Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India
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In this program, the selected students will be introduced to frontiers of research activities carried out in the institute. The selected students will participate in the research work under the supervision of SINP faculty members. The Summer Students Programme is offered in two different streams: (a) Physical Sciences, (b) Biophysical Sciences. Please look at the SINP website of different divisions to know more about the research activities. The program will typically involve participation in an assigned project, attending seminars, and submitting a report in the prescribed format (given in "download " section). 

Eligibility: First-year M.Sc. or equivalent, B. Tech/MBBS/B.Pharm or equivalent (at the completion of 3rd year) students with excellent academic records in Physical/Chemical/Life Sciences/Engineering/Medicine. The students doing integrated M.Sc. (BS-MS) who have completed at least 3 years. Only those students whose academic interests overlap with the research areas being pursued in SINP will be considered. 

Selection: Selection will be based on the academic record of the student (weighted appropriately by the ranking of the student's current affiliation) and recommendation letters. The selection process does not involve any written test or interview The selection in two different streams of Physical Sciences and Biophysical Sciences is independent. 

Recommendation letters to be sent to : summer.sinp[at]saha[dot]ac[dot]in

Stipend/Accommodation: Selected students will receive fixed per diem according to the rules of the institute, which will be approximately Rs 7000/- per month. The selected students will be also paid round trip Sleeper-Class train fare from the place of their residence/home to the institute. The outstation students will be provided with free shared accommodation. 

If the selected student is a fellow of KVPY, INSPIRE, Academies or any other similar fellowship program, SINP will not bear any expense that the fellowship covers. Please mention this while filling up the online form in the "Other Comments" section. This is, however, independent of the selection in the program. Your participation in the program is subject to the verification of academic credentials at the time of your joining. 


Administrative queries may be sent to: office.sird[at]saha[dot]ac[dot]in
Academic queries may be sent to: summer.sinp[at]saha[dot]ac[dot]in


Last Updated on Friday, 10 March 2023 13:34
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