Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India
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R.Ranganathan Senior Professor H

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Qualification: Ph.D ( Indian Institute of technology Madras 1983)

Present Positions : Senior Professor H

Awards and fellowships:

         French Govt scholar at CRTBT-CNRSGrenoble (1983-84)

         RA at University Hamburg (1985-86)

         UGC visiting fellow (1992-93)

         Invited as Honorary visiting faculty S.N.Bosecenter- Calcutta (2004-05 )

         Material Research Society of India- MRSI Medal (2007)


Research interest: Physics of magnetic materials at Low temperature and at high Magneticfield. Cryogenics, InstrumentationTeaching: Solid statePhysics, Physics ofmaterials, Low Temperature experimental technique.

Current research programme -


1)      Enhancement of magnetization in nanoparticles -below AFM/FM ordering temperature- effect of particle size, Increase of Tc in comparison with bulk samples preferably close to room temperature for an applied orientedprogramme.


2)      Half metallicity in magnetic materials focusing on low Z elements.- Perovskitelike structures-metals excluding oxygen. AFM in metals unconventional magnets. Negative thermal expansion in AFM metals. Search for High curie temperature materials.


3)      Magneto structural transition in the vicinity of Martinsitic transition FM transition


4)      Composite magnets embedded with soft and hard magnetic phase for high energy product


5)      Search for large magneto resistance inspinel oxides, Magneto resistance in order-disordered transition, spin compensation temperatures and magnetic clusters inspinel ferrites -


6)      ordered moments in the absence of long range order- disordered magnets ( structural, quenched, chemical). Glassy magnetism


Other Information contribution R&D project:


1)      Project coordinator: Advanced magnetic materials at Low temperature and at high field. Experimental condensed matter Physics division- DAE project under Xth plan (2002-2007)- completed


2)      Developmental programme related to VECC-DAE Superconducting Cyclotron project: QC for SC cable- ( in collaboration with Dr R.K.Bhandari, Mr S.Saha, MrAmitava Sur - VECC)


3)      Editors for the publications of the proceedings of the conference in International Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials -Journal of Alloys and Compounds" as a regular issue ( Volume 326 2001)


4)      Project planning, coordination and implementation construction and infrastructure support for advanced R&D labs.- Chairman phase III Lab. building and auditorium project- SINP( completed 2002-2005)


5)      Collaborative R& D programme with DMRL DRDO Hyderabad on magnetic

materials - Development of Composite magnets embedded with soft and hard magnetic phase for high energy product.


Research guide:  

1) Dr AraniChakravarty ( Ph.D - Jadavpuruniversity 1995)

2) Dr Sanjoy Mukherjee( Ph.D- Jadavpuruniversity 1998)

3) Dr Anindita Ray( Ph.D- Jadavpuruniversity 2001)

4) Dr R.N.Bhowmik( Ph.D- Jadavpuruniversity 2004)

5) Mr Abhishek Pandey ( SRF- IntegratedPh.D programme S.N.Bose National Centre )Thesis submitted Aug 2009-)

6) Mr Rajarshi Mukherjee (University ofBurdwan)


Last Updated on Friday, 11 April 2014 19:25
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