Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India
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Nuclear Physics

Prof. Ushasi Datta

Senior Professor
Room No : 339
Ext. : 1339/2364/3306
Email id : ushasi.dattapramanik[AT]
Division :
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Teaching :

PMSc (Experimental Physics), SINP, Kolkata
2022: Advance nuclear physics course, review project,  short experiments at laboratory
2020: advanced nuclear physics. Review project
2019: Research Methodology , Advanced experiments at laboratory, advanced nuclear physics.
2018: Research Methodology , Advanced experiments at laboratory, advanced nuclear physics.
2017: Advanced experiments at laboratory
2016: Advanced experiments at laboratory
 ... ..
2005:  advanced nuclear physics

Teaching Elsewhere:

2019:  Lectures on experimental techniques on experimental nuclear astrophysics
            at SERB school on Nuclear Astrophysics, Kolkata
2013: Special lecture at Erice school on nuclear physics, Erice, Italy
2007: Special lecture at Erice school on nuclear physics, Erice.Italy
2001: Nuclear Astrophyics, Santa Tecla School, Italy
2000: Special lecture at Erice school on nuclear physics, Erice, Italy

List of talks:  talks/invited at various international and national conference/workshop and  invited seminar/colloquium at international universities and institutes   
56.  Talk  at International Nuclear Physics 2019, Glasgow, UK,
29th July-2nd August, 2019  on “Exotic properties beyond proton drip line”
55.   2019 International conference on proton-emitting nuclei, NSCL/FRIB2019, East Lansing, Michigan State University, USA,  3-7th June, 2019
Talk on “Exotic properties beyond proton drip line”
54. Invited talk  on  Weakly bound neutron-rich nuclei and cosmic phenomena” at 54th ASRC International Workshop Sakura-2019 "Nuclear Fission and Structure of Exotic Nuclei ", Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), Tokai, Japan ,  25-27 March 2019 
53. Invited lectures at SERB School on Nuclear Astrophysics, Saha Institute Of Nuclear Physics, 11th Feb. – 2nd March, 2019
52. Invited talk  at International conference on Recent  Issues on nuclear and particle physics at Dept. of Physics, Visva Bharati University,  Shantiniketan, on 3-5 Feb 2019on “Weakly bound neutron-rich nuclei and cosmic phenomena “
51. Talk on Weakly bound neutron-rich nuclei and cosmic phenomena”
            at CIPANP2018, Palm Spring, USA, 29th May-3rd June, 2018.
50.      Talk at SOTANCP4, Galveston, Texas, 13th May to 18th May, 2018
on “Nuclear cluster structure near beta stability and far from beta     stability  line” .

49. Invited Talk  on “Structure and Reaction studies using 32S+92Mo” at  Workshop on INGA experiments" held on 14-15 Sept. 2017 at IUAC, New Delhi
48. Invited Talk  "Ultra fast timing  MMRPC: a versatile detector for basic and applied science", 60th DAE_BRNS symposium on Nuclear Physics, Dec, 2015, SSI, India
47.  Talk on " Nuclear physics and neutrino"
First Conference on science at Sanford underground facility ,
South Dakota School of Mines, Rapid City,
46. Talk on “Direct Evidence of melting shell-gap of the neutron-rich nuclei through novel spectroscopic tool

