Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India
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Nuclear Physics

Prof. Ushasi Datta

Senior Professor
Room No : 339
Ext. : 1339/2364/3306
Email id : ushasi.dattapramanik[AT]
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Papers in Journals
Peer reviewed journals  articles  and working papers 
h-index 29, citations~4000   
Sixteen papers  have  citation more than 50  and thireen letters (seven phys. Rev. Lett) have citation more than 100

110.  Neutron Capture Cross sections of light neutron-rich nuclei  relevant for r-process nucleosynthesis
         A.Bhattacharyya, Ushasi Datta, A. Rahaman, S.Chakraborty, A.Aumann, K.Boretzky et al, 
         Phys. Rev. C  104, 045801 (2021)

109. NeuLAND: The high-resolution neutron time of flight spectrometer for R3B at FAIR
         Nucl. Inst. of Meth. for phys. res. A 1014 (2021) 165701
         K.Boretzky, I . Gasparic, M.Heil, ..........U.Datta et al. 

108.  Evidence of sterile neutrino from end-point analysis of b-spectrum
         J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 48 125201
          Ushasi Datta and Anisur Rahaman

 107.  Ground state and excited state multinucleon transfer channels in interactions of 28Si with 90, 94Zr in near barrier                region
          Int. J.Mod. Phys. E30, 2150053(2021)
          S.Kalkal, S.Mandal, N.Madhavan, A.Jhingan, S.Nath, E.Prasad, R.Sandal.......U.Datta et al, 

 106.   Study of exotic decay of Cs isotope close  proton drip-line 
           Journal  Phys. 1643 (2020) 012127 
          P.Das, Ushasi Datta, S. Chakraborty, A.Rahaman, M.Borge, O.Tengblad,  A. N. Andreyev7 ,
          A.Becerril5 , P.Bhattacharya1 , A.Bhattacharyya1,2 , J.Cederkall8 , H. De Witte9 ,
           L. M. Fraile10, A.Gottberg6,11, P. T. Greenlees12,13 , L.J.Harkness-Brennan14, M. Huyse9 ,
           D.S. Judson14, J. Konki12,13 , J.Kurcewicz6 , M.Kowalska6 , I. Lazarus15, R. Lica 6 , S.Mandal16,
          M. Madurga6 , N. Marginean17,  et al, 
105.   Probing  the Z=6  spin-orbit shell gap with p-2p quasi-free scattering  reactions
           Phys. Lett. B 809, 135748 (2020)
          I.Syndikus, M.Petri, A.O.Macchiavelli,S.Paschalis, C.A.Bertulani,T.Aumann H. Alvarez-Pol,L.Atar, S. Beceiro-Novo,               j.Benlliure,J. M. Boillos, K. Boretzky, M.J.G. Borge,  B.A.Brown,M. Caamano,C. Caesar, E. Casarejos, W. Catford,J.             CederkALL, S.Chakraborty, L. Chulkov,  D. Cortina-Gil, E. Cravo, R. Crespo U.DattaPramanik, I.Dillimann et al.,   

104. Cluster structure near beta-stability and far from stability
       AIP 2038, 020020 (2018);
       Published Online: 13 November 2018
      Ushasi Datta, J. Ray, I. Ray, S. Chakraborty, A. Rahaman, R. K. Bhowmik, A. Chakraborty, et al.,

103.Structure of  13Be studied in proton knockout from 14B

Phys. Rev. C , July, 2018
G. Ribeiro, E. N_acher, O. Tengblad,P. Daz Fernandez, Y. Aksyutina, H. Alvarez-Pol,L.Atar,T. Aumann, V. Avdeichikov, . Beceiro-Novo, D. Bemmerer, j.Benlliure, C. A. Bertulani, J. M. Boillos, K. Boretzky, M.J.G. Borge, M. Caamano,C. Caesar, E. Casarejos, W. Catford,J. CederkALL, M. Chartier, L. Chulkov, U.DattaPramanik,  et al.,

