Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India
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Elsevier ScienceDirect E-Books

1965 Transactions of the Third International Vacuum Congress, Vol.1

1965 Transactions of the Third International Vacuum Congress, Vol.2, Part I: Session 1-4

1965 Transactions of the Third International Vacuum Congress, Vol.2, Part II: Session 5-8

1965 Transactions of the Third International Vacuum Congress, Vol.2, Part III: Sessions 9–13

Absolute Radiometry

Absorption and Dispersion of Ultrasonic Waves

Accelerator Health Physics

Adsorption of Gases Heterogeneous Surf

Advanced Reactors: Physics Design and Economics

Advances in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol.1

Advances in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol.2

Advances in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol.3

Advances in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol.4

Advances in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol.5

Advances in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol.6

Advances in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol.7

Advances in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol.8

Advances in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol.9

Advances in Biological and Medical Physics, Vol.1

Advances in Biological and Medical Physics, Vol.2

Advances in Biological and Medical Physics, Vol.3

Advances in Biological and Medical Physics, Vol.4

Advances in Biological and Medical Physics, Vol.5

Advances in Biological and Medical Physics, Vol.6

Advances in Biological and Medical Physics, Vol.7

Advances in Biological and Medical Physics, Vol.8

Advances in Biological and Medical Physics, Vol.9

Advances in Biological and Medical Physics, Vol.10

Advances in Biological and Medical Physics, Vol.11

Advances in Biological and Medical Physics, Vol.12

Advances in Biological and Medical Physics, Vol.13

Advances in Biological and Medical Physics, Vol.14

Advances in Biological and Medical Physics, Vol.15

Advances in Biological and Medical Physics, Vol.16

Advances in Biological and Medical Physics, Vol.17

Advances in Magnetic and Optical Resonance, Vol.2

Advances in Magnetic and Optical Resonance, Vol.7

Advances in Magnetic and Optical Resonance, Vol.15

Advances in Magnetic and Optical Resonance, Vol.16

Advances in Magnetic and Optical Resonance, Vol.17

Advances in Magnetic Resonance Vol.1

Advances in Magnetic Resonance, Vol.3

Advances in Magnetic Resonance, Vol.4

Advances in Magnetic Resonance, Vol.5

Advances in Magnetic Resonance, Vol.6

Advances in Magnetic Resonance, Vol.8

Advances in Magnetic Resonance, Vol.9

Advances in Magnetic Resonance, Vol.10

Advances in Magnetic Resonance, Vol.11

Advances in Magnetic Resonance, Vol.12

Advances in Magnetic Resonance Vol.13

Advances in Magnetic Resonance Vol.14

Advances in Mass Spectrometry

Advances in Microwaves, Vol.1

Advances in Microwaves, Vol.2

Advances in Microwaves, Vol.3

Advances in Microwaves, Vol.4

Advances in Microwaves Vol.5

Advances in Microwaves Vol.6

Advances in Microwaves, Vol.7

Advances in Microwaves, Vol.8

Advances in Quantum Electronics, Vol.2

Advances in Quantum Electronics, Vol.3

Advances in Solid State Physics, Vol.10

Advances in Solid State Physics, Vol.12

Advances in Space Science, Vol.1

Advances in Space Science, Vol.2

Advances in Theoretical Physics

Aerospace Instrumentation

Agricultural Physics: A volume in The Commonwealth and International Library: Physics Division

Alpha- Beta- and Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy

Analysis and Design of Structural Sandwich Panels

Analysis of Electrical Machines

Analysis of Reflector Antennas

Analysis of Turbulent Boundary Layers

Anatomical Atlas of Chinese Acupuncture Points

Anatomical Wordbook

Anatomy (1800 Multiple Choice Questions)

Anatomy of Achievement Motivation

Ancient Therapeutic Arts

Angular Momentum Theory for Diatomic Molecules

Annals of the International Geophysical Year, Vol.33

Annals of the International Geophysical Year, Vol.34

Annals of the International Geophysical Year, Vol.48

Antennas in Inhomogeneous Media

Anticipatory Systems

Application of Group Theory in Physics

Application of Invariant Embedding to Reactor Physics

Applications of Holography and Optical Data Processing

Applications of Liquid Scintillation Counting

Applications of Mossbauer Spectroscopy, Vol.1

Applications of Mössbauer Spectroscopy, Vol.2

Applications of Soil Physics

Applied Automata Theory

Applied Electromagnetics in Materials

Applied Geophysics U.S.S.R.

Applied Graph Theory, Vol.13

Applied Group Theory: Selected Readings in Physics

Applied Photonics

Applied Solid Dynamics

Applied Solid State Science, Vol.1

Applied Solid State Science, Vol.2

Applied Solid State Science, Vol.3

Applied Solid State Science, Vol.4

Applied Solid State Science, Vol.5

Applied Solid State Science, Vol.6

Applied Superconductivity

Artificial and Mathematical Theory of Computation

Astronomical Optics

Astronomical Problems

Asymptotic Wave Theory

Atmospheric Chemistry

Atomic and Molecular Processes

Atomic and Molecular Scattering

Atomic Collisions and Spectra

Atomic Energy Levels and Grotrian Diagrams

Atomic Inner-Shell Processes

Atomic Physics 10: Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP-X), held in Tokyo, August 25–29, 1986

Atomic Processes and Application

Atomic Radiative Process

Atomic Spectra

Atomic Theory and Structure of the Atom

Atoms and Molecules

Auditory Periphery Biophysics and Physiology

Auroral Spectrograph Data

Autoimmunity and the Thyroid

Automotive Electronic Systems

Autoradiography and Immunocytochemistry

Backscattering Spectrometry

Band Structure and Nuclear Dynamics

Band Structure of Semiconductors

Basic Physical Training

Basic Principles of Electronics

Basics of Interferometry

Beam and Fiber Optics

Beta Equilibrium Stability and Transport Codes

Between Science and Technology

Biomass for Energy and the Environment

Biophysics and Other Topics

Bonds and Bands in Semiconductors

Bridged Aromatic Compounds

British Special Quality Valves and Electron Tube Devices Data Annual 1964-65

Brownian Motion and Classical Potential Theory

Calculations in Fundamental Physics: Electricity and Magnetism

Calculations in Fundamental Physics: Mechanics and Heat

Calendar Record for the International Geophysical Cooperation 1959

Carboxylic Ortho Acid Derivatives

Carrier Scattering in Metals and Semiconductors

Case Studies in Atomic Collision Physics

Case Studies in Atomic Physics (Edited by:E. McDaniel)

