Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India
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CATENA (28-Feb-95+)
CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology (31-Dec-06+)
CMIG Extra: Cases (31-Jan-04+)
COSPAR Information Bulletin (30-Apr-77+)
CVGIP: Graphical Models and Image Processing (31-Jan-91+)
Calphad (31-Dec-77+)
Cancer Cell (28-Feb-02+)
Cancer Detection and Prevention (31-Mar-02+)
Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics (31-Jan-95+)
Cancer Letters (6-Jan-95+)
Cancer Treatment Reviews (31-Jan-95+)
Cancer/Radiotheacuterapie (31-Dec-97+)
Carbohydrate Polymers (30-Sep-81+)
Carbohydrate Research (3-Jan-95+)
Carbon (31-Oct-63+)
Carcinogenesis (V.1, 1980-V.31, 2010) - After 2010 Abstract Only
Card Technology Today (1-Jan-00+)
Cardiovascular Pathology (31-Mar-95+)
Cardiovascular Radiation Medicine (31-Jan-99+)
Cardiovascular Research (31-Jan-95+)
Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine (31-Mar-05+)
Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy (30-Jun-95+)
Case Manager, The (31-Mar-95+)
Catalysis Communications (30-Nov-00+)
Catalysis Letters (1988-1996)
Catalysis Science & Technology (2011 - 2012)
Catalysis Today (25-Jan-95+)
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy (1969 -1996)
Cell (13-Jan-95+)
Cell Biochemistry and Function (1983-1995)
Cell Biology International (31-Jan-95+)
Cell Biology International - John Wiley (1993-1996)
Cell Calcium (31-Jan-95+)
Cellular Immunology (31-Jan-95+)
Cellular Signalling (31-Jan-95+)
Cellulose (1994-1996)
Cement and Concrete Composites (28-Feb-89+)
Cement and Concrete Research (31-Jan-71+)
Ceramics International (3-Jan-81+)
Ceramurgia International (30-Jun-75+)
Cerebral Cortex (1991 - 1995)
Chaos (1991+)
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals (31-Dec-91+)
Chemical and Engineering News (V.1+)
Chemical Biology and Drug Design (1969-1996)
Chemical Communications (1996 - Present)
Chemical Communications (1996+)
Chemical Engineering & Technology - CET (1987-1997)
Chemical Engineering Journal (15-Jan-97+)
Chemical Engineering Journal and the Biochemical Engineering Journal, The (31-Jan-95+)
Chemical Engineering Science (31-Jan-95+)
Chemical Engineering and Processing (28-Feb-95+)
Chemical Geology (5-Jan-95+)
Chemical Health and Safety (28-Feb-99+)
Chemical Physics (28-Feb-73+)
Chemical Physics Letters (1-Feb-67+)
Chemical Research in Toxicology (V.1+)
Chemical Reviews (V.1+)
Chemical Science (2010 - 2012)
Chemical Senses (1974 - 1995)
Chemical Society Reviews (1972 - Present)
Chemical Vapor Deposition (1995-1997)
Chemico-Biological Interactions (31-Jan-95+)
Chemie Ingenieur Technik - CIT (1949-1999)
Chemie der Erde - Geochemistry (1-Jan-02+)
Chemistry Education Research and Practice (2005 - 2012)
Chemistry and Physics of Lipids (12-Jan-95+)
Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils (1965-1996)
Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds (1965-1996)
Chemistry of Materials (V.1+)
Chemistry of Natural Compounds (1965-1996)
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems (31-Jan-95+)
Chemosphere (31-Jan-95+)
Chemosphere - Global Change Science (31-Aug-99+)
Child Abuse and Neglect (31-Jan-95+)
Children and Youth Services Review (31-Dec-95+)
China Economic Review (1-Jan-95+)
Chinese Astronomy (30-Jun-77+)
Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics (31-Dec-81+)
Chinese Physics C (2008 to date)
Chinese Physics Letters (1984 to 1998)
Chirurgie (28-Feb-98+)
Chirurgie de la Main (31-Mar-01+)
Chromatographia (1968- 1996)
Cities (28-Feb-95+)
Classical and Quantum Gravity (1984+)
Clinica Chimica Acta (16-Jan-95+)
Clinical Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (30-Jun-99+)
Clinical Biochemistry (28-Feb-95+)
Clinical Biomechanics (31-Jan-95+)
Clinical Chiropractic (31-Mar-03+)
Clinical Cornerstone (31-Jul-98+)
Clinical Effectiveness in Nursing (31-Mar-97+)
Clinical Eye and Vision Care (31-Mar-95+)
Clinical Imaging (31-Mar-95+)
Clinical Immunology (31-Jan-99+)
Clinical Immunology Newsletter (31-Dec-95+)
Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology (31-Jan-95+)
Clinical Materials (28-Feb-86+)
Clinical Microbiology Newsletter (1-Jan-95+)
Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery (28-Feb-95+)
Clinical Neurophysiology (31-Jan-99+)
Clinical Neuroscience Research (31-Jan-01+)
Clinical Nutrition (30-Jun-95+)
Clinical Nutrition Supplements (1-Jan-04+)