 102. Weakly Bound Neutron-Rich Nuclei and Cosmic Phenomena - 
arXiv:1810.08996 [nucl-ex] CIPANP2018-Ushasi,
Datta, Ushasi, A. RahamanS. ChakrabortyB.K. AgrawalT. AumannK. BoretzkyC. CaesarH. Emling,et al .
101   Strong neutron pairing in core+4n nuclei
A. Revel, F. M. Marqu´es, O. Sorlin, T. Aumann, C. Caesar, M. Holl, V. Panin, M. Vandebrouck, F. Wamers, H. Alvarez-Pol, L. Atar, V. Avdeichikov, S. Beceiro-Novo, D. Bemmerer, J. Benlliure, C. A. Bertulani, J. M. Boillos, K. Boretzky, M. J. G. Borge, M. Caamaño, E. Casarejos, W. N. Catford,  J. Cederkäll,M. Chartier, L. Chulkov,D. Cortina-Gil, E. Cravo, R. Crespo, U. Datta Pramanik,  et al.,
 Phys.Rev.Lett. 120, 152504 (2018);  doi: 10.1103/physrevlett.120.152504 
100.  Study of spectroscopic factors at N = 29 using isobaric analogue resonances in inverse kinematics
Phys. Lett. B  778, 155 (2018); doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2018.01.015
J.Bradt, Y.Ayyad, D. Bazin, W.Mittig, T.Ahn, S.Beceiro-Novo,  B.A.Brown, L Carpenter, M.Cortesi, M.P.Kuchera,W.G.Lynch, S.Rost, N.Watwood, J.Yurkon, J.Barney, U. Datta, J. EStee,  et al, 
99. Quasifree (p, pN) scattering of light neutron-rich nuclei near N=14
Phys.Rev. C 97 , 024311 (2018); doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.97.024311
P.Diaz Fernandez,  T.Aumann  S. Beceiro, K. Boretzky, C. Caesar, B.V. Carlson, W.N. Catford, S. Chakraborty, S. Chatterjee, M. Chartier, G.De. Angelis, D. Cortina-Gil, U.Datta, D. Gonzalez-Diaz , et. al.,
98.Ground-state configuration of neutron-rich 35Al via Coulomb breakup
Phys.Rev. C 96 , 034301 (2017); doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.96.034301
 S. Chakraborty, Ushasi Datta, T.Aumann  S. Beceiro, K. Boretzky, C. Caesar, B.V. Carlson, W.N. Catford, et al,
97.Effective proton-neutron interaction near the drip line from unbound states in 25,26F
Phys.Rev. C 96 , 054305 (2017).
M. Vandebrouck, O.Sorlin, T.Aumann  S. Beceiro, K. Boretzky, C. Caesar, B.V. Carlson, W.N. Catford,  M. Chartier, D. Cortina-Gil,   U.Datta,   D. Gonzalez-Diaz et. al.,
96. Coulomb breakup of neutron-rich 29,30Na  isotopes near island of inversion
Journal of Physics (London) G44, 045101 (2017)
A. Rahaman , Ushasi Datta, T.Aumann  S. Beceiro, K. Boretzky, C. Caesar, B.V. Carlson, et al,
.Citation :1     Journal Impact Factor: 3.46    Author from SINP: 3 
95. Determination of the neutron-capture rate of  17C for r-process nucleosynthesis
M. Heine, T.Aumann  S. Beceiro, K. Boretzky, C. Caesar, B.V. Carlson, W.N. Catford,  M. Chartier,  D. Cortina-Gil, U.Datta, D. Gonzalez-Diaz et. al.,
Phys.Rev. C 95, 014613 (2017) doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.95.014613 
94. Threshold behavior of interaction potential for the system 7Li + 64Ni: Comparison with 6Li + 64Ni
Nucl. Phys. A 953, 80, (2016); doi: 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2016.04.035
Md. Moin Shaikh, Mili Das, Subinit Roy, M. Sinha, M.K. Pradhan, P. Basu, U. Datta et al,
93. Direct experimental evidence for a multi particle -hole ground state configuration of deformed 33Mg 