Case Studies in Atomic Physics (Edited by:E. W. McDaniel and M. R. C. McDowell)

Case-Based Planning

Charged-Particle Reaction List: 1971

Chemical Compounds in the Atmosphere

Chemical Thermodynamics of Americium

Chromium: Its Physicochemical Behavior and Petrologic Significance

Circulatory Ulcers

Classical Dynamics of Particles

Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems

Classical Electromagnetic Radiation

Classical Theory of Electric and Magnetic Fields

Classical Theory of Fields

Classical Thermodynamics of Non-Electrolyte Solutions

Claude Bloch: Scientific Works Oeuvre Scientifique

Clinical Optics

Clouds their Formation Optical Properties and Effects

Collected Papers of L.D. Landau

Collected Papers of P.L. Kapitza, Vol.1

Collected Papers of P.L. Kapitza, Vol.2

Collected Papers of P.L. Kapitza, Vol.3

Collection of Problems on Mathematical Physics

Collective Oscillations in a Plasma

Collective Properties of Physical Systems

Coming Age of Psychosomatics

Comparative Anatomy Atlas

Compatibility and Testing of Electronic Components

Complementarity Beyond Physics (1928-1962)

Complex Systems

Components and Devices, Vol.1

Compound Semiconductor Device Physics

Computer Assisted Learning in Physics Education

Computer Techniques for Electromagnetics

Computer-Aided Design/Engineering (Cad/Cae) Techniques and Their Applications

Computer-Oriented Mathematical Physics

Concepts of Quantum Optics

Conceptual Foundations of Materials

Condensed Matter, Vol.4

Conference Terminology, 2nd Edition

Conformal Field Theory and Solvable Lattice Models

Conformal Invariance and String Theory

Construction Of Integration Formulas For Initial Value Problems

Contact Lens Design Tables

Contemporary Models of the Atomic Nucleus

Contemporary Nonlinear Optics

Continuum Mechanics of Single-Substance Bodies

Continuum Physics, Vol.3

Continuum Physics, Vol.4

Contributions of Faraday and Maxwell to Electrical Science

Controlled Fusion

Correspondence Principle (1918 - 1923)

Cosmic Rays

COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol.20

COSPAR: Space Research (1978)

Course in Statistical Thermodynamics

Course of Theoretical Physics, 3rd Ed.

Course of Theoretical Physics, Vo.10

CP Violation

Creep And Relaxation Of Nonlinear Viscoelastic Materials

Cryogenics Safety Manual

Crystal Growth, 2nd Ed.

Cumulative Subject Index

Cycloaddition Reactions of Heterocumulenes

Cyclobutadiene and Related Compounds

Cyclotron Waves in Plasma

Daylight Illumination: Color-Contrast Tables for Full-Form Objects

Dealing with Data

Deconvolution of Absorption Spectra

Descriptive Physical Oceanography

Detection of Signals in Noise

Diagnostic Electron Microscopy of Tumours

Diagnostics for Fusion Experiments

Diatomic Interaction Potential Theory

Dielectric Function of Condensed Systems

Dielectrics in Static Fields

Differential Forms on Electromagnetic Networks

Diffraction: Coherence in Optics

Diffusion in Crystalline Solids

Dimensional Analysis and Group Theory in Astrophysics

Direct Nuclear Reactions

Directional Solidification of Steel Castings

Dislocation Modelling of Physical Systems


Distributed Artificial Intelligence

Distributions and Their Applications in Physics

Doping: Proceedings of an International Seminar Organized at the Universities of Ghent & Brussels, May 1964

Doppler Radar and Weather Observations

Dosimetry of Ionizing Radiation

Driven Magnetic Fusion Reactors Proceedings of the Course, Erice–Trapani, Italy, 18–26 September 1978

Dynamic Aspects of Cell Surface Organization

Dynamic Modeling of Transport Process Systems

Dynamic Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

Dynamic Plasticity

Dynamical Systems and Microphysics: Geometry and Mechanics

Dynamical Systems and Microphysics:Control Theory and Mechanics

Dynamics and Mechanisms of Photoinduced Electron Transfer and Related Phenomena

Dynamics and Thermodynamics in Hierarchically Organized Systems

Dynamics of Aerocolloidal Systems

Dynamics of Curved Fronts

Dynamics of Gas-Surface Scattering

Dynamics of Living Protoplasm

Dynamics of Stellar Systems

Early Electrodynamics

Early Solar Physics

Early Work (1905 - 1911)

Earth's Ionosphere

Earth's Shape and Gravity

Economics of Atomic Energy

Effective Physical Security

Einstein Spaces

Einstein: The First Hundred Years

Elastic Strain Fields and Dislocation Mobility

Elastic Waves in the Earth

Electrical (Generator and Electrical Plant), 2nd Ed.

Electrical and Electronic Principles 3 Checkbook

Electrical Applications 2

Electrical Contracting, 2nd Ed.

Electrical Distribution in Papermills

Electrical Phenomena in the Heart

Electrical Principles 3 Checkbook

Electrical Shock Safety Criteria

Electrical Spectrum & Network Analyzers

Electricity and Magnetism

Electrodynamics of Continuous Media

Electromagnetic Clutches and Couplings

Electromagnetic Scattering

Electromagnetic Wave Theory, Part-1

Electromagnetic Wave Theory, Part-2

Electromagnetic Waves in Stratified Media

Electromagnetism and the Earth's Interior

Electron - Molecule Interactions and their Applications

Electron Beams, Lenses, and Optics, Vol.1

Electron Beams, Lenses, and Optics, Vol.2

Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy and Surface Vibrations

Electron Impact Phenomena

Electron Microscopy

Electron Optics, 2nd Ed.

