Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India
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Past Seminar

Title              :

Time Evolution of Nielsen Complexity under Multiple Quenches

Speaker         : Kuntal Pal , IIT Kanpur
Date                : December 09, 2022
Time               : 11:30 AM
Venue            : seminar room 3307
Abstract        :

  Recently the notions of complexity have gained wide attention
  due to their application in probing quantum phase transitions and quantum
  chaos in many-body quantum systems, both in equilibrium and non-equilibrium
  scenarios. In this talk, we shall discuss the evolution of Nielsen complexity
  in a chain of harmonic oscillators with nearest-neighbour interactions when
  it is subjected to sudden quantum quenches. Particular emphasis will be given
  to the evolution of complexity when the harmonic chain is subjected to multiple
  sudden quenches and its interpretation in terms of the geodesic distance on the
  complexity of geometry. Finally, the issues of the information scrambling in
  the harmonic  chain under multiple quenches and its relation to the complexity
  will be discussed.



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