Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India
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JBIC Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry (1996-1996) 
JETP Letters (Vol.65, 1997+) 
Japan and the World Economy (31-May-95+) 
Joint Bone Spine (31-Dec-00+) 
Journal and Proceedings of the Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland (1920-1943)
Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Institute of Chemistry (1949)
Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland (1944-1948)
Journal de Matheacutematiques Pures et Appliqueacutees (31-Jan-97+) 
Journal de Mycologie Meacutedicale / Journal of Medical Mycology (31-Mar-05+) 
Journal de Peacutediatrie et de Pueacutericulture (31-Dec-95+) 
Journal for Nature Conservation (1-Jan-02+) 
Journal for Nurse Practitioners, The (31-Aug-05+) 
Journal of Academic Librarianship, The (31-Dec-95+) 
Journal of Accounting Education (31-Mar-95+) 
Journal of Accounting and Economics (28-Feb-95+) 
Journal of Accounting and Public Policy (30-Jun-95+) 
Journal of Adolescence (28-Feb-95+) 
Journal of Adolescent Health (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Aerosol Science (30-Sep-95+)
Journal of Affective Disorders 1(1-Jan-95+) 
Journal of African Earth Sciences (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Aging Studies (1-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (V.1+)
Journal of Air Transport Management (31-Mar-95+) 
Journal of Algebra (30-Apr-64+) 
Journal of Algorithms (31-Mar-80+) 
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Alloys and Compounds (21-Oct-91+) 
Journal of American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus (31-Mar-97+)
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry (1985-2004)
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry (1986 - 2004)
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis (28-Feb-95+)
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology (31-Mar-95+) 
Journal of Anxiety Disorders (28-Feb-95+) 
Journal of Applied Crystallography (1968-1996)
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology (31-Mar-95+) 
Journal of Applied Electrochemistry (1971-1996) 
Journal of Applied Geophysics (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Applied Logic (28-Feb-03+) 
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (31-Dec-58+) 
Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics (1965 -1996)
Journal of Applied Metalworking (1978-1985) 
Journal of Applied Microbiology (1938-1996)
Journal of Applied Physics (1931+) 
Journal of Applied Spectroscopy (1965 -1995)
Journal of Approximation Theory (30-Jun-68+) 
Journal of Archaeological Science (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Arid Environments (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Arthroplasty, The (31-Oct-95+) 
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences (28-Feb-97+) 
Journal of Asian Economics (1-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Astrophysics & Astronomy (1980+) 
Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy (1980 -1996)
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics (31-Jan-97+) 
Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Autoimmunity (28-Feb-95+) 
Journal of Bacteriology (V.1, 1916+) 
Journal of Banking and Finance (30-Apr-95+) 
Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry (31-Mar-95+) 
Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods (28-Feb-95+) 
Journal of Biochemistry (1922 - 1995)
Journal of Biological Chemistry (1905+) 
Journal of Biological Physics (1973 -1996)
Journal of Biomechanics (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Biomedical Informatics (28-Feb-01+) 
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A (1967-1995)
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials (1967-1995)
Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics (Vol.14, 1997+)
Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering (31-Dec-99+) 
Journal of Biosciences (1979+) 
Journal of Biotechnology (15-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies (31-Oct-96+)
Journal of Business Research (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Business Venturing (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Cancer Nursing (31-Mar-97+) 
Journal of Cardiac Failure (31-Mar-95+) 
Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia (28-Feb-95+) 
Journal of Cardiothoracic-Renal Research (31-Mar-06+) 
Journal of Catalysis (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Cellular Biochemistry (1972-1995)
Journal of Cereal Science (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data (V.1+)
Journal of Chemical Crystallography (1971-1996) 
Journal of Chemical Documentation (1961-1974)
Journal of Chemical Education (V.1+)
Journal of Chemical Health and Safety (28-Feb-06+) 
Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences (1975-2004)
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling (V.1+)
Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy (28-Feb-95+) 
Journal of Chemical Physics (1933+) 
Journal of Chemical Sciences (1978-1996) 
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation (V.1+)
Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, The (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Chromatography A (6-Jan-95+)
Journal of Chromatography B (5-Jan-02+)
Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical Sciences and Applications (6-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Cleaner Production (31-Dec-95+) 