Electron Paramagnetic Resonance

Electron Scattering From Complex Nuclei V36A

Electron Scattering From Complex Nuclei V36B

Electron-Electron Interactions in Disordered Systems

Electronic Art

Electronic Components

Electronic Components and Systems

Electronic Diagrams

Electronic Digital Computers : Their use in science and Engineering

Electronic Methods, Vol.2, Part-A

Electronic Phase Transitions

Electronic Properties of Crystalline Solids

Electronic Publishing: State of The Art Report

Electronic Security Systems

Electronic Systems

Electronic Universal Vade-Mecum

Electron—Molecule Interactions and Their Applications

Electron–Photon Shower Distribution Function


Elementary Medical Biophysics

Elementary Methods of Molecular Quantum Mechanics

Elementary Particles

Elementary Particles: Science, Technology, and Society

Elementary Processes At High Energy Part A

Elementary Processes At High Energy Part B

Elementary Reactor Physics

Elements and Formulae of Special Relativity

Elements of Classical Physics

Emergence of Quantum Mechanics (Mainly 1924-1926)

Endogenous and Exogenous Opiate Agonists and Antagonists

Energy Conservation in the Process Industries

Environmental Model of Mars

Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics

Essays in General Relativity

Essays in Theoretical Physics

Essentials of Artificial Intelligence

Essentials of Lasers

Essentials of Math Methods for Physicists

Essentials of Modern Physics Applied to the Study of the Infrared

European Miniature Electronic Components and Assemblies Data 1965-66

Evaluating Performance in Physical Education

Evolution of Particle Physics

Excitons: Their Properties and Uses

Experimental Approaches and Applications

Experimental Heat Transfer Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics 1993

Experimental Neutron Resonance Spectroscopy

Exploratory and Multivariate Data Analysis

External Senses

Extreme Ultraviolet Astronomy

Facets of Physics


Ferromagnetic Resonance

Fertility in Massachusetts from the Revolution to the Civil War

Festkörper Probleme

Festkörper Probleme (1973)

Festkörper Probleme IX: Advances in Solid State Physics

Festkörper Probleme VIII: Advances in Solid State Physics

Few Body Dynamics

Few Body Problem

Few Particle Problems

Field Theory in Particle Physics, Vol.1

Fifth Generation Computer Systems

Fifth Meeting and the Termination of CSAGI

Fine Needle Aspiration of Palpable Masses

Finite Element and Finite Difference Methods in Electromagnetic Scattering

Finite Strip Method in Structural Analysis

Finite-Size Scaling

Flow Equations for Composite Gases

Fluctuation Phenomena

Fluctuations and Non-Linear Wave Interactions in Plasmas

Fluid Mechanics and Singular Perturbations

Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics of our Environment

Fluid Mechanics, 2nd Ed.

Fluid Physics for Oceanographers and Physicists

Fluoride Glass Fiber Optics

Focusing of Charged Particles

Focusing of Charged Particles, Vol.1

Focusing of Charged Particles, Vol.2

Foundations of Biophysics

Foundations of Classical and Quantum Statistical Mechanics

Foundations of Electrical Engineering

Foundations of Mathematical System Dynamics

Foundations of Quantum Physics I (1926 - 1932)

Foundations of Quantum Physics II (1933-1958)

Foundations of Quantum Theory

Foundations of Statistical Mechanics

Fourier Transform Infrared Spectra, Vol.1

Fourier Transform Infrared Spectra, vol.4

Fourier Transforms in NMR Optical and Mass Spectrometry

Fractals in Physics

Free Atoms Clusters and Nanoscale Particles

Free Electron Lasers 2002

Free Electron Lasers 2003

Free Vibrations of Circular Cylindrical Shells

French Miniature Electronic Components and Assemblies Data 1967-68

Frequency Modulation Theory

Frequency of Self-Oscillations

Functional Anatomy of the Spermatozoon

Fundamental Principles of Modern Theoretical Physics

Fundamental Problems in Vacuum Techniques Ultra-High Vacuum


Fundamentals of Plasma Physics

Fundamentals of Soil Physics

Fusion Technology 1980

Fusion Technology 1990

Fusion Technology 1996

Fusion: Magnetic Confinement, Part A

Fusion: Magnetic Confinement, Part B


Gamma-Ray Lasers

Gas Lasers, Vol.3

Gaseous Dielectrics II

Gaseous Dielectrics V

Gaseous Electronics

Gases and Vacua

Gases and Vacua: Handbook of Vacuum Physics

Gauge Field Theories

General Biophysics, Vol.2

General Circulation Models of the Atmosphere

General Physics

General Theory of Relativity

Geographical Distribution of the International Geophysical Year Stations

Geomagnetism, Vol.4, Part-I

Geometric Physical and Visual Optics

Geometrical and Algebraic Aspects of Nonlinear Field Theory

Geometrical Optics Workbook

Geometry of Algebraic Fermi Curves

Geophysical Data Analysis: Discrete Inverse Theory

Geophysical Well Logging

Geophysics in the Affairs of Man

Giant Molecular Clouds in the Galaxy

Gradient Index Optics

Graphics Gems III (IBM Version)

Gravity and Low-Frequency Geodynamics

Group Theoretical Methods in Physics

Group Theory And its Application to the Quantum Mechanics of Atomic Spectra

Growth Points in Nuclear Physics

Guide to the Solar Corona

Guiding Diffraction and Confinement of Optical Radiation

Hadamard Transform Optics

Hadrons and their Interactions

Handbook of Electromagnetic Compatibility

Handbook of Fiber Optics

Handbook of Infrared Standards

Handbook of Infrared Standards II

Handbook of Microscopy

Handbook of Operative Surgery and Surgical Anatomy

Handbook of Optical Holography

Handbook of Proton-NMR Spectra and Data

Handbook of Vacuum Physics

Handbook on Plasma Instabilities, Vol.1

Handbook on Plasma Instabilities, Vol.2

Handbook on Plasma Instabilities, Vol.3

Handling of Bulk Solids

Heat and Concentration Waves

Heating in Toroidal Plasmas

Heating in Toroidal Plasmas 1982

Helium 4

Helium Three

High Collection Nonimaging Optics

High Energy Physics

High Energy Physics and Nuclear Structure

High Excitation and Short Pulse Phenomena

High Field Magnetism

High Gain High Power Free Electron Laser: Physics and Application to Tev Particle Acceleration

High Resolution Nmr in Solids Selective Averaging

High Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

High Tc Superconductors

Higher Excited States of Polyatomic Molecules

High-Pressure Research

Historical Supernovae

Histories of the International Polar Years and the Inception and Development of the International Geophysical Year


Hopping Transport in Solids

Hot Carriers in Semiconductor Nanostructures

How to Find Out About Physics

Hydrotherapy and Physiotherapy

Hypersonic Flow Theory

I.G.Y. Ascaplots, Vol.20

Identification of Essential Oils by Ion Trap Mass Spectroscopy

IGY Calendar Record: Ozone Instruction Manual

II–VI Compounds

Inadvertent Nuclear War

Incommensurate Phases in Dielectrics 2. Materials

Individual Psychotherapy and the Science of Psychodynamics

Inelastic Ion-surface Collisions

Inelastic Light Scattering

Inflation and Quantum Cosmology

Inhaled Particles and Vapours

Inhaled Particles V

Inhaled Particles VI

Instrumentation in Nuclear Medicine

Integrated Optoelectronics

Interactions between Electromagnetic Fields and Matter

Internal Conversion Coefficients for Multipolarities E1,..., E4, M1,..., M4

Internal Conversion Processes

Internal Friction and Ultrasonic Attenuation in Solids

International Conference on Infrared Physics (CIRP): Proceedings of a Conference Held in Zurich, 11–15 August 1975

