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III-Nitride Semiconductors and their Modern Devices

Illustrating the Phaenomena

Imaginal Discs: The Genetic and Cellular Logic of Pattern Formation

In situ hybridization: Application to Developmental Biology and Medicine

In vivo glucose sensing

In Vivo Optical Imaging of Brain Function, Second Edition

Incommensurate Crystallography

Index theorem and the heat equation method

Inducible Plant Proteins: Their Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Information, Physics, and Computation

Informatics in Medical Imaging

Infrared Detectors, 2nd Ed.

Innovations in Materials Manufacturing, Fabrication, and Environmental Safety

Instabilities and Self-Organization in Materials

Integrable models

Integrated Molecular and Cellular Biophysics

Intense Terahertz Excitation of Semiconductors

Interatomic Forces in Condensed Matter

Interest Rates and Coupon Bonds in Quantum Finance

Interferogram Analysis For Optical Testing, 2nd Ed.

Introduction to 3+1 Numerical Relativity

Introduction to Biological Physics for the Health and Life Sciences

Introduction to Black Hole Physics

Introduction to black holes, information and the string theory revolution, an: the holographic universe

Introduction to Composite Materials

Introduction to computational biochemistry

Introduction to Continuum Biomechanics

Introduction to Conventional Transmission Electron Microscopy

Introduction to Elasticity Theory for Crystal Defects

Introduction to elementary particles

Introduction to flow cytometry

Introduction to Gravity Currents and Intrusions

Introduction to magnetic materials

Introduction to Mathematical Physics

Introduction to Metal Matrix Composites

Introduction to modern quantum optics

Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

Introduction to Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis

Introduction to Non-Perturbative Foundations of Quantum Field Theory

Introduction to Particle Accelerators

Introduction to Perturbation Theory in Quantum Mechanics

Introduction to Proteins: Structure, Function, and Motion

Introduction to quantum computers

Introduction to quantum groups

Introduction to Quantum Information Science

Introduction to Reactive Gas Dynamics

Introduction to Scanning Tunneling Microscopy

Introduction to Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics

Introduction to string field theory

Introduction to string theory and D-Brane dynamics: with problems and solutions

Introduction to surface analysis by XPS and AES

Introduction to Surface and Superlattice Excitations, 2nd Ed.

Introduction to the High Temperature Oxidation of Metals, 2nd Ed.

Introduction to the Mechanical Properties of Ceramics

Introduction to the theory of the early universe : hot big bang theory

Introduction to Topological Quantum Computation

Introduction to XAFS

Introductory nuclear physics

Inverse Engineering Handbook

Invitation to astrophysics

Ion-Solid Interactions: Fundamentals and Applications

Ion Mobility Spectrometry - Mass Spectrometry, Theory and Applications

Ionic Transport Processes

Ions and electrons in liquid helium

Iontronics: Ionic Carriers in Organic Electronic Materials and Devices

Iron and Steel

Isochronous Systems

IUTAM Symposium on Cellular, Molecular and Tissue Mechanics : Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium Held at Woods Hole, Mass., USA, June 18-21, 2008


Last Updated on Thursday, 16 March 2017 15:25
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