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Past Seminar

Title              :

Signatures of quantum gravity in LHC

Speaker         : Soumitra SenGupta, IACS, Kolkata
Date                : November 23, 2015
Time               : 3:30 PM
Venue            : Room 3307
Abstract        :

Standard model of elementary particles does not include gravity in it’s description of microscopic world. Despite extraordinary success in describing the world of elementary particles, it encounters some longstanding and hitherto unexplained problems in terms of gauge hierarchy problem, cosmological constant problem, Fermion mass hierarchy problem etc. In addition, the origin of dark matter could also not be explained within the purview of standard model. Does inclusion of gravity lead to some possible resolution to these problems? In this talk, I shall try to explain why gravitational interaction was originally not included in standard model and why it is now seriously considered to play some significant role in resolving the problems encountered in standard model. Our discussion will finally indicate that one may need to look beyond Einstein's gravity to address these problems. We shall also discuss a possible search for quantum gravity effects in the Large Hadron collider.



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