International Edition University Physics

International Geophysical Year Meetings

International Symposium On Solid Ionic and Ionic-Electronic Conductors

International Trends in Optics

Introduction to Astrophysical Hydrodynamics

Introduction to Electrodynamics and Radiation

Introduction to Electron and Ion Optics

Introduction to Electron Microscopy

Introduction to Electrooptic Devices

Introduction to Elementary Particle Theory

Introduction to Elementary Particles

Introduction to Feynman Diagrams

Introduction to Fiber Optics System Design

Introduction to Field Quantization

Introduction to General Relativity

Introduction to Hypersonic Flow

Introduction to Interval Computation

Introduction to Marine Geology

Introduction to Microcirculation

Introduction to Modern Physics

Introduction to Nonlinear Laser Spectroscopy

Introduction to Nonlinear Laser Spectroscopy, 2nd Ed.

Introduction to Physics

Introduction to Plasma Physics

Introduction to Programming with Specifications

Introduction to Quantum Electronics

Introduction to Relativity

Introduction to Soil Physics

Introduction to Solar Radiation

Introduction to Solid State Diffusion

Introduction to Stellar Statistics

Introduction to Superconductivity

Introduction to the Electron Theory of Solids

Introduction to the Liquid State

Introduction to the Neutron Kinetics of Nuclear Power Reactors

Introduction To The Operational Calculus

Introduction to the Physics of Electroweak Interactions

Introduction to the Physics of Fluids and Solids

Introduction to the Theory of Atomic Spectra

Introduction to the Theory of Magnetism

Introduction to the Theory of Plasma Turbulence

Introduction to Thermomechanics

Introductory Fourier Transform Spectroscopy

Inversion Methods in Atmospheric Remote Sounding

Investigations Into Electrical Discharges in Gases

Iodine Prophylaxis Following Nuclear Accidents

Ion Beam Assisted Film Growth

Ion Implantation Science and Technology

Ion Implantation Science and Technology, 2nd Ed.


Ionospheric Sporadic

Isobaric Nuclei with the Mass Number A=74

K Meson Leptonic Decays: Progress in Nuclear Physics

Kähler Metric and Moduli Spaces, Vol.18.2

Kapitza in Cambridge and Moscow

Kinetic Processes in Gases and Plasmas

Kinetic Theory of Nonideal Gases and Nonideal Plasmas

Kinetic Theory, Vol.1

Kinetic Theory, Vol.2: Irreversible Processes

Kinetics of Aggregation and Gelation

Landau Level Spectroscopy, Vol.27

Landau: A Great Physicist and Teacher

Landau: The Physicist & the Man

Langevin and Generalised Langevin Approach to the Dynamics of Atomic, Polymeric and Colloidal Systems

Large-Order Behaviour of Perturbation Theory

Laser Handbook, Vol.4

Laser Light Scattering

Laser Spectroscopy

Lattice Dynamics

Lectures in Scattering Theory

Lectures on Invariant Subspaces

Lectures on Selected Topics in Statistical Mechanics

Lectures on Solid State Physics

Lectures on Special Relativity

Lectures on the Many-body Problems, Vol.1

Lectures on the Many-body Problems, Vol.2

Lectures on Theoretical Physics: Electrodynamics, Vol.3 ( Arnold Sommerfeld)

Lectures on Theoretical Physics: Electrodynamics, Vol.3 (Edward Ramberg)

Lectures on Theoretical Physics: Mechanics

Lectures on Theoretical Physics: Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics

Leptons and Quarks

Les Marees Terrestres

Leybold Vacuum Handbook

Light Scattering by Particles in Water: Theoretical and Experimental Foundations

Light Scattering Near Phase Transitions

Light: Physical and Biological Action

Linear Theory

Liquid Hydrogen

Low and High Frequency Asymptotics

Lumped and Distributed Passive Networks

Lunar and Planetary Surface Conditions

Macromolecular Physics

Macromolecular Physics: Volume 1: Crystal Structure, Morphology, Defects

Macromolecular Physics: Volume 2: Crystal Nucleation, Growth, Annealing

Magnetic Domain Walls in Bubble Materials

Magnetic Fields Special Relativity and Potential Theory

Magnetic Properties of Fine Particles

Magnetic Resonance of Phase Transitions

Magnetism: A Treatise on Modern Theory and Materials, Vol.I

Magnetism: A Treatise on Modern Theory and Materials, Vol.V

Magnetohydrodynamics with Hydrodynamics

Managing High-Tech Start-Ups

Many-Body Phenomena at Surfaces

Marine Physics

Mass Society

Massage and Remedial Exercises

Massively Parallel Processing Applications and Development

Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Theory

Mathematical Foundations of Thermodynamics

Mathematical Methods for Physicists, 3rd Ed.

Mathematical Methods for Physicists, 4th Ed.

Mathematical Methods for Wave Phenomena

Mathematical Methods in Nuclear Reactor Dynamics

Mathematical Physics in One Dimension

Mathematical Techniques and Physical Applications

Mathematical Theory of Compressible Fluid Flow


Mathematics in Physics and Engineering

Matrix Analysis of Electrical Machinery

Maxwell's Equations and Their Consequences

Mean-Field Magnetohydrodynamics and Dynamo Theory

Measurements and Time Reversal in Objective Quantum Theory

Mechanics Analysis and Geometry: 200 Years After Lagrange

Mechanics and Electrodynamics

Mechanics of Continuous Media and Analysis of Structures

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies

Mechanics of Flow-Induced Sound and Vibration

Mechanics, 3rd Ed.

Mechanics: Classical and Quantum

Mechanics: Problems in Undergraduate Physics

Medical and Biological Problems of Space Flight

Medical Aspects of Sport and Physical Fitness

Medium-Energy Ion Reflection from Solids

Membership and Programs of the IGY Participating Committees

Men of Physics

Men of Physics Lord Rayleigh–The Man and His Work

Men of Physics: Benjamin Thompson – Count Rumford

Men of Physics: Galileo Galilei His Life and His Works

Men of Physics: Karl Lark-Horovitz

Men of Physics: L.D. Landau, Vol.1

Men of Physics: L.D. Landau, Vol.2

Mesoscopic Phenomena in Solids

Metal Vapours in Flames

Metallic Chains / Chains of Metals

Method for Studying Model Hamiltonians

Method of Second Quantization

Methods in Computational Physics: Advances in Research and Applications

Methods in Nonlinear Plasma Theory

Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics

Methods of Statistical Physics

Microelectronic Systems 1 Checkbook

Microelectronic Systems 3 Checkbook

Microelectronic Systems N2 Checkbook

Microform video and electronic media librarianship

Microwave Antennas

Microwave Power Engineering: Applications

Microwave Power Engineering: Generation, Transmission, Rectification

Mining Geophysics

Misteaks, 2nd Ed.