Ushasi Datta, A. Rahaman, T.Aumann  S. Beceiro, K. Boretzky, C. Caesar, B.V. Carlson, et al,
Phys. Rev. C 94,   034304,  (2016); doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.94.034304
92. Coulomb dissociation of  20,21N
Phy.  Rev.  C 93, 054601,  2016
Marko Roder, Tatsuya Adachi, Yulia Aksyutina, Juan Alcantara,Sebastian Altstadt, Hector Alvarez-Pol, Nicholas Ashwood, Leyla Atar, Thomas Aumann, Vladimir Avdeichikov M. Barr, Saul Beceiro, Daniel Bemmerer,Jose Benlliure, Carlos Bertulani,Konstanze Boretzky,Maria J. G. Borge, G. Burgunder,Manuel Caama ̃no, Christoph Caesar, Enrique Casarejos,Wilton Catford, JoakimCederkall,S. Chakraborty, Marielle Chartier,Leonid Chulkov,Dolores Cortina-Gil,Raquel Crespo,Ushasi Datta Pramanik, et. al,
91. Systematic investigation of projectile fragmentation using beams of unstable B and C isotopes
Phy.  Rev. C 93, 054601,  (2016); doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.93.054601
R. Thies, A. Heinz, T. Adachi,Y. Aksyutina, J. Alcantara-Nu´nes, S. Altstadt, H. Alvarez-Pol, N. Ashwood, T. Aumann,V. Avdeichikov, M. Barr,  S. Beceiro-Novo, D. Bemmerer, J. Benlliure,C. A. Bertulani, K. Boretzky, M. J. G. Borge, G. Burgunder, M. Camano, C. Caesar,  E. Casarejos, W. Catford,  J. Cederkall,  S. Chakraborty, M. Chartier, L. V. Chulkov, D. Cortina-Gil , R. Crespo, U. Datta, P. D´ıaz Fernandez, I. Dillmann, T. Adachi, et. al.
90.  Ultra-fast timing detectors to probe exotic properties of nuclei  using RIB facility, 16th Jan. 2016
Ushasi Datta, S. Chakraborty, A.Rahaman
89. Coulomb dissociation of 27P  at 500 MeV/u
Phy.Rev. C 93, 045811, ( 2016) , 10.1103/PhysRevC.93.045811
J.Marganiec,  S. Beceiro-Novo, S.Typel,C.Langer,C.Wimmer, H. Alvarez-Pol, N. Ashwood, T. Aumann,K. Boretzky, E. Casarejos, A.Chatillon, D. Cortina-Gil,  U. DattaPramanik, , Z.Elekes, .Fulop,D.Galaviz, H.Geissel,S.Giron,U.Greife, F.Hammache, M.Heil,J.Hoffman,H.Johansson,O.Kiselev, N.Kurz, K.Larsson, T.LeBleis,Yu.A. Litvinov,K.Mahata,C.Muentz, C.Nociforo,W.Ott,S.Paschalis, R.Plag, W.Prokopowicz, C.RodriguezTajes, D.M.Rossi,H.Simon, M.Stanoiu,J.Stroth,K.Summerer, A.Wagner, F.Wamers, H.Weick, M.Wiescher
88. Response of Multi-strip Multi-gap Resistive Plate Chamber
Journal of Instrumentation, 700050, July  (2015), 
Ushasi Datta,  S. Chakraborty, A. Rahaman, P. Basu, J. Basu, D. Bemmerer, K. Boretzky, Z. Elekes, M. Kempe,G. Munzenberg, H. Simon, M. Sobiella, D. Stach, A. Wagner, D. Yakorev
.Citation :1     Journal Impact Factor: 1.26    Author from SINP: 4 
87. Evidence for octupole correlation and chiral symmetry breaking in 124Cs
Phys.Rev. C92, 064307, (2015),doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.92.064307 
K.Selvakumar,A.K.Singh,C.Ghosh,P.Singh,A.Goswami,R.Raut,A.Mukherjee,U.Datta, P.Datta, S.Roy, G.Gangopadhyay, S.Bhowal,S.Muralithar,R.Kumar,R.P.Singh,M.K.Raju
86.  12C+p resonant elastic scattering in the Maya active target
Eur Phys. JA 51, 25(2015)doi: 10.1140/epja/i2015-15025-0
