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All Online Journals & Archives

Asia Pacific Heart Journal, The (1996-1999)
ACC Current Journal Review (28-Feb-95+)
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (V.1+)
ACS Catalysis- New in 2011 (V.1+)
ACS Chemical Biology (V.1 +)
ACS Chemical Neuroscience (V.1+)
ACS Combinatorial Science - New in 2011 (V.1+)
ACS Macro Letters- New in 2012 (V.1+)
ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters (V.1+)
ACS Nano (V.1+)
ACS Synthetic Biology- New in 2012 (V.1+)
AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications (1-Jan-01+)
AIChE Journal [American Institute of Chemical Engineers] ( 1955-1997)
AORN Journal (31-Jan-95+)
APS Journal (28-Feb-95+)
Accident Analysis and Prevention (28-Feb-95+)
Accident and Emergency Nursing (31-Jan-95+)
Accounting Forum (31-Mar-04+)
Accounting, Management and Information Technologies (31-Mar-95+)
Accounting, Organizations and Society (31-Jan-95+)
Accounts of Chemical Research (V.1 +)
Accreditation and Quality Assurance (1996-1996)
Acta Applicandae Mathematicae (1983 -1996)
Acta Astronautica (31-Dec-95+)
Acta Biomaterialia (1-Jan-05+)
Acta Biotechnologica (1980-2000)
Acta Crystallographica (Vol.1, 1948 - Vol.23, 1967)
Acta Crystallographica A (1968+)
Acta Crystallographica B (1968+)
Acta Crystallographica C (1983+)
Acta Crystallographica D (1993+)
Acta Crystallographica E (2006-2007)
Acta Crystallographica F (2005+)
Acta Histochemica (1-Jan-00+)
Acta Materialia(31-Jan-96+)
Acta Mathematica Hungarica (1950 - 1996)
Acta Mechanica (1965-1996)
Acta Metallurgica (31-Jan-53+)
Acta Metallurgica et Materialia (31-Jan-90+)
Acta Oecologica (31-Dec-97+)
Acta Physica Hungarica. Series A. Heavy Ion Physics (1995 - 1996)
Acta Physica Sinica (Overseas Edition) (1992-1998)
Acta Polymerica (1979-1997)
Acta Psychologica (28-Feb-95+)
Acta Tropica (31-Mar-95+)
Acta physica Hungarica (1983-1994)
Acta physica. Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae (1951/52 - 1982)
Acute Pain (31-Dec-97+)
Ad Hoc Networks (31-Jul-03+)
Addictive Behaviors (28-Feb-95+)
Additives for Polymers (31-Jan-87+)
Adsorption (1995-1996)
Advanced Cement Based Materials (31-Oct-93+)
Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews (31-Jul-95+)
Advanced Energy Materials (Vol.1, 2011+)
Advanced Engineering Informatics (31-Jan-02+)
Advanced Materials (Vol.1, 1989+)
Advanced Materials for Optics and Electronics [Contd. as 'Advanced Functional Materials in 2001'] (1992-1995)
Advances in Applied Mathematics (31-Mar-80+)
Advances in Colloid and Interface Science (3-Jan-95+)
Advances in Complex Systems (ACS) (1998 - 2000)
Advances in Engineering Software (1978+)
Advances in Engineering Software (31-Dec-95+)
Advances in Environmental Research (1-Jun-00+)
Advances in Enzyme Regulation (31-Dec-95+)
Advances in Mathematics (31-Dec-65+)
Advances in Neuroimmunology (31-Dec-95+)
Advances in Physics (1952 - 1996)
Advances in Space Research (31-Dec-81+)
Advances in Water Resources (31-Dec-95+)
Aerospace Science and Technology (31-Jan-97+)
Aesthetic Surgery Journal (31-May-95+)
Ageing Research Reviews (28-Feb-02+)
Aggression and Violent Behavior (30-Jun-96+)
Agricultural Systems (31-Dec-95+)
Agricultural Water Management (30-Apr-95+)
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology (31-Jan-95+)
Agriculture, Ecosystems Environment (31-Jan-95+)
Air Medical Journal (31-Mar-95+)
Air and Space Europe (28-Feb-99+)
Aircraft Design (31-Mar-98+)
Alcohol (28-Feb-95+)
Alcohol and Alcoholism (1963 - 1995)
Alzheimer's and Dementia (31-Jul-05+)