Models of Particles and Moving Media

Modern Astrodynamics

Modern electrical installation for craft students

Modern Electronic Maintenance Principles

Modern Problems in Condensed Matter Sciences, Vol.17: Solitons

Molecular Nonlinear Optics

Molecular Physics Thermodynamics Atomic and Nuclear Physics

Molecular Physics, Vol.3, Part-A

Molecular Physics, Vol.3, Part-B

Monitoring Underground Nuclear Explosions

Mössbauer Effect

Motion and Relativity

Multiphoton Lonization of Atoms

Multiple Light Scattering

Multiplets of Transition-Metal Ions in Crystals

Municipal Solid Waste Recycling in Western Europe to 1996

Muon Physics, Volume 1: Electromagnetic Interactions

Muon Physics, Volume 2: Weak Interactions

Muon Physics, Volume 3: Chemistry and Solids

Mycoplasma Pathogenicity

Nanophotonics with Surface Plasmons

Nanostructure Physics and Fabrication

Nanostructures and Mesoscopic Systems

Neuroanatomical Research Techniques

Neutron Cross Sections, Vol.1

Neutron Cross Sections, Vol.2

Neutron Physics

Neutron Radiative Capture

Neutron Resonance Parameters and Thermal Cross Sections

New Directions in Physics

Newnes Electrical Pocket Book

Nineteenth-Century Aether Theories

NMR and EPR Spectroscopy

Nonlinear Differential Equations and Nonlinear Mechanics

Nonlinear Dynamics of Rotating Shallow Water: Methods and Advances

Nonlinear Electromagnetics

Nonlinear Electron-Wave Interaction Phenomena

Nonlinear Fiber Optics

Nonlinear Optical Parametric Processes in Liquids and Gases

Nonlinear Optics

Nonlinear Optics: Proceedings of the Fifth Toyota Conference on Nonlinear Optical Materials, Aichi-ken, Japan, 6–9 October 1991

Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems

Nonlinear Phenomena in Fluids Solids and Other Complex Systems

Nonlinear Surface Electromagnetic Phenomena

Nonlinear System Analysis

Non-Linear Theory and Fluctuations

Non-Linear Waves in Dispersive Media

Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics

Notes and Problems in Microeconomic Theory

Notes on Elementary Particle Physics

Nuclear Acoustic Resonance

Nuclear Fission

Nuclear Fission and Neutron-Induced Fission Cross-Sections

Nuclear Geophysics

Nuclear Graphite

Nuclear Level Schemes A = 45 through A = 257 from Nuclear Data Sheets

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Electron Spin Resonance Spectra

Nuclear Medicine in Urology and Nephrology, 2nd Ed.

Nuclear Moments

Nuclear Overhauser Effect

Nuclear Particle and Many Body Physics

Nuclear Particle and Many Body Physics

Nuclear Particles, Vol.8

Nuclear Particles, Vol.9

Nuclear Physics, Vol.53

Nuclear Physics, Vol.9 (1929-1952)

Nuclear Power Generation

Nuclear Radiation

Nuclear Reactions

Nuclear Reactions in Heavy Elements

Nuclear Research with Low Energy Accelerators

Nuclear Shell Theory

Nuclear Spectroscopy and Reactions 40-A

Nuclear Spectroscopy and Reactions 40-B

Nuclear Spectroscopy and Reactions 40-C

Nuclear Spectroscopy and Reactions 40-D

Nuclear Spectroscopy, Vol.9 Part A

Nuclear Spectroscopy, Vol.9 Part B

Nuclear Spin-Parity Assignments

Nuclear Structure

Nuclear Structure 1985

Nuclear Structures

Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution of Hydrogen

Numerical Methods in Weather Prediction

Object-Oriented Magnetic Resonance

Observation of Atomic Collisions in Crystalline Solids

Observations of the Night Airglow

Oceanography, Vol.46

Old and New Problems in Elementary Particles

Old Quantum Theory

Operator Method in Quantum Mechanics

Optical Bistability: Controlling Light with Light

Optical Holography

Optical Image Formation and Processing

Optical Nonlinearities and Instabilities in Semiconductors

Optical Orientation

Optical Properties and Band Structure of Semiconductors

Optical Properties of Mixed Crystals

Optical Properties of Solids

Optical Spectra of Transparent Rare Earth Compounds

Optical System Design

Optical Waveguides


Optics of Charged Particles

Optics of Rays Wavefronts and Caustics

Optics, 8th Ed.

Optics, 9th Ed.

Optics, 10th Ed.

Optics, Vol.62

Optoelectronic Line Transmission

Organic Scintillators and Scintillation Counting

Organic Syntheses with Noble Metal Catalysts

Organometallic Vapor-Phase Epitaxy

Origin of Cosmic Rays

Origin of the Solar System


Pade and Rational Approximation

Partial Differential Equations in Physics

Particle Accelerator Design: Computer Programs

Particle and Nuclear Physics

Particle Board and Hardboard

Particle Deposition and Aggregation

Particle Physics and Cosmology: Dark Matter

Particle Physics and Cosmology: the Fabric of Spacetime

Particle Physics: an Introduction

Path Integrals and Quantum Processes

Pattern Recognition & Machine Learning

Penetration of Charged Particles Through Matter (1912 - 1954)

Periodic System (1920 - 1923)

Perspectives in Physical Education

Perspectives in Theoretical Physics

Pharmacological and Biophysical Agents and Behavior

Photochemical Processes in Organized Molecular Systems

Photochemical Synthesis

Photochemistry of Atmospheres


Photoelectron Spectroscopy

Photon-atom Interactions

Photonic Probes of Surfaces

Physical Acoustics V2

Physical Acoustics, Vol.2, Part-A

Physical Acoustics V4A

Physical Acoustics V4B

Physical Acoustics V5

Physical Acoustics V6

Physical Acoustics V7

Physical Acoustics V8

Physical Acoustics V8B

Physical Acoustics V9

Physical Acoustics V10

Physical Acoustics V11

Physical Acoustics V12

Physical Acoustics V13

Physical Acoustics V14

Physical Acoustics V15

Physical Acoustics V16

Physical Acoustics V18

Physical Acoustics, Vol.19: Ultrasonic Measurement Methods

Physical Acoustics, Vol.20: Ultrasonics of High- and Other Unconventional Superconductors