International Conference on Electromagnetic Isotope Separators and related topics (EMIS 2015), Grand Rapids, Michigan, (11-15th May, 2015)
45. Invited Talk on  Journey to "Nuclear Island of Inversion using a novel spectroscopic tool"
International Workshop on Science with Rare Ion Beams (SCRIBE-2014) Nov 25-28, 2014, VECC
44. Talk on “Coulomb Breakup as a Novel spectroscopic tool to probe quantum numbers of loosely bound nucleon(s) of exotic nuclei”
The 10th Latin American Symposium on Nuclear Physics and Applications will be held on December 1-6, 2013 in Montevideo, Uruguay
43. Invited Talk on Measurement of mass of neutrino from unique technique beta-decay measurement at SINP laboratory” at International School of Nuclear Physics, 35th Course, Neutrino Physics: Present and Future, Erice, September 16-24, 2013 at
42.  Talk on ‘Direct probe to the ground state configuration of Island of Inversion neutron-rich nuclei through Coulomb Breakup at International Nuclear Physics Conference, Firenze, and 3rd June, 2013
41.  Invited Talk  on ‘Nuclear Energy and research with Radioactive ion beam facility’,  at,  International workshop on  ‘At the Crossroads Of  Africa, Asia and Europe: Challenges and  Perspective’,  Humboldt-Kellogg,  Venice International  University , Venezia, 30th May to 1st  June, 2013
40.   Invited Talk on ‘Past, present and future research using gamma-ray array at   National workshop on gamma-ray spectroscopy
TIFR, Mumbai, India March, 2013
39. Invited Talk on ‘Research Awareness program using accelerated nuclear beam
at Jharkhand Central University, Ranchi, Bihar, 16th Nov, 2012
38.  Invited Talk on ‘Exploring Nuclear Structure and Reaction dynamics using   Radioactive Ion Beam’,
International Workshop on Science with Rare Ion Beams SCRIBE-2012, (07-09) Nov., VECC, Kolkata, 2012.
37. Invited Talk on
I. ‘Indian efforts (2005-2011) and activity on R3B-FAIR facility at Darmstadt,
II. ‘High energy Neutron detector: NeuLAND development and final design, for R3B, FAIR facility’
Annual NUSTAR meeting, Kolkata, India, Oct., 2012
36. Invited Talk on ‘Future plan of Indian scientists at ISOLDE, CERN’
 Isolde Scientific Collaboration Committee,   ISOLDE, CERN, Geneva, 3rd, July, 2012
35.  Talk on ‘Exotic decay of neutron deficient Ba isotopes at ISOLDE, CERN, Feb, 2012, through Vedio conference
34. 14.  Invited Talk on ‘Physics beyond standard model using nuclear physics at PROJECT-X’
International Meeting among  Indian and USA scientists  on  ‘Physics with Project-X  and Indian participation IUAC,  New Delhi  17-18th June, 2011
33.Talkon ‘Clusterization in Heavy nuclei near Proton Drip Line at Fourth International Conference on Proton-emitting NucleiPROCON 2011), Bordeaux, France, 8th June, 2011
on ‘Physics with NUSTAR, FAIR facility’,   International workshop, TIFR, Mumbai, 20th Feb., 2011 
31 Talk on ‘Development of MMRPC with timing resolution better than 100 ps at India’ International symposium on ‘Nuclear Physics’ BITS Pilani, Jaipur, India,  Dec., 2010
30. Invited  Talk on ‘Study of high spin states through in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy of neutron deficient exotic nuclei  around N~40’  at  INGA (IndianNational Gamma Array) users workshop, TIFR, Mumbai, 21-22nd March, 2010
29. Invited talk on National Theme Workshop on Nuclear Reaction Mechanism, Chandigarh, 18th March, 2010.
 28. Invited talk on ‘Physics with R3B, FAIR Facility’ at International workshop on ‘Physics with FAIR Facility’, VECC, Kolkata, 8 to 10thMarch, 2010
27. Talk on ‘Development of MMRPC   prototype for NeuLAND detector of R3B setup at FAIR
International conference on Resistive Plate Chamber and related detector (RPC2010), GSI, Darmstadt, 8-12th Feb., 2010
 26. Invited Talk onIndian contribution in High energy neutron detector in   R3B, EXL, ELISE and scientific outcome using this detector
(FAIR-NUSTAR INDIA meeting, IUAC, New Delhi, 3rd-4 Th July, 2009
25. Invited talk on ‘Indian contribution in R3B, EXL, ELISE ‘(FAIR-INDIA meeting, ECIL, Hyderabad, 19the April, 2009
24. Talk on ‘Development of MMRPC   prototype for England detector of R3B setup at FAIR
International conference on “Resistive Plate Chamber and related detector (RPC2010), GSI, Darmstadt, 8-12th Feb., 2010)
23. Invited Talk on ‘Indian contribution in High energy neutron detector in   R3B, EXL, ELISE and scientific outcome using this detector’
