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Early Days of X-ray Crystallography

Econophysics and Physical Economics

Effects of Low Dose Radiation: New Aspects of Radiobiological Research Prompted by the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster

Egg Incubation: Its Effects on Embryonic Development in Birds and Reptiles

Einstein's Physics

Elastomeric Proteins: Structures, Biomechanical Properties, and Biological Roles

Electrical Properties of Disordered Metals

Electrical Properties of Polymers

Electrical Resistivity of Metals and Alloys

Electrochromism and Electrochromic Devices

Electromagnetic Field, Health and Environment : Proceedings of EHE'07

Electromagnetic Fields in Biological Systems

Electromagnetic Theory and Applications for Photonic Crystals

Electron Crystallography

Electron Glass

Electron microscopy: principles and fundamentals

Electronic and Optical Properties of Conjugated Polymers

Electronic and Optical Properties of d-Band Perovskites

Electronic Basis of the Strength of Materials

Electronic Structure of Refractory Carbides and Nitrides

Electronic Structure Methods for Complex Materials

Electron-Phonon Interactions in Low-Dimensional Structures

Electrons and Disorder in Solids

Electrons and Phonons

Electrons and Phonons in Semiconductor Multilayers

Electrons in Molecules

Electrostatic Lens Systems, 2nd edition

Elementary fluid mechanics

Elementary particles: Building Blocks of Matter

Elementary Scattering Theory

Elements of modern X-Ray physics

Elements of Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena

EMBOSS Administrator's Guide: Bioinformatics Software Management

EMBOSS Developer's Guide: Bioinformatics Programming

Emerging consequences of biotechnology: biodiversity loss and IPR issues 

Encyclopedic Handbook of Integrated Optics

Endothelial Biomedicine

Endothelial Cell Culture

Energetic Materials: Thermophysical Properties, Predictions, and Experimental Measurements

Engineering Mechanics of Deformable Solids

Engines of discovery: a century of particle accelerators

Entangled systems: new directions in quantum physics

Entangled world: the fascination of quantum information and computation

Entropy and the Time Evolution of Macroscopic Systems

Environmental UV Radiation : Impact on Ecosystems and Human Health and Predictive Models

Enzyme kinetics: a modern approach

Enzyme kinetics: from diastase to multi-enzyme systems

Equations of Motion in General Relativity

Equilibrium Molecular Structures: From Spectroscopy to Quantum Chemistry

Equilibrium Theory of Inhomogeneous Polymers

Essential Bioinformatics

Essential Quantum Mechanics

Essentials of Econophysics Modelling

Essentials of Forensic Imaging: A Text-Atlas

Essentials of Functional MRI

Evolution of Networks

Excitations in Organic Solids

Excitonic processes in condensed matter: Proceedings of 2000 International Conference

Exoplanet Handbook

Exotic smoothness and physics: differential topology and spacetime models

Experimental approaches to mammalian embryonic development

Experimental Foundations of Particle Physics

Experimental Techniques for Low-Temperature Measurements

Exploring Quantum Mechanics

Exploring the Origin: Extent, and Future of Life

Exploring the Quantum

Extra-Solar Planets: The Detection, Formation, Evolution and Dynamics of Planetary Systems


Last Updated on Thursday, 16 March 2017 15:25
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