Physical Acoustics, Vol.21

Physical Acoustics, Vol.22

Physical Acoustics: Principles and Methods

Physical and Applied Acoustics: An Introduction

Physical Chemical Techniques, 2nd Ed, Vol.2, Part-B

Physical Chemical Techniques, 2nd Ed. Vol.2, Part-A

Physical Electronics, Part 1

Physical Electronics, Part 2 & 3

Physical Electronics, Part 4, 5 & 6

Physical Fluid Dynamics

Physical Foundations of Technical Acoustics

Physical Instrumentation in Medicine and Biology

Physical Kinetics

Physical Principles of Rock Magnetism

Physical Processes in Radiation Biology

Physical Science in the Modern World

Physical Techniques in Biological Research, 2nd Ed., Vol.1, Part-A: Optical Techniques

Physical Techniques in the Study of Art, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage

Physical Work and Effort

Physically-Based Modeling for Computer Graphics

Physics 1901 – 1921

Physics 1922 – 1941

Physics 1942 – 1962

Physics 1963-1970

Physics and Applications of Amorphous Semiconductors

Physics and Applications of Secondary Electron Emission

Physics and Astronomy of the Moon

Physics and Astrophysics

Physics and Chemistry of the Earth (1973)

Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Vol.6

Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Vol.7

Physics and Chemistry of the Solar System

Physics and Technology of Nuclear Materials

Physics Applied to Anaesthesia

Physics for O.N.C. Courses

Physics in the Making

Physics in the Modern World

Physics in the Modern World, 2nd Ed.

Physics in the Modern World: Student’s Guide

Physics of Elementary Particles

Physics of Glaciers, 2nd Ed.

Physics of Glaciers, 3rd Ed.

Physics of High Temperature Plasmas

Physics of High-Tc Superconductors

Physics of Ice

Physics of Life

Physics of MOS Insulators

Physics of Nuclei and Particles

Physics of Polymer Surfaces and Interfaces

Physics of Radiation Effects in Crystals

Physics of Selenium and Tellurium

Physics of Semiconductor Lasers

Physics of SiO2 and Its Interfaces

Physics of the Ear

Physics of the Outer Heliosphere

Physics of Thin Films, Vol.12

Physics of Thin Films, Vol.13

Physics of Thin Films, Vol.15

Physics of Thin Films, Vol.16

Physics of Thin Films, Vol.17

Physics of Thin Films, Vol.19

Physics of Thin Films, Vol.6

Physics of Thin Films, Vol.7

Physics of Viruses

Physics of Welding, 2nd Ed.

Plane Wave Spectrum Representation of Electromagnetic Fields

Planning Office Space

Plasma and Current Instabilities in Semiconductors

Plasma Astrophysics

Plasma Diagnostics

Plasma Diagnostics, Vol.2

Plasma Dispersion Function

Plasma Electrodynamics

Plasma Physics and Nuclear Fusion Research

Plasma Scattering of Electromagnetic Radiation

Plasma Sources for Thin Film Deposition and Etching

Plasma State

Plasma Transport Heating and MHD Theory

Plasma Waves

Plasmas, Vol.2

Pleuropneumonia-Like Organisms (PPLO): Mycoplasmataceae

Poland Solidarity Walesa

Polar Oceanography

Polarized Light and Optical Measurement

Political Arena (1934-1961)

Polymyositis and Dermatomyositis

Popularization and People (1911-1962)

Positron Annihilation

Potential of Earth-Sheltered and Underground Space

Practical Guide to Surface Science and Spectroscopy

Practical Microwave Electron Devices

Predictive Simplicity

Principles and Practice of Electrical Epilation

Principles of Dynamics

Principles of Electron Optics

Principles of Electron Optics, 3rd Ed.

Principles of Laser Dynamics

Principles of Optics

Principles of Quantum Electrodynamics

Principles of Quantum Electronics

Principles of Real Analysis

Principles of Solid State Physics

Problems in Optics

Problems in Quantum Mechanics

Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on High Energy Physics Ichep 2002

Proceedings of the Yamada Conference XV on Physics and Chemistry of Quasi One-Dimensional Conductors

Proceedings of the Yamada Conference XVIII on Superconductivity in Highly Correlated Fermion Systems

Progress in International Research on Thermodynamic and Transport Properties

Progress in Nuclear Physics

Progress in Nuclear Physics, Vol.3

Progress in Nuclear Physics, Vol.6

Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves in Multiconductor Transmission Lines

Propagation of Waves

Psychophysical Analysis of Visual Space

Pulse and Fourier Transform NMR

Pulse Methods in 1D & 2D Liquid-Phase NMR

Pulsed High Beta Plasmas

Pure and Applied Physics, Vol.10, Part-1

Pure and Applied Physics, Vol.10, Part-2

Pure and Applied Physics, Vol.10, Part-3

Q Machines

Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry and Its Applications

Qualitative Analysis of Physical Problems

Qualitative Reasoning About Physical Systems

Quantitative Coherent Imaging

Quantitative Theory of Critical Phenomena

Quantum Chaos

Quantum Electrodynamics

Quantum Electrodynamics, 2nd Ed.

Quantum Electronics, Vol.1: Basic Theory

Quantum Electronics: A Treatise

Quantum Electronics: Vol.2: Maser Amplifiers and Oscillators

Quantum Liquids

Quantum Mechanical Three-Body Problem

Quantum Mechanics of Many-Body Systems

Quantum Mechanics, 2nd Ed.

Quantum Mechanics, 3rd Ed.: Non-Relativistic Theory

Quantum Mechanics: A Shorter Course of Theoretical Physics

Quantum Mechanics: Principles and Formalism

Quantum Mechanics:Concepts and Applications

Quantum Theory and Gravitation

Quantum Theory of the Solid State

Quantum Theory of the Solid State, 2nd Ed.

