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Arti Garg

Room No : 469
Ext. : 2469
Email id : arti.garg[AT]
Division :
Personal Details

I am a theoretical condensed matter physicist working mainly in the area of strongly correlated electron systems. I did my Ph.D. at Tata Institute of Fundamental Research in 2006 and moved to Technion- Israel Institute of Technology for postdoctoral research. My second postdoctoral position was at University of California, Santa Cruz. In  2011,  I joined Saha Institute.

My recent research focusses on physics of strong correlations, disordered systems, many-body localization, thermalization, high temperature superconductivity and transport in correlated electron systems. Here are some exciting recent works done with my students and postdocs :

1.Local density of states and scattering rates across the many-body localization transition
  Atanu Jana, V. Ravi Chandra and Arti Garg

2. Enhanced non-ergodic sub-diffusive regime near the many-body localization transition in the presence of random long-range interactions
     Yogeshwar Prasad, Arti Garg

3. Unconventional superconductivity in a strongly correlated band-insulator without doping

    Anwesha Chattopadhyay, H.R. Krishnamurthy, Arti Garg

4. Correlation driven metallic and half-metallic phases in a band insulator
     Soumen Bag, Arti Garg, H.R. Krishnamurthy

5. Many-body localization in the presence of long-range interactions and long-range hopping
   Sabyasachi Nag, Arti Garg

6. Many-body mobility edges in a one-dimensional model of interacting fermions
    Sabyasachi Nag, Arti Garg

7 Many-body localization-delocalization transition in the quantum Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model
Sudip Mukherjee, Sabyasachi Nag, Arti Garg

You can find my complete publication list here



Last Updated on Friday, 11 April 2014 19:21
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