(FAIR-NUSTAR INDIA meeting, IUAC, New Delhi, 3-4 Th July, 09) (Invited)
22. Invited talk on ‘Indian contribution in R3B, EXL, ELISE ‘
(FAIR-INDIA meeting, ECIL, Hyderabad, 19th April, 2009) (Invited)
.21. Invited talk on ‘Development of High Energy Neutron detector for R3B-FAIR, ‘(FAIR- collaboration meeting, VECC, Kolkata Feb., 2009)
 20. Invited talk on ‘Investigation of inversion of νd3/2 – νfp orbital in the nuclei around N=20 shell closure ‘
(13th Nov. 2008 FRS-Users workshop, GSI, Darmstadt, Nov, 2008) 
19. Invited talk on ‘Indirect measurement of capture cross-sections relevant to Astrophysical scenario’
 DAE (National) symposium on Nuclear Physics, Jabalpur University, Dec, 2007 
18. Talk on ‘Exploring structure of neutron rich nuclei through Coulomb and nuclear breakup’ (4th International conference on Fission and neutron-rich nuclei, Sanibel, Nov, 2007)
17. Invited talk on ‘Indirect measurement of capture cross-section in astrophysical scenario’
International School of Nuclear Physics in Erice, Sicily, on 16-24th Sept., 2006
16. Talk on ‘'Study of Exotic Nuclei near the Neutron Drip line'
International conference on Nuclear Structure and Astrophysics, (NUSTAR’05) University of Surrey, UK, 5-8th Jan.’2005
15. Talk on 'Study of Exotic Nuclei near the Neutron Drip line'
The Fourth International Conference on Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses
(ENAM 04), on September 12-16, 2004 Callaway Gardens, Pine Mountain, Georgia, USA.
14. Invited talk on ‘Measurement of the 14C (n,γ)15C cross section by Coulomb dissociation’
Workshop on Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics - Challenges and Opportunities at  Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany  on September 7th-9th, 2004
13. Invited talk on ‘Proton removal reaction and spectroscopic factor’
International workshop on Spectroscopic factor at
12. Invited talk on ‘Study of neutron rich Nuclei near and beyond the drip-line’International workshop on Production and utilization of Radioactive ion beams from ISOL facilities (PRORIB-2004), at Tosali Sands, Puri, India, from 16th –19thFebruary, 2004.
11.Invited talk on ‘Coulomb and nuclear Break Up of light neutron-rich nuclei’
GDR noyaux exotiques, IPN Orsay,  France Sept. 17-19,2003 
10. Invited talk on ‘New Experimental approaches towards r-process nuclei
Meeting on Nuclear Physics in core collapse supernovae at Institute of physics, Aspen, Colorado, USA, 26th May-6th June, 2003.
9. Invited talk on
Coulomb and Nuclear Breakup of neutron-rich nuclei using RIB facility’.
 International workshop on Nuclei with extreme masses and isospin
  at Toshali Sands, Puri, March, 2003.
8.Invited talk on ‘ Study of structure of loosely bound nuclei’
  at International conference on ‘Physics of Unstable Nuclei", Kyoto (Japan), November 5-10, 2001
7.Invited talk on‘Structure Studies of light neutron-rich nuclei,
at International Conference on Nuclear Structure Physics (NP2001), Gottingen, Germany, 5-8th March, (2001)
6Invited talk on  Structure of Light Neutron-Rich Nuclei through Coulomb Dissociation’ at International Symposium on Nuclear Physics, Mumbai, India, Dec., 2000.
5.Talk on "Coulomb dissociation of loosely bound nuclei and its Astrophysical implication", at European summer school on experimental Nuclear Astrophysics, held at Sicily, Italy, and September 5th, 2001.
4.Talk on "Structure studies of exotic nuclei through Coulomb dissociation’’at International Astronuclear Physics School held at Erice, Italy, September 22,    2000.
3. Talk on"The Shape transition in odd-odd nuclei in light rare earth region.”
 at Predeal International Summer School held at Predeal, Rumania, and Aug. 1998
2.        Talk on "Shape coexistence in a~ 130 region,"
 atInternational Winter School held at TIFR, Mumbai,  Feb. 1996.
1. Talk on ‘Shape transition from prolate to Oblate in odd-odd La nuclei"
  National Nuclear Physics Symposium, Bhubaneswar,  Dec., 1995
Invited Talks/Seminars/colloquium given at various international laboratories/universities:
30. Invited for  delivering  special colloquium  and research discussion  on "Direct probe to the ground state configuration of ‘ISLAND OF INVERSION’ nuclei through Coulomb Breakup " at Dept. of Physics and Astronomy,  Ohio University, Athens, Ohio state,  USA, 12th June, 2015
