Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India
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Nuclear Physics

Prof. Ushasi Datta

Senior Professor
Room No : 339
Ext. : 1339/2364/3306
Email id : ushasi.dattapramanik[AT]
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Guided following PhD Students on Research Work for PhD Thesis:
§  Dr.  Santosh  Chakraborty: Title of thesis: Study of Neutron-rich Al isotopes through Coulomb breakup , Sept. 2016 (Presently working as an assistant professor at West Bengal University of Technology, Kolkata)
§  Dr.  Anisur  Rahaman: Title of thesis: Study of exotic features of the nuclei in and around ISLAND of inversion using radioactive beam; Jan., 2018  (Presently working as an Assistant Professor in  North Bengal Govt. Engg. College, Jalpaiguri, India)
§  Ms.  Jayati  Ray; Registered for PhD at University of  Kolkata, Title of thesis: Study of exotic properties of nuclei near proton drip line through in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy.  (Present working as an Asst. Prof.  in WB Govt. College, India)
§  Mr.  Arnab Bhattacharya, Registered for PhD at Homi Bhabha Deemed University, 2018. Title of thesis: “Measurement of capture cross-section relevant to astrophysical scenario,
§  Mr.  Priyabrata Das, Registered for PhD at Homi Bhabha Deemed University, 2018/Title of thesis: Study of properties of exotic nuclei near and beyond proton drip, (Working at SINP)
Guided following Under-graduate Students on Research Work for 2-6 months:
§  Somnath  Choudhury, M. Sc, (May-June, 2005), IIT, Kharagpur - “Measurement of radiation background at Laboratory using semiconductor   HpGe and scintillator  detector".   
§  Rajendra Prasad, M.Sc,   IIT New Delhi, July, 2006 - “Study of various reaction channel in 20Ne + 58Ni reaction through gamma-ray decay spectroscopy”.
§  Mr. Pratik Tarafdar, B.Sc. St. Xaviers College, Kolkata, June-July, 2007; ‘Response of gamma-rays of various types of detectors’.
§  Abhirup Ghosh, B.Sc., Presidency College, Kolkata, June-July, 2008; ‘Scientific utility of gamma-rays’.
§  Md.Anisur Rahaman,  M.Sc, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, May-July,2008 -  ‘Study high spin states of exotic nuclei through in beam gamma-ray spectroscopy’
§  Sujoy Karan, M.Sc., Department of Physics,  University of  Pune,  May-July,2008; "High spin states of 121Cs nuclei"
§  Santosh Chakraborty, P.M.Sc, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata,  May-Sept, 2009 -P.M.Sc review work   on ‘Study of exotic nuclei using intermediate energy RIB’         
§  Debasis Deb,  M.Sc, IITK (Kanpur), May-June,  2011, "Calibration of Large area neutron detector (LAND) using cosmic background
§  Paromita Mukherjee, B.Sc, St. Xavier’s college, May-June, 2010, 2011, ‘Study of  background radiation through g-ray spectroscopy’            
§  Ananya Ganguly, M.Tech (Information Technology), Univ. of Calcutta, project for M.Tech  (six months)'10 “Simulation for the development of detector and particle flow algorithm”
§  Md.Anisur Rahaman,  P.M.Sc, SINP, Kolkata,  May-Sept.,  2010 , ‘Study of exotic features of nuclei around ISLAND of inversion’
§  Jayati  Ray, P.M.Sc, SINP, Kolkata,  March-August’2011,   ‘Study of exotic nuclei near proton-drip line’     
§  M. Roy, P.M.Sc, SINP, Kolkata, March-August, 2012, ‘Study of exotic decay near proton-drip line’
§  Hirok Bandopadhyay,  IISER , Kolkata, May-Aug, 2013; June, 2014 -‘Calibration of silicon strip detector and Study of exotic delayed proton decay’
§  R.Gnansundari,  B.Mani Subhash,  M.Sc. final year Andhra University, 2015 - “Principle Of Coincidence Measurement Using Ultra Fast Scintillator Detectors"
§  Sourav  Sarkar, IISER, (INSPIRE Fellow)  Kolkata, Ist year of integrated M.Sc. in Physics, May-June, 2016 -  "Analysis of fast timing detector signal using MATLAB  
§  Visal Kumar,  P.M.Sc review work,  Dec 2016-Mar2017 - ‘Study of  high spin structure of the exotic nuclei near proton-drip line’
§  Ram Sewak,   P.M.Sc review work ,  Dec 2016-Mar 2017,  
§  Jayanti Madhei, M.Sc., IIT Kharagpur, May 2018-Jul 2018
§  Ms. Silpi Gharami, M.Sc. in instrumentation, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, Feb 2020-Jun 2020, 6 months compulsory project, “Designing of instrument for nuclear physics experiment” , Feb 2020-Jun 2020.
§  Mr. Jash Varma,  Integrated M.Sc,  IIT Kharagpur, “Calibration of HpGe detectors” May2019-Jul 2019.
§  Anusha Pandey , B.Sc.(Hons.) Physics, Miranda House, performed project on “Binding Energy and Magic Number”, May 2019-Jun 2019

  • Arnab Bhattacharya, P.M.Sc review work , “ Dec 2018-Mar 2019,  “Capture cross-section relevant to Astrophysical scenario
  • Priyabrata Das, P.M.Sc review work ,  Dec 2018-Mar 2019,  “”Exotic decay near proton drip line”
  • Sourav Sadhukhan, P.M.Sc review work ,  Dec 2019-July 2020,   “ Galactic 26Al nucleosynthesis “
  • Joydip DeyP.M.Sc review work-I and II , (January- August, 2022, Study of Exotic Decay of  116Cs   
  • Mahesh Chaturbedi worked as a project assistant,  Oct2018-April2019,  “Building an chamber for low energy nuclear physics expt
  • Shruti De worked as a project assistant, Oct 2019- April 2020”, “Building an array of fast scintillators””




Last Updated on Friday, 11 April 2014 19:21
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