nanocluster source can produce well-defined beam of nanocrystalline particles in the gas condensation method. A magnetron is used to sputter the desired material in a cooled (by liquid nitrogen) aggregation region in presence of a buffer gas. Nanoclusters of metallic, semiconductor and insulator target (with RF-mode operation) can be produced and then the mass- or size-selected clusters are obtained by using a quadrupole mass filter. The UHV end station is equipped with a number of growth and characterization facilities.

Manufacturer Oxford Applied Research, UK
Model Nanocluster Source: NC200U-B 
Quadrupole Mass Filter: QMF200 
DC Ion Source: DC25
Installation Place and Date May 2010 at ground floor of Phase IV building
Vacuum System Turbo Molecular Pumps backed by Scroll pumps, Ion Pump in the XPS analyzer region 

Measures of base pressures: 
Nanocluster source 10-6 mbar 
Load-Lock Chamber 10-8 mbar 
Main Chamber <5×10-10 mbar 

Nanocluster Source Material source: DC/RF Magnetron 
Aggregation Length (variable): 4.8 - 14.8 cm 
Aggregation tube cooling: by chilled water or L-N2 
Power Supply: 1 kW DC power supply 
Mean cluster size: 0.4 to 10 nm (Cu) 
Quadrupole Mass Filter Mass range: 50 amu to 3×106 amu 
Resolution: ~2% FWHM (of the mass spec. signal) <="" tr="">
Main Chamber (End-station) (a) Load-Lock Chamber for preparation/transfer of samples
Sample movement from the load-lock chamber by magnetically coupled transfer arm 

(b) DC Ion Source attached in Main Chamber 
Beam energy: 100 eV to 1 keV, Beam current: ~ 40 mA at 1 keV for Ar-ions. This ion gun is used to clean the sample surface and to etch the surface for XPS depth profiling. 

(c) Goniometer for sample manipulation (Main Chamber) 
2 inch diameter with heating to 800ºC, substrate rotation, Sample Bias Voltage (-5kV to +5kV DC) and X-Y and Z movement capabilities 

(d) e-Beam Evaporator (Main Chamber) 
No. of pockets: 4, No co-evaporation, Maximum power dissipation 200 W 

(e) Quartz-Crystal Thickness Monitor (Main Chamber) 
Water-cooled quartz crystal monitor (movable) with controller. 

(f) X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) set up (Main Chamber) 
Twin anode (Al & Mg) X-ray source (Model: VSW - TA10) 
Hemispherical Analyser (Model: VSW-CL150VMMCD, 150 mm mean radius) 

Nanocluster Deposition System


Last Updated on Wednesday, 17 August 2016 14:16
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