29.  Invited for  , Heavy Ion discussion on  "Direct probe to the ground state configuration of ‘ISLAND OF INVERSION’ nuclei through Coulomb Breakup " at Physics  Dept., Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Chicago, USA,  23rd June, 2015
28. Seminar on ‘Coulomb Breakup as a novel spectroscopic tool  to probe quantum numbers of valence nucleon of loosely bound nuclei’,  at   Texas A & M, USA, 23rd June., 2014
27 . Seminar on ‘ Study of exotic properties of nuclei using various RIB facilities’
At Physics Dept., Stanford University, May, 2014.
26.          Seminar on ‘Coulomb Breakup as a novel spectroscopic tool  to probe quantum numbers of valence nucleon of loosely bound nuclei and new results on Na, Mg and Al  neutron-rich nuclei’,  at  ROUTERS University, USA, 6th feb., 2014
25.  Seminar on  CERN, ISOLDE, ISCC 2012
24.          Seminar on ‘Recent research activity on Exotic nuclei and development of ultra fast timing detector” at ISOLDE, CERN, 2nd Nov., 2 011
23.          Seminar on ‘Study of exotic Nuclei and Indian participation in R3B (Reaction with Relativistic Radioactive Beams), FAIR at Darmstadt’ at University of Napoli, Italy, 21st June, 2010
 22.         Seminar on ‘ISLAND of Inversion and experiment at LAND-FRS setup
    NUSTAR seminar, GSI, Darmstadt, 14th Jan, 2009
21.          Talk on ‘Exploring high spin states near proton drip line’ at IUAC, New Delhi, and Sept, 2009
20.          Seminar on ‘Exotic features of  the Nuclei with large neutron and  proton  asymmetry and its impact on nucleosynthesis’  at  Forschungszentrum,  Rossendorf,Dresden, 3rd  Sept., 2008
19.          Special seminar on ‘Journey towards nuclear drip line’ at NSCL, Michigan State University, East Lansing11th, May, 2007
18.          Seminar on ‘Study of loosely bound and unbound nuclei in the projectile rapidity domain and its astrophysical impact’, Argonne National Laboratory, Chicago, 14thMay, 2007
17.          Seminar on ‘Coulomb breakup on neutron-rich nuclei and indirect measurement of capture cross-section relevant to astrophysical scenario”, at Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmadabad, Oct, 2007
16.          Seminar on ‘Indirect Measurement of Capture cross-section in Astrophysical Scenario’: 14C (n,γ) 15C “at Legnaro National Laboratory, Italy, 12th Dec., 2006,
15.          Seminar on ‘Indirect Measurement of Capture cross-section in Astrophysical Scenario’ at IPN, Orsay, Franceon 16th Oct., 2006
14.          Seminar on ‘Indirect Measurement of Capture cross-section in Astrophysical Scenario’ at LNL, INFN, Italy, 16th July, 2006
13.          Seminar on ‘Study of High spin states of the neutron deficient nuclei near proton drip line’, at NSC, New Delhi, Aug, 2005
12.          Seminar on ‘Structure of neutron-rich nuclei beyond the drip line’,at Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro (LNL), INFN, Legnaro, Italy, 11th March, 2004
11.          Seminar on ‘Study of exotic nuclei near and beyond the drip-line using RIB facility’, at GSI, Darmstadt, Germany, 20th Aug., 2003
10.          Seminar on Study of exotic nuclei near and beyond the drip line using RIB facility at GSI and its astrophysical implication’, at GANIL, Caen, France, 12th Sept.2003
 9.            Seminar on ‘Study of neutron-rich nuclei using relativistic radioactive ion beam facility’at IPN, Orsay, May, 2002
8.             Seminar on ‘Study of structure of unstable nuclei using RIB facility at GSI’, Darmstadt at Nuclear Science Centre, New Delhi, India, Jan., 2002
7.             Seminar on ‘Structure and reaction studies of neutron rich nuclei using radioactive nuclear beam facilities at GSI’, at RIKEN, Japan, 15th Nov.’ 2001
6.             Seminar on 'Coulomb dissociation using unstable nuclear beams' at University of Edinburgh, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, UK, 31st May, 2001 
5.             Seminar on "Explosive Burning, Supernovae"at GSI, Darmstadt, Germany, 5th June, 2000.
4.             Seminar on"The shapes of odd-odd nuclei", at GSI, Darmstadt, Germany Sept. 1999.
3.             Seminar on"The shapes of odd-odd nuclei", at INFN, Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, Legnaro, Italy, Dec, 1998.
2.             Seminar on "The study of deformed odd-odd nuclei", at University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India, Nov. 1997.
1.             Seminar on "Experimental study of 138Pm", at Nuclear Science Centre, New Delhi, India, Feb.1997.



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