Journal of Clinical Anesthesia (28-Feb-95+) 
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Clinical Forensic Medicine (31-Mar-95+) 
Journal of Clinical Neuroscience (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Clinical Virology (24-Jul-98+) 
Journal of Cluster Science (1990-1996) 
Journal of Colloid Science (31-Jan-46+) 
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (31-Jan-66+) 
Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry (1999-2010)
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A (31-Jan-71+) 
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B (28-Feb-71+) 
Journal of Communication Disorders (31-Mar-95+) 
Journal of Comparative Economics (28-Feb-95+) 
Journal of Comparative Pathology (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Complexity (31-Oct-85+) 
Journal of Computational Chemistry (1980+)
Journal of Computational Physics (31-Aug-66+) 
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (31-Mar-75+) 
Journal of Computer and System Sciences (28-Feb-95+) 
Journal of Constructional Steel Research (31-Dec-95+) 
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Controlled Release (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Corporate Finance (30-Apr-95+) 
Journal of Cosmology & Astroparticle Physics (2003+) 
Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery (28-Feb-95+) 
Journal of Criminal Justice (31-Dec-95+) 
Journal of Critical Care (31-Mar-95+) 
Journal of Crystal Growth (31-Jan-67+) 
Journal of Cultural Heritage (1-Aug-00+) 
Journal of Cystic Fibrosis (30-Jun-02+)
Journal of Dentistry (28-Feb-95+) 
Journal of Dermatological Science (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Dermatological Science Supplement (30-Apr-05+)
Journal of Development Economics (28-Feb-95+) 
Journal of Diabetes and its Complications (31-Mar-95+)
Journal of Differential Equations (31-Jan-65+)
Journal of Discrete Algorithms (28-Feb-03+)
Journal of Econometrics (31-Mar-73+) 
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (31-Jan-95+)
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control (28-Feb-95+) 
Journal of Economic Psychology (31-Mar-95+) 
Journal of Economic Theory (28-Feb-95+)
Journal of Economics and Business (28-Feb-95+) 
Journal of Elasticity (1971-1996) 
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry (3-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Electrocardiology (31-Dec-95+) 
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology (31-Dec-95+) 
Journal of Electron Microscopy (1953 - 1995)
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena (12-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Electronic Materials (1972-1996) 
Journal of Electrostatics (28-Feb-95+) 
Journal of Emergency Medicine (28-Feb-95+) 
Journal of Emergency Nursing (28-Feb-95+) 
Journal of Empirical Finance (31-Mar-95+) 
Journal of Energetic Materials (1983 - 1996)
Journal of Energy Finance and Development (31-Dec-98+) 
Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics (1965 -1995)
Journal of Engineering and Technology Management (31-Jul-95+) 
Journal of English for Academic Purposes (31-Dec-02+) 
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Environmental Management (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Environmental Monitoring (1999-2004)
Journal of Environmental Psychology (31-Mar-95+) 
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity (31-Dec-95+) 
Journal of Epilepsy (31-Dec-95+) 
Journal of Equine Veterinary Science (31-Jan-00+) 
Journal of Ethnopharmacology (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology,The (1954-1996)
Journal of Evidence Based Dental Practice (31-Jul-01+) 
Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine (31-Jan-06+) 
Journal of Experimental Botany (1950 - 1995)
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology (28-Feb-95+) 
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology (16-Jan-95+)
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (31-Jan-95+)
Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery (31-Mar-99+) 
Journal of Fermentation and Bioengineering (31-Dec-95+)
Journal of Financial Economics (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Financial Intermediation (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Financial Markets (30-Apr-98+) 
Journal of Financial Stability (30-Sep-04+) 
Journal of Fluency Disorders (31-Mar-95+) 
Journal of Fluid Mechanics (1956 - 1996)
Journal of Fluids and Structures (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Fluorine Chemistry (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis (31-Mar-95+) 
Journal of Food Engineering (31-Dec-95+) 
Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery, The (28-Feb-03+) 
Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine (31-Jan-07+) 
Journal of Forest Economics (1-Jan-02+) 
Journal of Functional Analysis (31-May-67+) 
Journal of Fusion Energy (1981 -1996)
Journal of Genetics (Vol.78, 1999+) 
Journal of Geochemical Exploration (31-Jan-95+)
Journal of Geodynamics (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Geometry and Physics (31-Dec-84+) 
Journal of Government Information (28-Feb-95+) 
Journal of Hand Surgery, The : British and European Volume (28-Feb-95+) 
Journal of Hazardous Materials (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Health Economics (31-May-95+) 
Journal of Heat Treating (1979-1992) 