Quantum Theory of the Solid State, Vol.2

Quantum Tunneling in Condensed Media

Quantum Vacuum


Quintessence of Irving Langmuir

Radar Sonar and Holography

Radiation and Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves

Radiation Exchange: An Introduction

Radiation Mechanics

Radio Astronomy

Radio Wave Propagation

Radioactivity: Introduction and History

Radioisotope and Radiation Physics

Radioistope Experiments for Schools and Colleges

Radiometric Calibration: Theory and Methods


Rapport sur les Longitudes et Latitudes

Rapport sur les Travaux Gravimetriques Antarctique

Readings in Qualitative Reasoning About Physical Systems

Recent Developments in Particle Symmetries

Recent Developments in Quantum Field Theory

Recent Developments in Switching Theory

Relativistic Astrophysics

Relativistic Point Dynamics

Relativity Reexamined

Relaxation in Magnetic Resonance

Relaxation Phenomena in Condensed Matter Physics

Remote Sensing of Atmospheres and Oceans

Research in Physics and Chemistry

Resonance Absorption in Nuclear Reactors

Sample Size Methodology

Scanning Tunneling Microscopy

Scattering of Light and Other Electromagnetic Radiation

Scattering, Natural Surfaces, and Fractals

Schering Workshop on Pharmacokinetics Berlin May 8 and 9 1969

SCOSPAR Space Research (1977)

Seismic Applications of Acoustic Reciprocity

Seismology: Body Waves and Sources

Seismology: Surface Waves and Earth Oscillations

Self-Consistent Fields in Atoms

Self-Modifying Systems in Biology and Cognitive Science

SEM Microcharacterization of Semiconductors

Semiclassical Descriptions of Atomic and Nuclear Collisions

Semiconductor Superlattices and Interfaces

Semiconductors Probed by Ultrafast Laser Spectroscopy

Semimetals Graphite and its Compounds

Shell Theory

Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 1991

Short-Wavelength Magnetic Recording

Silicon Integrated Circuits: Supplement 2, Part A

Silicon Integrated Circuits: Supplement 2, Part B

Silicon Integrated Circuits: Supplement 2, Part C

Silver Azide Cyanide Cyanamides Cyanate Selenocyanate and Thiocyanate

Single Server Queue

Sir Edward Appleton G.B.E. K.C.B. F.R.S.

Solar and Terrestrial Radiation

Solar Corona

Solar Noise Storms

Solar Wind Seven

Solid Lubricants and Surfaces

Solid Rocket Propulsion Technology

Solid State Maser

Solid State Nuclear Track Detection: Principles, Methods and Applications

Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors (1976)

Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors (1979)

Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors (1981)

Solid State Phenomena

Solid State Physics

Solid State Physics for Metallurgists

Solid State Video Cameras

Solid–State Devices and Applications

Solution Manual for an Introduction to Equilibrium Thermodynamics

Solutions in Action

Solutions to Selected Problems in a Course in Statistical Thermodynamics

Some Aspects of Vacuum Ultraviolet Radiation Physics

Some Electrical and Optical Aspects of Molecular Behaviour

Space and Development

Space Groups and their Representations

Space Groups for Solid State Scientists

Spaces of Fundamental and Generalized Functions

Special Theory of Relativity

Special Topics

Spectral Line Broadening by Plasmas

Spectrometric Techniques

Spectroscopy of Condensed Media

Spectroscopy of Crystals Containing Rare Earth Ions

Spectroscopy of Nonequilibrium Electrons and Phonons

Spectroscopy of the Earth's Atmosphere and Interstellar Medium

Spherical Astronomy

Spin Arrangements and Crystal Structure Domains and Micromagnetics

Spin Waves and Magnetic Excitations, Vol.22

Spin Waves and Magnetic Excitations, Vol.22

Spontaneous Phenomena: A Mathematical Analysis

Stability of Dynamical Systems

Standard Model Higgs Boson

Static Electromagnetic Frequency Changers

Statistical Mechanics Kinetic Theory and Stochastic Processes

Statistical Methods in Radio Wave Propagation

Statistical Physics

Statistical Physics

Statistical Physics: Theory of the Condensed State

Statistical Theory of Non-Equilibrium Processes in a Plasma

Steady Electric Fields and Currents

Stellar Evolution, 2nd Ed.

Steroid Dynamics

Stochastic Processes in Physics and Chemistry, 3rd Ed.

Stratified Flows

Stress Waves in Non-Elastic Solids

String Theory in Four Dimensions

Strong and Weak Interactions Present Problems

Strongly Coupled Plasma Physics

Strongly Coupled Plasma Physics

Structural Theorems and Their Applications

Structure and Interpretation of the Standard Model

Structure and Properties of Inorganic Solids

Structure of High-Resolution NMR Spectra

Structure Properties and Preparation of Perovskite-Type Compounds

Study Guide for Physics in the Modern World

Submicroscopic Ortho- and Patho-Morphology of the Liver

Submicroscopic Structure of the Inner Ear

Subnuclear Components

Subnuclear Phenomena Part A

Subnuclear Phenomena Part B

Subsurface Space

Sunspot Magnetic Fields for the I.G.Y.


Superconductivity and Quantum Fluids

Superconductivity in D- and F-Band Metals

Superconductivity, 2nd Ed.

Superstring Construction

Supersymmetries and Infinite-Dimensional Algebras, Vol.3

Surface Physics of Materials

Surface Polaritons Electromagnetic Waves at Surfaces and Interfaces

Surface Science

Surfaces and Interfaces: Physics and Electronics

Symmetries in Elementary Particle Physics

Symmetry in Bonding and Spectra

Symmetry of Many-Electron Systems

Symmetry: An Introduction to Group Theory and Its Applications

Symposia at the Fifth Meeting of CSAGI

Symposium on Nuclear Sex

Synapse Neuron Brain

Tables for the Energy and Photon Distribution in Equilibrium Radiation Spectra

Tables of Coefficients for the Analysis of Triple Angular Correlations of Gamma-Rays from Aligned Nuclei

Tables of Coulomb Wave Functions

Tables of IGC Cosmic Ray Data, Vol.28

Tables of IGY Monthly Median Ionospheric Data, Vol.13, Part-I

Tables of IGY Monthly Median Ionospheric Data, Vol.14, Part-II

Tables of IGY Monthly Median Ionospheric Data, Vol.15, Part-III

Tables of IGY Monthly Median Ionospheric Data, Vol.17, Part-IV

Tables of IGY Monthly Median Ionospheric Data, Vol.18, Part-V

Tables of IGY Monthly Median Ionospheric Data, Vol.19, Part-VI

Technology: Handbook of Vacuum Physics

Temperature, 2nd Ed.

