Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India
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Dr. Sudipto Chakrabarti

Associate Professor
Room No : Isotope Building
Ext. : 4217
Email id : sudipto.chakrabarti[AT]
Division :
  1. Magnetic control over the fundamental structure of atomic wires
    Sudipto Chakrabarti, Ayelet Vilan, Gai Deutch, Annabelle Oz, Juan Peralta, Oded Hod, Oren Tal;
    Nature Communications 13, 1-12 (2022)
  2. Richness of molecular junction configurations revealed by tracking a full pull-push cycle
    Tamar Yelin, Sudipto Chakrabarti, Ayelet Vilan, Oren Tal; Nanoscale 13, 18434-18440 (2021)
  3. Nonmagnetic single-molecule spin-filter based on quantum interference
    Atindra Nath Pal, Dongzhe Li, Soumyajit Sarkar, Sudipto Chakrabarti, Ayelet Vilan, Lior Kronik, Alexander Smogunov, Oren Tal; Nature Communications 10, 5565 (2019)
  4. Energy levels of metal porphyrins upon molecular alignment during layer - by - layer electrostatic assembly: scanning tunneling spectroscopy vis-a-vis optical spectroscopy
    Biswajit Kundu, Sudipto Chakrabarti, Amlan J. Pal; RSC Advances 6, 47410-47417 (2016)
  5. Temperature dependence wave function mapping of type – I core/shell quantum dots by scanning tunneling microscopy; Biswajit Kundu, Sudipto Chakrabarti, Amlan J. Pal; Journal of Applied Physics, 119, 104304 (2016)
  6. Memristor effect in metal semiconductor core/shell nanoparticles: A multilevel memory
    Sudipto Chakrabarti, Amlan J. Pal; Nanoscale 7, 9886-9893 (2015)
  7. Redox Levels of Dithiols in II-VI Quantum Dots vis-à-vis Photoluminescence Quenching: An Insight from Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy; Biswajit Kundu, Sudipto Chakrabarti, Amlan J. Pal; Chemistry of Materials, 26, 5506 (2014)
  8. Spin-Polarized Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy of Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor Quantum Dots
    Sudipto Chakrabarti, Amlan J. Pal; Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 118, 25786 (2014)
  9. On the valve nature of monolayer of aligned molecular magnets in tunneling spin- polarized electrons: Towards organic molecular spintronics; Sudipto Chakrabarti, Amlan J. Pal; Applied Physics Letters, 104, 1 (2014)
  10. Co doped ZnO quantum dots in a monolayer: do the bands depend on alignment of magnetic domain?
    Sudipto Chakrabarti, Amlan J. Pal; RSC Advances 3, 5022-5027 (2013)
  11. Electronic states of organic semiconductors vis-a-vis interactions between molecules in a submonolayer through time-restricted electrostatic assembly; Sudipto Chakrabarti, Amlan J. Pal; Organic Electronics 13,1930-1936 (2012)
  12. Orientation of organic molecules in a monolayer vis-a-vis their molecular orbitals and transport gap
    Sudipto Chakrabarti, Sukumar Dey, Amlan J. Pal; Applied Physics Letters, 99, 5 (2011)


Last Updated on Friday, 11 April 2014 19:21
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