Sambi, S.; Raabe, R.; Borge, M. J. G.; M.Caamano,S.Damoy,B.Fernandez Dominguez,F.Flavigny,H.Fynbo,J.Gibelin,G.F.Grinyer, A.Heinz, B.JonsonM.KhoderyT.NilssonR.OrlandiJ.PancinD.PerezLoureiro,G.RandisiG.RibeiroT.RogerD.SuzukiO.TengbladR.ThiesU.Datta .
85. Coulomb Dissociation experiment  of   27P-
Acta  Phys. Pol. B46, 473,  (2015)  doi: 10.5506/APhysPolB.46.473 
Marganiec, J.; Novo, S. Beceiro; Typel, S.; Y. Aksyutina, T. Aumann, S. Beceiro, P. Benlliure, K. Boretzky, M. Chartier, D. Cortina, U. Datta Pramanik,  O. Ershova, H. Geissel, R. Gernh¨auser, M. Heil, G. Ickert, H. Johansson, B. Jonson, A. Keli´c-Heil, A. Klimkiewicz, J.V. Kratz, R. Kr¨ucken, ,
84. Measurement of the 92, 93, 94, 100Mo(γ, n) reactions by Coulomb Dissociation
J.Phys. 665,  p.012034 (2016) doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/665/1/012034 
K.GobelP.AdrichS.AltstadtH.Alvarez-PolF.AksouhT.AumannM.BabilonK.-H.BehrJ.BenlliureT.BergM.BohmerK.BoretzkyA.BrunleR.BeyerE.CasarejosM.ChartierD.CortinaGilA.Chatillon,U.DattaPramanik, L.DeveauxM.ElversT.W.ElzeH.Emling, et al.,
83. 13B, 14B(n,g) via Coulomb Dissociation for Nucleosynthesis towards the r-Process
Nucl. Data Sheets 120, 197-200, 2014
Altstadt, S. G.,  Adachi, T,  Aksyutina, Y,  Alcantara, J,  Alvarez-Pol, H.,  Ashwood, N,  Atar, L, Aumann, TAvdeichikov, V,  Barr, M.,  Beceiro, S.,  Bemmerer, D. Benlliure, J.,  Bertulani, C. A Boretzky, K .Borge, M. J. G. Burgunder, G. Caamano, M , Caesar, C   Casarejos, E, Catford, W  J. Chakraborty, S. Chartier, M Chulkov.L, Cortina-Gil, D, Pramanik, U.Datta, Fernandez, P. Diaz   et al.
82. Study of the Ground-state Configuration of Neutron-rich Aluminium Isotopes through Coulomb Breakup
EPJ 66, 02019, ( 2014) DOI:
S. Chakraborty, U. Datta Pramanik, T. Aumann, S. Beceiro, K. Boretzky, C.Caesar, B.V. Carlson, W. N. Catford, S. Chatterjee, M . Chartier,D. Cortina-Gil, G.De. Angelis, D. Gonzalez-Diaz, H. Emling, et al,
81. Coulomb breakup as a novel spectroscopic tool to probe directly the quantum numbers of valence nucleon of the exotic nuclei
Proceeding  of Science, LASNPA , Montevideo,  Dec., 2013
Ushasi DattaPramanik
80. Thermonuclear reaction 30S(p,γ)31Cl studied via Coulomb-breakup of 31Cl
Phys Rev. C 89, 035806,  2014    doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.89.035806
C. Langer, O. Lepyoshkina,  Y. Aksyutina, T. Aumann, S. Beceiro, P. Benlliure, K. Boretzky, M. Chartier, D. Cortina, U. Datta Pramanik,  O. Ershova, H. Geissel, R. Gernh¨auser, M. Heil, G. Ickert,  et al.,
79. Measurement of the Dipole Polarizability of the Unstable Neutron-Rich Nucleus 68Ni
Phys.Rev.Lett. 111, 242503 (2013)  doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.242503 
D.M.Rossi, P.Adrich, F.Aksouh, H.AlvarezPol, T.Aumann, J.Benlliure, M.Bohmer, K.Boretzky, E.Casarejos, M.Chartier, A.Chatillon, D.CortinaGil, U.DattaPramanik, H.Emling, O.Ershova, B.FernandezDominguez, H.Geissel, M.Gorska, M.Heil, H.T.Johansson, A.Junghans, A.KelicHeil, O.Kiselev, A.Klimkiewicz,J.V.Kratz, R.Krucken, N.Kurz, M.Labiche, T.Le Bleis,  R.Lemmon,  Yu.A.Litvinov,  K.Mahata,  et. al. Citation :70     Journal Impact Factor: 8.84    Author from SINP: 1 
