Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India
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Pade and Rational Approximation

Partial Differential Equations in Physics

Particle Accelerator Design: Computer Programs

Particle and Nuclear Physics

Particle Board and Hardboard

Particle Deposition and Aggregation

Particle Physics and Cosmology: Dark Matter

Particle Physics and Cosmology: the Fabric of Spacetime

Particle Physics: an Introduction

Path Integrals and Quantum Processes

Pattern Recognition & Machine Learning

Penetration of Charged Particles Through Matter (1912 - 1954)

Periodic System (1920 - 1923)

Perspectives in Physical Education

Perspectives in Theoretical Physics

Pharmacological and Biophysical Agents and Behavior

Photochemical Processes in Organized Molecular Systems

Photochemical Synthesis

Photochemistry of Atmospheres


Photoelectron Spectroscopy

Photon-atom Interactions

Photonic Probes of Surfaces

Physical Acoustics V2

Physical Acoustics, Vol.2, Part-A

Physical Acoustics V4A

Physical Acoustics V4B

Physical Acoustics V5

Physical Acoustics V6

Physical Acoustics V7

Physical Acoustics V8

Physical Acoustics V8B

Physical Acoustics V9

Physical Acoustics V10

Physical Acoustics V11

Physical Acoustics V12

Physical Acoustics V13

Physical Acoustics V14

Physical Acoustics V15

Physical Acoustics V16

Physical Acoustics V18

Physical Acoustics, Vol.19: Ultrasonic Measurement Methods

Physical Acoustics, Vol.20: Ultrasonics of High- and Other Unconventional Superconductors

Physical Acoustics, Vol.21

Physical Acoustics, Vol.22

Physical Acoustics: Principles and Methods

Physical and Applied Acoustics: An Introduction

Physical Chemical Techniques, 2nd Ed, Vol.2, Part-B

Physical Chemical Techniques, 2nd Ed. Vol.2, Part-A

Physical Electronics, Part 1

Physical Electronics, Part 2 & 3

Physical Electronics, Part 4, 5 & 6

Physical Fluid Dynamics

Physical Foundations of Technical Acoustics

Physical Instrumentation in Medicine and Biology

Physical Kinetics

Physical Principles of Rock Magnetism

Physical Processes in Radiation Biology

Physical Science in the Modern World

Physical Techniques in Biological Research, 2nd Ed., Vol.1, Part-A: Optical Techniques

Physical Techniques in the Study of Art, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage

Physical Work and Effort

Physically-Based Modeling for Computer Graphics

Physics 1901 – 1921

Physics 1922 – 1941

Physics 1942 – 1962

Physics 1963-1970

Physics and Applications of Amorphous Semiconductors

Physics and Applications of Secondary Electron Emission

Physics and Astronomy of the Moon

Physics and Astrophysics

Physics and Chemistry of the Earth (1973)

Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Vol.6

Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Vol.7

Physics and Chemistry of the Solar System

Physics and Technology of Nuclear Materials

Physics Applied to Anaesthesia

Physics for O.N.C. Courses

Physics in the Making

Physics in the Modern World

Physics in the Modern World, 2nd Ed.

Physics in the Modern World: Student’s Guide

Physics of Elementary Particles

Physics of Glaciers, 2nd Ed.

Physics of Glaciers, 3rd Ed.

Physics of High Temperature Plasmas

Physics of High-Tc Superconductors

Physics of Ice

Physics of Life

Physics of MOS Insulators

Physics of Nuclei and Particles

Physics of Polymer Surfaces and Interfaces

Physics of Radiation Effects in Crystals

Physics of Selenium and Tellurium

Physics of Semiconductor Lasers

Physics of SiO2 and Its Interfaces

Physics of the Ear

Physics of the Outer Heliosphere

Physics of Thin Films, Vol.12

Physics of Thin Films, Vol.13

Physics of Thin Films, Vol.15

Physics of Thin Films, Vol.16

Physics of Thin Films, Vol.17

Physics of Thin Films, Vol.19

Physics of Thin Films, Vol.6

Physics of Thin Films, Vol.7

Physics of Viruses

Physics of Welding, 2nd Ed.

Plane Wave Spectrum Representation of Electromagnetic Fields

Planning Office Space

Plasma and Current Instabilities in Semiconductors

Plasma Astrophysics

Plasma Diagnostics

Plasma Diagnostics, Vol.2

Plasma Dispersion Function

Plasma Electrodynamics

Plasma Physics and Nuclear Fusion Research

Plasma Scattering of Electromagnetic Radiation

Plasma Sources for Thin Film Deposition and Etching

Plasma State

Plasma Transport Heating and MHD Theory

Plasma Waves

Plasmas, Vol.2

Pleuropneumonia-Like Organisms (PPLO): Mycoplasmataceae

Poland Solidarity Walesa

Polar Oceanography

Polarized Light and Optical Measurement

Political Arena (1934-1961)

Polymyositis and Dermatomyositis

Popularization and People (1911-1962)

Positron Annihilation

Potential of Earth-Sheltered and Underground Space

Practical Guide to Surface Science and Spectroscopy

Practical Microwave Electron Devices

Predictive Simplicity

Principles and Practice of Electrical Epilation

Principles of Dynamics

Principles of Electron Optics

Principles of Electron Optics, 3rd Ed.

Principles of Laser Dynamics

Principles of Optics

Principles of Quantum Electrodynamics

Principles of Quantum Electronics

Principles of Real Analysis

Principles of Solid State Physics

Problems in Optics

Problems in Quantum Mechanics

Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on High Energy Physics Ichep 2002

Proceedings of the Yamada Conference XV on Physics and Chemistry of Quasi One-Dimensional Conductors

Proceedings of the Yamada Conference XVIII on Superconductivity in Highly Correlated Fermion Systems

Progress in International Research on Thermodynamic and Transport Properties

Progress in Nuclear Physics

Progress in Nuclear Physics, Vol.3

Progress in Nuclear Physics, Vol.6

Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves in Multiconductor Transmission Lines

Propagation of Waves

Psychophysical Analysis of Visual Space

Pulse and Fourier Transform NMR

Pulse Methods in 1D & 2D Liquid-Phase NMR

Pulsed High Beta Plasmas

Pure and Applied Physics, Vol.10, Part-1

Pure and Applied Physics, Vol.10, Part-2

Pure and Applied Physics, Vol.10, Part-3


Last Updated on Tuesday, 29 May 2018 14:53
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