Journal of Hepatology (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Heredity (1910 - 1995)
Journal of High Energy Physics (1997-2009) 
Journal of High Energy Physics (2010+) 
Journal of High Technology Management Research, The (1-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Historical Geography (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Hospital Infection (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Housing Economics (31-Mar-95+) 
Journal of Human Evolution (31-Jan-95+)
Journal of Hydrology (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Immunological Methods (31-Dec-95+) 
Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry (1983-1996) 
Journal of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry (1909-1922)
Journal of Infection (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Informetrics (31-Jan-07+) 
Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials (1991-1996) 
Journal of Insect Physiology (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Instrumentation (2006+) 
Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation (31-Dec-95+)
Journal of International Economics (28-Feb-95+)
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money (30-Apr-97+)
Journal of International Management (31-Jul-98+) 
Journal of International Money and Finance (28-Feb-95+)
Journal of Invertebrate Pathology (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine (31-Jan-96+) 
Journal of Light Metals (28-Feb-01+) 
Journal of Lipid Mediators and Cell Signalling (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Logic Programming, The (30-Jun-84+) 
Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming, The (28-Feb-01+) 
Journal of Logic and Computation (1990 - 1995)
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries (31-Dec-95+) 
Journal of Low Temperature Physics (1969 -1996)
Journal of Luminescence (31-Dec-70+) 
Journal of Macroeconomics (31-Mar-95+) 
Journal of Macromolecular Science Part B - Physics (1967 - 1996)
Journal of Magnetic Resonance (1969) (31-Jan-69+) 
Journal of Magnetic Resonance (31-Jan-97+) 
Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Series A (31-Jan-93+) 
Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Series B (28-Feb-93+) 
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (31-Oct-75+) 
Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (31-Jan-99+) 
Journal of Marine Systems (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Materials Chemistry (1991-2012) 
Journal of Materials Chemistry A (2013 - Present)
Journal of Materials Chemistry B (2013 - Present)
Journal of Materials Chemistry C (2013 - Present)
Journal of Materials Engineering (1987-1991) 
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance (1992-1996) 
Journal of Materials Processing Technology (31-Jan-90+) 
Journal of Materials Research (1986-2008)
Journal of Materials Science (1966-1996) 

Journal of Materials Science Letters (1982-1996) 
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (1990-1996) 
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine (1990-1996) 
Journal of Materials Shaping Technology (1987-1991) 
Journal of Materials for Energy Systems (1979-1987) 
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (31-Dec-60+) 
Journal of Mathematical Behavior, The (31-Mar-95+) 
Journal of Mathematical Chemistry (1987-1996) 
Journal of Mathematical Economics (31-Mar-74+) 
Journal of Mathematical Physics (1960+) 
Journal of Mathematical Psychology (31-Jan-64+) 
Journal of Mechanical Working Technology (31-Jul-77+) 
Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology (formerly published as 'Australasian Radiology') - (1957-1996)
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (V.1+)
Journal of Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry (1957-1962)
Journal of Medieval History (31-Mar-95+) 
Journal of Membrane Science (13-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Memory and Language (28-Feb-95+) 
Journal of Men's Health and Gender, The (31-May-04+) 
Journal of Microbiological Methods (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Microcomputer Applications (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering (1991 to 1998)
Journal of Microscopy (1841-1996)
Journal of Midwifery and Women's Health (29-Feb-00+) 
Journal of Modern Optics (1954 - 1996)
Journal of Molecular Biology (31-Dec-95+) 
Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical (2-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic (4-Dec-95+) 
Journal of Molecular Graphics (28-Feb-95+) 
Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling (28-Feb-97+) 
Journal of Molecular Liquids (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Molecular Modeling (1995-1996) 
Journal of Molecular Recognition (1988-1995)
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy (31-Dec-57+) 
Journal of Molecular Structure (1-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM (10-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology (28-Feb-95+) 
Journal of Molluscan Studies (1893 - 1995)
Journal of Monetary Economics (28-Feb-95+) 
Journal of Multinational Financial Management (30-Apr-97+) 
Journal of Multivariate Analysis (30-Apr-71+) 
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (Vol.10, 2010+) 
Journal of Natural Products (V.1+)
Journal of Neonatal Nursing (30-Jun-05+) 
Journal of Network and Computer Applications (31-Jan-96+) 
Journal of Neuroimmunology (31-Dec-95+) 
