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Oishee Chakrabarti

Room No : Phase IV (4622)
Ext. : 4622
Email id : oishee.chakrabarti[AT]
Division :
My main interest is to understand the molecular pathways that that lead to extensive neuronal death in late-onset neurodegenerative diseases (e.,g., Alzheimer"™s, Parkinson"™s, Huntington"™s, the prion diseases, etc.). All these diseases, characterized by errors in protein folding, processing and localization, lead to cellular dysfunction and extensive neuronal damage with fatal consequences. Research in my laboratory involves classical protein biochemistry as well as latest advances in tandem affinity protein purifications (TAP) and mass spectrometry to identify interacting molecular partners. Functional significance of such interactions are addressed by high resolution imaging analyses of live cells and using genetically modified mouse models. In short, my laboratory provides a balanced platform for implementing cutting-edge technology, while also utilizing classical methods to address some of the fundamental issues in cell biology and neurodegeneration.


Last Updated on Friday, 11 April 2014 19:21
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