Clinical Oncology (31-Dec-95+)
Clinical Pediatric Emergency Medicine (31-Dec-99+)
Clinical Physics and Physiological Measurement (1980-1992)
Clinical Psychology Review (31-Dec-95+)
Clinical Radiology (31-Jan-95+)
Clinical Radiology Extra (31-Aug-02+)
Clinical Techniques in Equine Practice (31-Mar-02+)
Clinical Techniques in Small Animal Practice (29-Feb-96+)
Clinical Therapeutics (28-Feb-95+)
Clinical Update (31-Oct-03+)
Clinical and Applied Immunology Reviews (29-Feb-00+)
Clinical and Diagnostic Virology (30-Apr-95+)
Clinics in Dermatology (28-Feb-95+)
Coastal Engineering (31-Mar-95+)
Cognition (31-Jan-95+)
Cognitive Brain Research (31-Jul-95+)
Cognitive Development (31-Mar-95+)
Cognitive Psychology (28-Feb-95+)
Cognitive Systems Research (31-Dec-99+)
Cognitive and Behavioral Practice (31-Aug-95+)
Cold Regions Science and Technology (28-Feb-95+)
Colloid and Polymer Science (1906-1996)
Colloids and Surfaces (31-Jan-80+)
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects (2-Jan-95+)
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces (14-May-93+)
Coloration Technology (1884-1996)
Columbia Journal of World Business, The (30-Jun-95+)
Combinatorial Chemistry - an Online Journal (30-Sep-98+)
Combustion and Flame (31-Jan-95+)
Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves (1965 -1996)
Communications in Mathematical Physics (Vol.1, 1965+)
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation (31-Jan-96+)
Communications in Theoretical Physics - IOP (2005+)
Communications in Theoretical Physics - ITPCPS (1982+)
Communist and Post-Communist Studies (31-Mar-95+)
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Physiology (31-Jan-95+)
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular and Integrative Physiology (31-Jan-98+)
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (31-Jan-95+)
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Pharmacology, Toxicology and Endocrinology (31-Jan-95+)
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology and Pharmacology (31-Jan-01+)
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D: Genomics and Proteomics(31-Mar-06+)
Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (31-Jan-95+)
Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice (28-Feb-05+)
Complementary Therapies in Medicine (31-Jan-95+)
Complementary Therapies in Nursing and Midwifery (28-Feb-95+)
Composite Structures (31-Dec-83+)
Composites (30-Sep-69+)
Composites Business Analyst (31-Oct-98+)
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing (31-Dec-96+)
Composites Part B: Engineering (31-Dec-96+)
Composites Science and Technology (31-Dec-85+)
Comprehensive Psychiatry (28-Feb-95+)
Comptes Rendus Biologies (31-Jan-02+)
Comptes Rendus Chimie (31-Jan-02+)
Comptes Rendus Geoscience (15-Jan-02+)
Comptes Rendus Mathematique (1-Jan-02+)
Comptes Rendus Meacutecanique (31-Dec-02+)
Comptes Rendus Palevol (31-Dec-02+)
Comptes Rendus Physique (31-Dec-02+)
Comptes Rendus de l'Acadeacutemie des Sciences - Series I - Mathematics (31-Jan-97+)
Comptes Rendus de l'Acadeacutemie des Sciences - Series IIA - Earth and Planetary Science (31-May-97+)
Comptes Rendus de l'Acadeacutemie des Sciences - Series IIB - Mechanics (31-May-00+)
Comptes Rendus de l'Acadeacutemie des Sciences - Series IIB - Mechanics-Physics-Astronomy (31-Jul-98+)
Comptes Rendus de l'Acadeacutemie des Sciences - Series IIB - Mechanics-Physics-Chemistry-Astronomy (31-Jan-97+)
Comptes Rendus de l'Acadeacutemie des Sciences - Series IIC - Chemistry (31-Jan-98+)
Comptes Rendus de l'Acadeacutemie des Sciences - Series III - Sciences de la Vie (31-Jan-97+)
Comptes Rendus de l'Acadeacutemie des Sciences - Series IV - Physics-Astrophysics (31-Mar-00+)
Computational Biology and Chemistry (28-Feb-03+)
Computational Geometry (31-Jul-91+)
Computational Materials Science (31-Oct-92+)
Computational Mechanics (1986 -1996)
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis (31-Mar-83+)
Computational and Theoretical Polymer Science (31-Dec-97+)
Computer Aided Geometric Design (31-Jul-84+)
Computer Audit Update (31-Dec-95+)
Computer Communications (31-Jan-95+)
Computer Fraud and Security (31-Jan-96+)
Computer Fraud and Security Bulletin (31-Jan-95+)
Computer Graphics and Image Processing (31-Dec-72+)
Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems (28-Feb-95+)
Computer Languages (30-Apr-95+)
Computer Languages, Systems and Structures (30-Apr-02+)
