Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India
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Prof. Satyajit Hazra

Senior Professor
Room No : Isotope Bldg
Ext. : 4219
Email id : satyajit.hazra[AT]
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Personal Webpage
Name Position Extn Research Topic
Present Members
Mr. Saugata Roy Research Fellow 1126 Tuning structures of donor-acceptor (D-A) type co-polymer thin films
Mr. Subhankar Mandal Research Fellow 1126 Electronic structures of UHV grown polar organic thin films
Mr. Souvik Jana Research Fellow 1126 Electronic structures of organic/substrate interfaces
Mr. Suman K. Ghosh Research Fellow 1126 Tuning structures of polymer blended organic semiconductor active layers
Name Present Affiliation Tenure in the Group and Activity
Dr. Jayanta K. Bal Assistant Professor, Abhedananda Mahavidyalaya, India
(Recipient of INSPIRE Faculty award)
2005-2010: Ph.D. Scholar
Thesis title: Interfacial instability driven growth of low dimensional structures
Dr. Rupak Banerjee Associate Professor, IIT Gandhinagar, India 2004-2011: Ph.D. Scholar (joint supervision)
Thesis title: Ordering and pattern formation in self-assembled nanostructured materials
Dr. Paramita Chatterjee   2007-2015: Ph.D. Scholar
Thesis title: Surfactant-mediated growth of mesoporous and nanostructured films
Dr. Ishani Roy   2010-2016: Ph.D. Scholar
Thesis title: Structural ordering in semiconducting organic molecules or polymers
Ms. Mala Mukhopadhyay Assistant Professor, BRA Bihar University, Muzaffarpur, India 2011-2016: Ph.D. Scholar
Thesis title: Growth and evolution of nanolayers of metal and metal nanoparticles on solid substrates
Dr. Md. Saifuddin PDF, NISER Bhubaneswar, India 2017-2022: Ph.D. Scholar
Thesis title: Nanostructuring, ordering and surface-interface tuning of organic and metal-organic thin films
Ms. Sayanee Jana   2013-2014: Research Scholar
Ms. Sruti Datta   2013-2016: Research Scholar
Research Topic: Tuning the growth of metal nanoparticles in single-step synthesis process
Mr. Arindam Biswas   2017-2019: Research Scholar
Research Topic: Charge transport mechanisms of nanostructured thin films


Last Updated on Friday, 11 April 2014 19:21
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