Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India
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Coming and going is nothing but a reflection of natural laws. Who comes today will have to go tomorrow. But in between this two ends remains a period that makes some permanent impressions in mind. You are not with us today, but once you were here and contributed much to the growth and prosperity of the division. Your valuable service rendered here has remarkably enriched the institute and boosted up the morale of the present who have been much inspired to move forward and work with enthusiasm. The division wishes you long, healthy and happy life, and invites your occasional visits.


Bireswar Basu-Mallick
Debades Bandyopadhyay
Koushik Dutta
(moved to IISER,Kolkata)
Shibaji Roy

Rudranil Basu(moved to BITS-Pilani, Goa)
Asit Kumar De 
Palash Baran Pal

Anjan Kundu,
Avaroth Harindranath
Parthasarathi Mitra
Radhey Shyam
Gautam Ghosh
Manoj Banerjee
Gautam Bhattacharya
Haridas Banerjee 
Jayanti Mahalanabis
Dipti Pal
Ashok Chatterjee

Kamales Kar 
Tarun Kanti Roy  
Radhey Shyam
Debabrata Mukhopadhyay
Santosh Kumar Samaddar
Samirnath Mallik,
1985 - 2000
Manoj Kumar Pal
Suprakash Mukherjee

Prodyut Kumar Mitra
Dola Mallick
Sudarshan Hazra


Last Updated on Thursday, 01 December 2022 12:33
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