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Advances in Nanomaterials using Synchrotron Techniques (ANST-2014)


The physics of nanomaterials and the application of synchrotron x-ray techniques to characterize the structure and in-situ growth of these nanoparticlesis the matter of intense researchsince last decade. Nanomaterials opened up a new area in material science research due to its wide application in nanotechnology for the industry. Modern day high brilliance synchrotron x-ray sources have helped us to explore the new physics and chemistry of these materials. In this context Indian researchers have shown immense interest and contributed actively to the world of nanoscience. In this context we would like to organise the first conference on Advances in Nanomaterials Using Synchrotron Techniques (ANST-2014) from December 11-13, 2014. The conference aims to provide a common platform for the participants by bringing experts from India and abroad who will present their recentresults and achievements for the advancement in the field of nanoscience, with emphasis on usage of synchrotron x-ray based techniques. Department of Science and Technology has started a number of initiatives under Nano Mission for the access ofthe advance synchrotron facilitiesand Indian Beamline project at Photon Factory, KEK, Japan and preferred access at PETRA III, DESY, Germany are two such programmes under its umbrella. Apart from experts in this field around the world, users of these facilities will also present their activities in this conference.

Click here to visit the official website of this conference



Last Updated on Friday, 11 April 2014 18:50
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