Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India
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Free Foreign Journels

AAO Newsletter (1995+) 
Acoustical Science and Technology (V.1, 1980+) 
Acoustical Society of America (V.125, 2009+) 
Acoustics Research Letters Online V.1, 2000-V.6,2005 
Acta Physica Polonica B (V.1, 1970+) 
Acta Physica Slovaca (V.1, 1951+) 
Advances in Optics and Photonics (V.1, 2009-V.3, 2011) 
Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics (V.8, 2004+) 
American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology (V.16, 1997-V.44, 2011) 
American Scientist (V.86, 1998+) 
Analusis (V.26, 1998-V.28, 2000) 
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (V.372, 2002+) 
Animal Research (V.1, 1952-V.55, 2006) 
Antimicrobial Agent and Chemotherapy (After 99 abstract Only) 
Apeiron: Studies in Infinite Nature (1987+) 
Applied Optics (Abstract Only) 
Applied and Environmental Microbiology (V.1, 1953+) 
Asian Journal of Mathematics (V.1, 1997+) 
Astronomy and Astrophysics (V.315, 1996+) 
Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series (V.116, 1996-V.147, 2000) 
Australian Journal of Physics (V.6, 1953-V.52, 1999) 

BIO Web of Conferences (V.1, 2011+) 
Beam Line (V.24, 1994-V.32, 2002) 
Biomedical Optics Express (V.1, 2010+) 
Brazilian Journal of Geophysics (V.3, 1997+) 
Brazilian Journal of Physics (V.26, 1996-V.40, 2010) 
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (V.51, 1970+) 
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientist 
Bulletin of the Kyushu Institute of Technology: Humanities, social science (1953+) 
Bulletin of the Kyushu Institute of Technology: Pure and applied mathematics (1998+) 

CERN Courier (Oct., 1998+) 
ChemWeb - Central to Science (Journal List) 
Clinical Microbiology Reviews (V.1, 1988-V.23, 2010) - After 2010 Abstract Only 
Clinical and Vaccine Immunology (V.1, 1994-V.18, 2011) - After 2011 Abstract Only 
Communications in Analysis and Geometry (V.11, 2003+) 
Communications in Information and Systems (V.1, 2001+) 
Communications in Mathematical Sciences (V.1, 2003+) 
Communications in Number Theory and Physics (V.1, 2007+) 
Complexity International (V.1, 1994-V.12, 2008) 
Computer Today (Nov., 2009+) 
Computer World 
Computers in Physics (1997-1998) 
Computing Now (V.3, 1970+) 
Condensed Matter Physics (No.1, 1993+) 
Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Science (V.1, 1970-V.20, 1996) - After 1996 Abstract Only 

Data Quest (Jan, 1998+) 
Digital Technical Journal (V.3, 1991-V.10, 1998) 
Drug Metabolism and Disposition (V.25, 1997-V.38, 2010) 
Dynamics of Partial Differential Equations (V.1, 2004+) 

EPJ Photovoltaics (V.1, 2011+) 
EPJ Web of Conference (V.1, 2009+) 
ESA: Annual Report 
ESA: Earth Observation Quarterly (2003+) 
ESAIM: Proceedings (V.1, 1996+) 
ESHRE (European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology) Journals - Abstract Only 
ESO Messenger (May, 1974+) 
Earth, Planets and Space (EPS) (V.55, 2003+) 
Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis (V.1, 1993+) 
Emerald Fulltext (See Notice for USER ID & PASSWARD) 
Entropy: an International and Interdisciplinary Journal (V.1, 1999) 
Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Nuclear Science Division: Annual Report 
European Physical Journal Applied Physics - Abstract only (V.9, 2003+) 
European Physical Journal D (V.1, 1998+) 
European Physical Journal E: Soft Matter and Biological Physics (V.1, 2000+) 
Europhysics News (V.1, 2000+) 

Fermilab News (Jan., 1996-June, 2004) 
Fizika A - Abstract only (V.5, 1996 to V.19, 2010) 
Fizika B - Abstract only (V.3, 1994+) 
Frontiers of Bioscience (V.1, 1996-V.4, 1999) 

GSI-Nachrichten (1996+) 
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (G3) 
Geophysics Online (Abstract only) 

HEP Libraries Webzine: High Energy Physics Libraries Webzine (2000-2006) 
HYLE International Journal of Philosophy of Chemistry (V.1, 1995+) 
Health Physics - Abstract only (V.102, 2012+) 
High Performance Polymers - Abstract only (V.1, 1989+) 
Homology, Homotopy and Applications (V.3, 2001+) 

ICFA Beam Dynamics Newsletter (1987+) 
ICFA Instrumentation Bulletin (V.12, 1996-V.27, 2005) 
Infection and Immunity (v.1, 1970-V.79, 2011) 
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos (IJBC) - Abstract only (V.1, 1991+) 
International Journal of Fluid Dynamics (V.1, 1997- V.7, 2003) 
International Journal of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (Abstract Only) 
International Journal of Molecular Sciences (V.1, 2000+) 
International Journal of Nanoscience - IJN (Abstract only V.1 2002+) 
International Journal on Wireless & Optical Communications (IJWOC) (Abstract Only) 