American Heart Journal (31-Jan-95+)
American Journal of Emergency Medicine, The (31-Jan-95+)
American Journal of Geriatric Pharmacotherapy, The (30-Sep-03+)
American Journal of Infection Control (28-Feb-95+)
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (31-Jan-95+)
American Journal of Ophthalmology (31-Jan-98+)
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics (31-Jan-95+)
American Journal of Otolaryngology (28-Feb-95+)
American Journal of Physics (1933+)
American Journal of Preventive Medicine (31-Jan-98+)
American Journal of Surgery, The (31-Jan-95+)
Amino Acids (1991-1996)
Anaerobe (28-Feb-95+)
Analyst (1876 - 2012)
Analytica Chimica Acta (10-Jan-95+)
Analytical Biochemistry (31-Jan-95+)
Analytical Chemistry (V.1+)
Analytical Communications (1996-1999)
Analytical Methods (2009 - 2012)
Analytical Proceedings (1980-1993)
Analytical Proceedings including Analytical Communications (1994-1995)
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (1862-1996)
Animal Behaviour (31-Jan-95+)
Animal Feed Science and Technology (31-Jan-95+)
Animal Genetics (1970-1996)
Animal Reproduction Science (31-Jan-95+)
Annalen der Physik (1799-1997)
Annales Franccedilaises d'Anestheacutesie et de Reacuteanimation (31-Dec-95+)
Annales Meacutedico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique (28-Feb-01+)
Annales Scientifiques de l'Eacutecole Normale Supeacuterieure (31-Dec-97+)
Annales d'Urologie (31-Jan-01+)
Annales de Cardiologie et d'Angeacuteiologie (28-Feb-01+)
Annales de Chirurgie (31-Jan-00+)
Annales de Chirurgie Plastique Estheacutetique (28-Feb-01+)
Annales de Chirurgie de la Main (31-Dec-95+)
Annales de Geacuteneacutetique (31-Mar-00+)
Annales de Paleacuteontologie (31-Mar-98+)
Annales de Reacuteadaptation et de Meacutedecine Physique (31-Dec-95+)
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare (B) Probability and Statistics (31-Dec-97+)
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare (C) Non Linear Analysis (31-Dec-97+)
Annales de l'Institut Pasteur. Actualiteacutes (31-Dec-95+)
Annales des Ponts et Chausseacutees (31-Mar-02+)
Annales des Sciences Naturelles - Zoologie et Biologie Animale (31-Mar-98+)
Annals of Anatomy - Anatomischer Anzeiger (31-Jan-99+)
Annals of Botany (1887 -1995)
Annals of Diagnostic Pathology (31-Oct-97+)
Annals of Emergency Medicine (31-Jan-95+)
Annals of Epidemiology (31-Jan-95+)
Annals of Human Genetics (1954-1996)
Annals of Mathematical Logic (31-Dec-70+)
Annals of Nuclear Energy (31-Jan-95+)
Annals of Physics (30-Apr-57+)
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic (31-Jul-83+)
Annals of Thoracic Surgery, The (28-Feb-95+)
Annals of Tourism Research (31-Dec-95+)
Annals of the ICRP (31-Dec-95+)
Annual Reports Section "A" - Inorganic Chemistry (1979 - 2012)
Annual Reports Section "B" - Organic Chemistry (1967 - 2012)
Annual Reports Section "C" - Physical Chemistry (1979 - 2012)
Annual Reports on Analytical Atomic Spectroscopy (1971-1984)
Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry (1904-1966)
Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry, Section A: General Physical and Inorganic Chemistry (1967-1972)
Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry, Section A: Physical and Inorganic Chemistry (1973-1978)
Annual Review of Fish Diseases (31-Dec-95+)
Annual Reviews in Control (31-Dec-96+)
Antimicrobics and Infectious Diseases Newsletter (31-Mar-95+)
Antiviral Research (31-Jan-95+)
Appetite (28-Feb-95+)
Applications of Surface Science (30-Sep-77+)
Applied Acoustics (31-Dec-95+)