Ternary Chalcopyrite Semiconductors: Growth Electronic Properties and Applications

Terrestrial Propagation of Long Electromagnetic Waves

Theoretical and Applied Mechanics

Theoretical Foundations of Electron Spin Resonance

Theoretical Magnetofluiddynamics

Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics

Theoretical Solid State Physics, Vol.1

Theoretical Solid State Physics, Vol.2

Theory of Auger Transitions

Theory of Beta-Decay

Theory of Dielectric Optical Waveguides

Theory of Elastic Waves and Waveguides

Theory of Elasticity

Theory of Electromagnetism

Theory of Flexible Shells

Theory of Fully Ionized Plasmas

Theory of Groups and Its Application to Physical Problems

Theory of Linear Systems

Theory of Microwave Valves

Theory of Neutron Slowing Down in Nuclear Reactors

Theory of Orbit

Theory of Oscillators

Theory of Quantum Fluids

Theory of Space Time and Gravitation

Theory of Tokamak Plasmas

Thermal Expansion of Crystals

Thermal Field Theories

Thermodynamic Tables Bibliography and Property File

Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics

Thermophysics and Temperature Control of Spacecraft and Entry Vehicles

Thermophysics of Spacecraft and Planetary Bodies

Thin Film Micro-Optics

Thin Films from Free Atoms and Particles

Three-Dimensional Problems of Elasticity and Thermoelasticity

Time and Space Weight and Inertia

Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting

Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometry

Tip Enhancement

Topics in Atomic Collision Theory

Topics in Lightwave Transmission Systems

Topographic Mapping of Brain Electrical Activity

Total Cross-Section Measurements

Trace Element Contamination of the Environment

Transducer Handbook

Transient Waves in Visco-Elastic Media

Tree Rings and Climate

Tropospheric Radiowave Propagation Beyond the Horizon

Turbulence and Nonlinear Dynamics in MHD Flows

Turning Points in Physics

Twenty Lectures on Thermodynamics

Ultrahigh Vacuum Practice

Ultrarelativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions

Ultrasensitive Laser Spectroscopy

Ultrasonic Methods in Solid State Physics

Ultrasonic Physics, 2nd Ed.

Ultrasonics International 83

Ultrasonics International 87

Ultrasonics International 91

Ultrasonics International 93

Unidirectional wave motions

Unitary Symmetry and Elementary Particles

Unitary Symmetry and Elementary Particles, 2nd Ed.

University Physics

University Physics : Arfken Griffing Kelly Priest

Use of Ferrites at Microwave Frequencies

Use of Locks in Physical Crime Prevention

User's Guide to Ellipsometry

U-shaped Behavioral Growth

Vacuum Structure and QCD Sum Rules

Vacuum Technique

Vacuum Technology

Vacuum Technology Thin Films & Sputtring

Vacuum Technology Transactions

Vacuum Ultraviolet Radiation Physics

Variational Methods in Nuclear Reactor Physics

Variational Methods in the Mechanics of Solids

Vector Approach to Oscillations

Vibrational Properties of Solids

Vibrational Spectroscopy at High External Pressures

Visual Optics and the Optical Space Sense

VLF Radio Engineering

Water Vapour Line Parameters from Microwave to Medium Infrared

Wave Mechanics

Wave Propagation and Group Velocity

Wave Propagation and Scattering in Random Media

Wave Propagation and Scattering in Random Media:Multiple Scattering, Turbulence, Rough Surfaces, and Remote Sensing

Wave Scattering from Statistically Rough Surfaces

Wavelength Standards in the Infrared

Waves in Layered Media, Vol.16

Waves in Layered Media, Vol.6

Weak Interaction of Elementary Particles

Welding of Tubular Structures

Whistlers and Audio-Frequency Emissions

Work on Atomic Physics (1912 - 1917)

Worked Examples in Physics

Worked Problems in Heat Thermodynamics and Kinetic Theory for Physics Students

X-Ray and Neutron Diffraction

X-Ray Lasers

Ylid Chemistry

Young Optician

Early Electrodynamics

Early Solar Physics

Early Work (1905 - 1911)

Earth's Ionosphere

Earth's Shape and Gravity

Economics of Atomic Energy

Effective Physical Security

Einstein Spaces

Einstein: The First Hundred Years

Elastic Strain Fields and Dislocation Mobility

Elastic Waves in the Earth

Electrical (Generator and Electrical Plant), 2nd Ed.

Electrical and Electronic Principles 3 Checkbook

Electrical Applications 2

Electrical Contracting, 2nd Ed.

Electrical Distribution in Papermills

Electrical Phenomena in the Heart

Electrical Principles 3 Checkbook

Electrical Shock Safety Criteria

Electrical Spectrum & Network Analyzers

Electricity and Magnetism

Electrodynamics of Continuous Media

Electromagnetic Clutches and Couplings

Electromagnetic Scattering

Electromagnetic Wave Theory, Part-1

Electromagnetic Wave Theory, Part-2

Electromagnetic Waves in Stratified Media

Electromagnetism and the Earth's Interior

Electron - Molecule Interactions and their Applications

Electron Beams, Lenses, and Optics, Vol.1

Electron Beams, Lenses, and Optics, Vol.2

Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy and Surface Vibrations

Electron Impact Phenomena

Electron Microscopy

Electron Optics, 2nd Ed.

Electron Paramagnetic Resonance

Electron Scattering From Complex Nuclei V36A

Electron Scattering From Complex Nuclei V36B

Electron-Electron Interactions in Disordered Systems

Electronic Art

Electronic Components

Electronic Components and Systems

Electronic Diagrams

Electronic Digital Computers : Their use in science and Engineering

Electronic Methods, Vol.2, Part-A

Electronic Phase Transitions

Electronic Properties of Crystalline Solids

Electronic Publishing: State of The Art Report

Electronic Security Systems

Electronic Systems

Electronic Universal Vade-Mecum

Electron—Molecule Interactions and Their Applications

Electron–Photon Shower Distribution Function


Elementary Medical Biophysics

Elementary Methods of Molecular Quantum Mechanics

Elementary Particles

Elementary Particles: Science, Technology, and Society

Elementary Processes At High Energy Part A

Elementary Processes At High Energy Part B

Elementary Reactor Physics

Elements and Formulae of Special Relativity

Elements of Classical Physics

Emergence of Quantum Mechanics (Mainly 1924-1926)

Endogenous and Exogenous Opiate Agonists and Antagonists

Energy Conservation in the Process Industries

Environmental Model of Mars

Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics

Essays in General Relativity

Essays in Theoretical Physics

Essentials of Artificial Intelligence

Essentials of Lasers

Essentials of Math Methods for Physicists

Essentials of Modern Physics Applied to the Study of the Infrared

European Miniature Electronic Components and Assemblies Data 1965-66: Including Six-Language Glossaries of Electronic Component and Microelectronics Terms

Evaluating Performance in Physical Education

Evolution of Particle Physics

Excitons: Their Properties and Uses

Experimental Approaches and Applications

Experimental Heat Transfer Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics 1993

Experimental Neutron Resonance Spectroscopy

Exploratory and Multivariate Data Analysis

External Senses

Extreme Ultraviolet Astronomy


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