JNCI Cancer Spectrum (V.88, 1996-V.103, 2011) 
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (Abstract Only) 
Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics (V.1, 2000+) 
Journal of Biophysics and Structural Biology (V.2, 2010+) 
Journal of Chemical Crystallography (Abstract Only) 
Journal of Clinical Microbioloogy (V.1, 1975-V.49, 2011) 
Journal of Combinatorics (V.1, 2010+) 
Journal of Computational Acoustics (JCA) (Abstract Only) 
Journal of Computational Chemistry (Abstract Only) 
Journal of Differential Geometry (V.36, 1992+) 
Journal of Digital Information (V.1, 1997+) 
Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications (Abstract Only) 
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics (Abstract Only) 
Journal of Fluorescence (Abstract Only) 
Journal of Geometry (V.58, 1997+) 
Journal of Materials Science (Formerly Journal of Materials Science Letters) 
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (Abstract Only) 
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine (Abstract Only) 
Journal of Molecular Modeling (V.3, 1997+) 
Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials (JNOPM) (Abstract Only) 
Journal of Nonlinear Science (V.7, 1997+) 
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking (JOCN) (Abstract Only) 
Journal of Pharmocology & Experimental Therapeutics (V.280, 1997-V.333, 2010) 
Journal of Physical Studies (V.8, 2004+) 
Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research (V.1, 1958+) 
Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research Series (V.1, 1998-V.9, 2010) 
Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate (V.1, 2011+) 
Journal of Symplectic Geometry (V.1, 2001+) 
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation (Abstract only) 
Journal of Virology (V.1, 1967- V.85, 2011) 
Journal of the British Astronomical Association (V.113, 2003-V.117, 2007) 
Journal of the Korean Chemical Society (V.1, 1949+) 
Journal of the Korean Physical Society (V.1, 1968+) 
Journal of the Optical Society of America A (Abstract Only) 
Journal of the Optical Society of America B (Abstract Only) 
Journal of the Society of Rheology, Japan (V.27, 1999+) 
Journal of the Vacuum Science & Technology A (Abstract Only) 
Journal of the Vacuum Science & Technology B (Abstract Only) 

Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems (V.1, 1928+) 

La Revue de Physique 
Laser Focus World (2004+) 
Laser Physics (V.1, 1991-V.19, 2009) 
Lightwave WDM Solutions (V.2, 2001-V.6, 2004) 
Living Reviews in Relativity (V.1, 1998+) 
Los Alamos Science (V.1, 1980-V.30, 2006) 

MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) News 
Materials Physics and Mechanics (V.1, 2000+) 
Mathematical Physics Electronic Journal (V.1, 1995-V.15, 2009) 
Mathematical Research Letters (V.1, 1994+) 
Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics (V.1, 1994+) 
Methods and Applications of Analysis (V.1, 1994+) 
MicroWaves and RF (2002+) 
Miscelanea de la Fisica 
Molecular Interventions (V.1, 2001+) 
Molecular Pharmacology (V.51, 1997-V.78, 2010) 
Molecular and Cellular Biology (V.1, 1981-V.31, 2011) 

Nature Physics Portal 
Nature Review(see notice) 
Nature Science Update 
Nature's deutsche Website 
Network: Computation in Neural Systems (Only Summary) 
Nonlinear Science Today (V.7, 1997+) 
Nulcear Medicine (Abstract Only) 

Optical Review (Abstract Only) 
Optics Express (V.1, 1997+) 

Pharmocological Review (V.49, 1997-V.62, 2010) 
Physical Review Focus (V.1, 1998+) 
Physics World (1997+) (Feature article 2008+) 
Physik Journal (2002-2009) 
Physiological Genomics (V.1, 1999-V.43, 2011) 
Plant Cell (V.1, 1989+) 
Plasma and Fusion Research (V.1, 2006+) 
Proceeding of the SEBM - Experimental Biology and Medicine (V.220, 1999+) 
Progress of Theoretical Physics (No.182, 2009+) 
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia (V.14, 1997-V.26, 2009) 
Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly (V.1, 2005+) 

Radiotherapy and Oncology (V.34, 1995+) 
Reproduction Nutrition Development (V.1, 1961-V.46, 2006) 
Research Laboratory of Electronics at MIT (V.1, 1998-V.11, 1999) 
Research Laboratory of Electronics at MIT: Progress Report 
Research Review Magazine (1993-2003) 
Review of Particle Physics (Sept., 1995-Oct., 2010) 
Reviews on Advanced Materials Science (V.1, 2000+) 

SPIE DIgital Library (V.2005, 2005+) 
Science & Technology Review (March, 1994+) 
Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics (V.1, 1998+) 
Semiconductor Today (June 2006+) 
Statistics and Its Interface (V.1, 2008+) 
Stem Cells (V.14, 1996-V.29, No.4, 2011) 

Turkish Journal of Physics (V.22, 1998+) 

Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie (Abstract Only) 


Last Updated on Monday, 12 March 2018 15:43
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