Journal of Neurolinguistics (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Neuroscience Methods (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids (31-Dec-68+) 
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation (1980-1996) 
Journal of Nuclear Cardiology (28-Feb-95+) 
Journal of Nuclear Energy (1954+) 
Journal of Nuclear Energy. Part C, Plasma Physics, Accelerators, Thermonuclear Research (1959-1966) 
Journal of Nuclear Materials (30-Apr-59+) 
Journal of Number Theory (31-Jan-69+) 
Journal of Nurse-Midwifery (28-Feb-95+)
Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, The (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Operations Management (28-Feb-95+) 
Journal of Optics (1977-1998) 
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Organic Chemistry, The (V.1+)
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry (11-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Orthopaedic Nursing (28-Feb-97+) 
Journal of Osteopathic Medicine (30-Apr-01+) 
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Pain, The (30-Jun-00+) 
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Pediatric Health Care (28-Feb-95+) 
Journal of Pediatric Nursing (28-Feb-95+) 
Journal of Pediatric Surgery (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Pediatric Urology (1-Feb-05+) 
Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology (28-Feb-99+) 
Journal of Peptide Science (1995)
Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing (29-Feb-96+) 
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Petrology (1960 - 1995)
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods (28-Feb-95+) 
Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion (1980 -1996)
Journal of Phonetics (30-Apr-95+) 
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry (4-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews (29-Jun-00+) 
Journal of Physical Chemistry A, The (V.1+)
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, The (V.1+)
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, The (V.1+)
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, The (V.1+)
Journal of Physical Chemistry, The (Vol.1, 1896-Vol.100, 1996)
Journal of Physical and Colloid Chemistry, The (1947-1950)
Journal of Physics A: General Physics (Vol.1, 1968- Vol.5, 1972) 
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General (Vol.8, 1975-Vol.39, 2006) 
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical (Vol. 40, 2007+) 
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical, Nuclear and General (Vol.6, 1973-Vol.7, 1974) 
Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics (Vol.1, 1968-Vol.20, 1987) 
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (Vol.1, 1968-Vol.31, 1998 & Vol.36, 2003+) 
Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics (Vol.1, 1968-Vol.21, 1988) 
Journal of Physics D: Applied physics (Vol.1, 1968+) 
Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments (Vol.1, 1968-Vol.22, 1989) 
Journal of Physics F: Metal Physics (Vol.1, 1971-Vol.18, 1988) 
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear Physics (Vol.1, 1975-Vol.14, 1988) 
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics (Vol.15, 1989+) 
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids (31-Oct-56+) 
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (Vol.1, 1989+) 
Journal of Physiology-Paris (31-Dec-95+) 
Journal of Pineal Research (1984-1999)
Journal of Plankton Research (1979 - 1995)
Journal of Plant Physiology (1-Jan-01+)
Journal of Plasma Physics (Vol.1, 1967 +) 
Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (31-Jan-06+) 
Journal of Policy Modeling (28-Feb-95+)
Journal of Polymer Research (1994-1996) 
Journal of Polymers and the Environment (1993-1996) 
Journal of Porous Materials (1995-1996) 
Journal of Power Sources (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Pragmatics (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Process Control (31-Dec-95+)
Journal of Professional Nursing (28-Feb-95+) 
Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, The (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Proteome Research (V.1+)
Journal of Psychiatric Research (28-Feb-95+) 
Journal of Psychosomatic Research (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Public Economics (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management (31-Jan-03+) 
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra (31-Jan-71+) 
Journal of Quality Management (31-Dec-96+) 
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer (30-Sep-61+) 
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry (1968-1996)
Journal of Radiological Protection (1988 to 1998) 
Journal of Radiology Nursing (31-Mar-04+) 
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy (Vol.1, 2009+) 
Journal of Reproductive Immunology (31-Jan-95+)
Journal of Research in Personality (31-Mar-95+) 
Journal of Retailing (1-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Rural Studies (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Russian Laser Research (1980-1996)
Journal of Safety Research (30-Jun-95+)
Journal of School Psychology (30-Jun-95+) 
Journal of Scientific Instruments (1923-1967) 
Journal of Sea Research (29-Feb-96+) 
Journal of Second Language Writing (31-Jan-95+)
Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery (28-Feb-95+) 
Journal of Social and Evolutionary Systems (31-Dec-95+) 
Journal of Socio-Economics, The (1-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology (1993-1996) 
Journal of Solid State Chemistry (30-Jun-69+) 
