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Past Seminar

Title              :

Search for Supersymmetry--Some avenues less explored

Speaker         : Arindam Chatterjee , ISI, Kolkata
Date                : January 09, 2017
Time               : 3:30 PM
Venue            : Room 3307
Abstract        :

After the discovery of Higgs at LHC, search for Beyond Standard Model (BSM) Physics is in full swing. Supersymmetric theories provide a well motivated extension of the Standard Model. Apart from addressing the hierarchy problem, R-parity conserving supersymmetric scenarios also assure the stability of the Lightest Supersymmetric particle (LSP). The LSP, if neutral, can be a good Dark Matter (DM) candidate. Therefore, the nature of the LSP, in such scenarios, can be probed or constrained using both Dark Matter (DM) and collider searches. At LHC, the decay of strongly interacting sparticles, which can have large production cross-sections, can lead to different signals for different LSPs. We consider two different scenarios in this context : one featuring a left-sneutrino as the LSP and the others with a neutralino as the LSP. We show that in both cases distinct collider signature from the third generation squarks (which are expected to be light thanks to the \"naturalness\" criteria), may be observed in the (near) future. The viability of these LSPs as Dark Matter candidates are also explored.



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