Applied Animal Behaviour Science (28-Feb-95+)
Applied Behavioral Science Review (31-Dec-95+)
Applied Catalysis A: General (5-Jan-95+)
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental (1-Feb-95+)
Applied Clay Science (31-Jul-85+)
Applied Composite Materials (1994-1996)
Applied Energy (31-Dec-95+)
Applied Ergonomics (28-Feb-95+)
Applied Geochemistry (31-Jan-95+)
Applied Geography (31-Jan-95+)
Applied Magnetic Resonance (1990-1996)
Applied Mathematical Modelling (30-Jun-76+)
Applied Mathematics Letters (31-Dec-88+)
Applied Mathematics and Computation (31-Jan-75+)
Applied Numerical Mathematics (31-Jan-85+)
Applied Nursing Research (28-Feb-95+)
Applied Ocean Research (31-Dec-95+)
Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing (1973 -1996)
Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics (1981 -1996)
Applied Physics Letters (1962+)
Applied Radiation and Isotopes (28-Feb-93+)
Applied Soft Computing (30-Jun-01+)
Applied Soil Ecology (31-Mar-95+)
Applied Superconductivity (28-Feb-93+)
Applied Surface Science (V.24, 1985+)
Applied Thermal Engineering (31-Jan-96+)
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis (31-Jan-95+)
Applied and Preventive Psychology (28-Feb-95+)
Aquacultural Engineering (31-Dec-95+)
Aquaculture (31-Jan-95+)
Aquatic Botany (31-Mar-95+)
Aquatic Geochemistry (1995-1996)
Aquatic Toxicology (31-Jan-95+)
Archive for History of Exact Sciences (1960 - 1996)
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis (1957 -1996)
Archive of Applied Mechanics (Ingenieur Archiv) (1929 -1996)
Archives de Peacutediatrie (31-Dec-95+)
Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics (31-Jan-95+)
Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology (28-Feb-95+)
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (1973-1996)
Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics (28-Feb-95+)
Archives of Medical Research (31-Jan-99+)
Archives of Oral Biology (31-Jan-95+)
Archives of Psychiatric Nursing (28-Feb-95+)
Archivos de Bronconeumologiacutea (31-Jan-04+)
Arthropod Structure and Development (31-Jan-00+)
Artificial Intelligence (31-Jan-95+)
Artificial Intelligence in Engineering (31-Dec-95+)
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (28-Feb-95+)
Arts in Psychotherapy, The (31-Dec-95+)
Assessing Writing (31-Dec-95+)
Asthma Magazine (31-Aug-96+)
Astronomical Journal, The (1849 to 1998)
Astronomische Nachrichten (1823-1998)
Astronomy & Astrophysics (2001+)
Astronomy Quarterly (31-Dec-78+)
Astronomy and Astrophysics Review, The (1989 -1996)
Astroparticle Physics (30-Nov-92+)
Astrophysical Journal (Vol.471, 1996+)
Astrophysical Journal Letters, The (1995-2009)
Astrophysical Journal Letters, The (2010 to date)
Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, The (1996 to date)
Astrophysics (1965 -1996)
Astrophysics and Space Science (1968 -1996)
Atherosclerosis (6-Jan-95+)
Atherosclerosis Supplements (30-Sep-00+)
Atmospheric Environment (1967+)
Atmospheric Environment (31-Jan-95+)
Atmospheric Research (31-Jan-95+)
Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables (30-Sep-69+)
Atomic Energy (1956 -1996)
Auris Nasus Larynx (31-Jan-97+)
Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal (30-Sep-05+)
Australian Emergency Nursing Journal (31-Oct-96+)
Australasian Radiology (1957-1996)
Autoimmunity Reviews (28-Feb-02+)
Automatica (31-Jan-95+)
Automation in Construction (31-Jan-95+)
Autonomic Neuroscience (3-Jul-00+)


Last Updated on Friday, 11 February 2022 15:02
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