Journal of Solution Chemistry (1972-1996) 
Journal of Sound and Vibration (31-Jan-64+) 
Journal of South American Earth Sciences (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Southeast Asian Earth Sciences (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Statistical Mechanics (2004+) 
Journal of Statistical Physics (1969 - 1996)
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference (28-Feb-77+) 
Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, The (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Stored Products Research (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Strategic Information Systems, The (31-Mar-95+) 
Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases (31-Oct-96+) 
Journal of Structural Biology (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Structural Chemistry (1960-1996) 
Journal of Structural Geology (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Substance Abuse (31-Dec-95+) 
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment (28-Feb-95+) 
Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism (Formerly Journal of Superconductivity) (1988-1996)
Journal of Supercritical Fluids, The (31-Mar-95+) 
Journal of Supramolecular Chemistry (28-Feb-01+) 
Journal of Surgery, The (31-Oct-03+) 
Journal of Surgical Education (28-Feb-07+) 
Journal of Surgical Research (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Symbolic Computation (31-Jan-92+) 
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation (1994-1996)
Journal of Systems Architecture (31-Dec-96+) 
Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics 
Journal of Systems and Software (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Terramechanics (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of The British Contact Lens Association (31-Dec-95+) 
Journal of Theoretical Biology (7-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (1969 -1996)
Journal of Thermal Biology (31-May-95+)
Journal of Thermal Science (1992 -1996)
Journal of Thermal Spray Technology (1992-1996) 
Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology (30-Apr-00+) 
Journal of Transport Geography (31-Mar-95+) 
Journal of Urban Economics (31-Jan-95+)
Journal of Vascular Nursing (31-Mar-95+)
Journal of Veterinary Cardiology (31-May-99+) 
Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology (1979-1995)
Journal of Virological Methods (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation (31-Mar-95+) 
Journal of Visual Languages and Computing (31-Mar-95+) 
Journal of Vocational Behavior (28-Feb-95+) 
Journal of Voice (31-Mar-95+) 
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research (28-Feb-95+) 
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics (28-Feb-95+) 
Journal of World Business (1-Jan-97+) 
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of the American Chemical Society (V.1+)
Journal of the American Ceramic Society (1918-1996)
Journal of the American College of Cardiology (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians 
Journal of the American College of Radiology (31-Jan-04+) 
Journal of the American Dietetic Association (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association (28-Feb-01+) 
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (30-Jun-03+) 
Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1924-1996) 
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry (28-Feb-90+) 
Journal of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand 
Journal of the Association for Laboratory Automation (1-Mar-99+) 
Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care (28-Feb-95+) 
Journal of the Autonomic Nervous System (3-Jan-95+) 
Journal of the Chemical Society (1862-1877)
Journal of the Chemical Society (Resumed)
Journal of the Chemical Society A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical (1966-1971)
Journal of the Chemical Society B: Physical Organic (1966-1971)
Journal of the Chemical Society C: Organic (1966-1971)
Journal of the Chemical Society D: Chemical Communications (1969-1971)
Journal of the Chemical Society, Abstracts (1878-1925)
Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications (1972-1995)
Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions (1972-2004)
Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 1: Physical Chemistry in Condensed Phases (1972-1989)
Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 2: Molecular and Chemical Physics (1972-1989)
Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1 (1972-2002)
Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2 (1972-2002)
Journal of the Chemical Society, Transactions (1878-1925)
Journal of the European Ceramic Society (31-Dec-89+) 
Journal of the Franklin Institute (31-Jan-1826) 
Journal of the Indian Institute of Science (1914+) 
Journal of the Japanese and International Economies (31-Mar-95+) 
Journal of the Less Common Metals (28-Feb-59+) 
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids (31-Oct-52+) 
Journal of the Neurological Sciences (31-Jan-95+) 
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (Vol.1, 1946+) 
Journal of the Royal Institute of Chemistry (1950-1964)
Journal of the Society for Radiological Protection (1981-1987) 
Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences (1946 - 1995)
Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences (1946 - 1995)
Jubilee of the Chemical Society (1891)


Last Updated on Friday, 11 February 2022 15:02
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