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SIRD conducts academic programmes like Post MSc Course for newly admitted research scholars, UGA, summer internship and encompasses facility units - Library and MN Saha Auditorium.

The Ph.D. Programme of SINP starts with
one year of pre-Ph.D. course work called Post-M.Sc.(PMSc) programme which is coordinated by SIRD. The PMSc course in Physics was launched way back in 1953 by Professor Meghnad Saha's initiative to educate the highly motivated students for research in Nuclear Science. In subsequent years, the scope of the course was widened to embrace other areas of Physics. Initially the duration of the course was 9 months that was extended to a full year. In 1973, a similar course was launched in Biophysical sciences. An identical course in Radiological Physics was launched in 1988 which ran for four years. From the session of 1993-94 the PMSc course has become an integral part of the doctoral research work in SINP.

possessess a collection of approximately 40,000 books in a wide variety of subjects, from Astronomy and Astrophysics, Chemical Physics, Theoretical Computer Science, Condensed Matter Physics, High Energy Physics, Material Science, Mathematics, Molecular Biology, Nuclear and Atomic Physics to Theoretical Physics. The Library was set up in 1950. SIRD subscribes to around 209 subscribed journals (Earliest available online journal - 1665) covering the above mentioned subject areas. It has a large collection (52,000 approx.) of bound volumes of journals, dating back to 1921.

In addition to books, journals and electronic resources, SIRD has a collection of non-book materials such as theses, audio-visual materials, documents of Prof. M N Saha Archive. The Archive is housed inside the reading room. Besides, there are six main areas: Journals Stack, Books Stack, Reading room, M N Saha Auditorium, Computer Lab and Office Areas. The Extension Area stocks bound volumes of discontinued journals, some less used books and very old bound volumes of current journals.


Last Updated on Tuesday, 07 February 2023 21:18


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