Computer Law and Security Report (28-Feb-95+)
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine (31-Jan-95+)
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (31-Jan-95+)
Computer Networks (14-Jan-99+)
Computer Networks (1976+)
Computer Networks and ISDN Systems (31-Dec-95+)
Computer Physics Communications (31-Jul-69+)
Computer Physics Reports (31-Dec-83+)
Computer Speech and Language (31-Jan-95+)
Computer Standards and Interfaces (1-Jan-95+)
Computer Vision and Image Understanding (31-Jan-95+)
Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing (30-Apr-83+)
Computer-Aided Design (31-Jan-95+)
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics (31-Dec-95+)
Computers and Biomedical Research (28-Feb-95+)
Computers and Chemical Engineering (11-Jun-95+)
Computers and Chemistry (31-Mar-95+)
Computers and Composition (31-Dec-95+)
Computers and Education (31-Jan-95+)
Computers and Electrical Engineering (31-Jan-95+)
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture (31-Jan-95+)
Computers and Fluids (31-Jan-95+)
Computers and Geosciences (28-Feb-95+)
Computers and Geotechnics (31-Dec-95+)
Computers and Graphics (28-Feb-95+)
Computers and Industrial Engineering (31-Jan-95+)
Computers and Mathematics with Applications (31-Jan-75+)
Computers and Operations Research (31-Jan-95+)
Computers and Security (31-Dec-95+)
Computers and Structures (3-Jan-95+)
Computers in Biology and Medicine (31-Jan-95+)
Computers in Human Behavior (30-Jun-95+)
Computers in Industry (31-Mar-95+)
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems (28-Feb-95+)
Computing Systems in Engineering (28-Feb-95+)
Computing in Science & Engineering
Consciousness and Cognition (31-Mar-95+)
Construction and Building Materials (30-Apr-87+)
Contact Lens and Anterior Eye (31-Dec-97+)
Contemporary Clinical Trials (28-Feb-05+)
Contemporary Educational Psychology (31-Jan-95+)
Contemporary Organic Synthesis (1994-1997)
Contemporary Physics (1959 - 1996)
Continental Shelf Research (31-Jan-95+)
Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics (1989-1996)
Contraception (31-Jan-95+)
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology (1947-1996)
Contributions to Plasma Physics (1960-1999)
Control Engineering Practice (31-Jan-95+)
Controlled Clinical Trials (28-Feb-95+)
Coordination Chemistry Reviews (31-Jan-95+)
Coronary Health Care (28-Feb-97+)
Corrosion Science (29-Feb-60+)
Cretaceous Research (28-Feb-95+)
Critical Perspectives on Accounting (28-Feb-95+)
Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology (31-Jan-95+)
Critical Reviews in Solid State and Material Sciences (1970 - 1996)
Crop Protection (28-Feb-95+)
Cryobiology (28-Feb-95+)
Cryogenics (1960+)
CrystEngComm (2005 - 2012)
Crystal Engineering (1-Sep-99+)
Crystal Growth & Design (V.1+)
Crystal Research and Technology ( 1966-1997)
Current Anaesthesia and Critical Care (31-Jan-95+)
Current Applied Physics (V.1, 2001+)
Current Biology (31-Jan-95+)
Current Diagnostic Pathology (31-Mar-95+)
Current Obstetrics and Gynaecology (31-Mar-95+)
Current Opinion in Biotechnology (31-Dec-95+)
Current Opinion in Cell Biology (31-Dec-95+)
Current Opinion in Chemical Biology (30-Jun-97+)
Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science (1-Feb-99+)
Current Opinion in Genetics and Development (28-Feb-95+)
Current Opinion in Immunology (28-Feb-95+)
Current Opinion in Microbiology (28-Feb-98+)
Current Opinion in Neurobiology (28-Feb-95+)
Current Opinion in Pharmacology (1-Feb-01+)
Current Opinion in Plant Biology (28-Feb-98+)
Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science (29-Feb-96+)
Current Opinion in Structural Biology (28-Feb-95+)
Current Orthopaedics (31-Jan-95+)
Current Paediatrics (31-Mar-95+)
Current Problems in Cancer (30-Apr-96+)
Current Problems in Cardiology (31-Jul-96+)
Current Problems in Dermatology (2(9-Feb-96+)
Current Problems in Diagnostic Radiology (28-Feb-95+)
Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Health Care (31-Jan-02+)
Current Problems in Pediatrics (31-Jan-96+)
Current Problems in Surgery (31-Jan-95+)
Current Science (1932+)
Current Surgery (28-Feb-99+)
Current Therapeutic Research (31-Jan-95+)
Cytokine (31-Jan-95+)
Cytokine and Growth Factor Reviews (31-Dec-96+)
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics (1952 -1996)


Last Updated on Friday, 11 February 2022 15:02
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