78.Study of the Ground-state Configuration of Neutron-rich Sodium Isotopes through Coulomb Breakup
EPJ online web version , Vol 66, 02087 (2014)
Rahaman, U. Datta Pramanik, T. Aumann, S. Beceiro, K. Boretzky, C. Caesar, B.V. Carlson, W.N. Catford, S. Chakraborty, S. Chatterjee, M. Chartier, G.De. Angelis, D. Cortina-Gil, D. Gonzalez-Diaz, H. Emling,
77. Exotic decay of hot rotating nuclei near proton drip line
EPJ online web version , Vol 66, 02089 (2014):DOI:
J.Ray, U. Datta Pramanik, R. K. Bhowmik, I. Ray, A. Rahaman, A. Chakraborty, S. Chakraborty, R. Garg, S. Goyal, S. Ganguly, S. Kumar, S. Mandal, B. Mukherjee, P. Mukherjee, S. Muralithar, D. Negi, M. Saxena, K. Selvakumar, P. Singh, A. K. Singh and R. P. Singh
76. Study of the 14Be Continuum: Identification and Structure of its Second 2+ State
Phys.Rev.Lett. 111, 242501 (2013) doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.242501 
Yu.Aksyutina, T.Aumann, K.Boretzky, M.J.G.Borge, C.Caesar, A.Chatillon, L.V.Chulkov, D.CortinaGil, U.DattaPramanik, H.Emling, H.O.U.Fynbo, H.Geissel,A.Heinz, G.Ickert, H.T.Johansson, B.Jonson, R.Kulessa, C.Langer, T.LeBleis, K.Mahata, G.Munzenberg, T.Nilsson, G.Nyman, R.Palit, S.Paschalis,W.Prokopowicz, R.Reifarth, D.Rossi, A.Richter, K.Riisager, G.Schrieder, H.Simon, K.Summerer, O.Tengblad, R.Thies, H.Weick, M.V.Zhukov
75.Beyond the neutron drip line: The unbound oxygen isotopes 25O and 26O
 Phys. Rev. C, 88, 034313   (2013)
Caesar, C., Simonis, J., Adachi, T., Aksyutina, Y., Alcantara, J., Altstadt, S., Alvarez-Pol, H., Ashwood, N., Aumann, T., Avdeichikov, V., Barr, M., Beceiro, S., Bemmerer, D., Benlliure, J., Bertulani, C.A., Boretzky, K., Borge, M.J.G., Burgunder, G., Caamano, M., Casarejos, E., Catford, W., Cederkäll, J., Chakraborty, S., Chartier, M., Chulkov, L., Cortina-Gil, D., DattaPramanik, U., Diaz Fernandez, P., Dillmann, I., Elekes, Z., Enders, J., Ershova, O., Estrade, A.,  et al.
.Citation :59     Journal Impact Factor: 3.3    Author from SINP: 1 
74.  Shave evolution in 123Cs and  124Ba nuclei"
Phys. Rev. C, 88, 024313   (2013)  DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.88.024313
K. Selvakumar, Subhashri Das, A. K. Singh, Purnima Singh, A. Goswami, R. Raut, M. Kumar Raju, A. Mukherjee, U. Datta Pramanik, P. Dutta, S. Roy, G. Gangopadhyay, S. Bhowal, S. Muralithar, Rakesh Kumar, R. P. Singh, Thomas Reddy
73.Momentum profile analysis in one-neutron knockout from Borromean nuclei
Phys.Lett. B 718, 1309 (2013)  doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2012.12.028
Yu.Aksyutina, T.Aumann, K.Boretzky, M.J.G.Borge, C.Caesar, A.Chatillon, L.V.Chulkov, D.CortinaGil, U.DattaPramanik, H.Emling, H.O.U.Fynbo, H.Geissel, G.Ickert, H.T.Johansson, B.Jonson, R.Kulessa, C.Langer,T.LeBleis, K.Mahata, G.Munzenberg,  et al,
72. Structure of the unbound nucleus 13Be: One-neutron knockout reaction data from 14Be analyzed in a holistic approach
Phys.Rev. C 87, 064316 (2013), doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.87.064316 
Yu.Aksyutina, T.Aumann, K.Boretzky, M.J.G.Borge, C.Caesar, A.Chatillon, L.V.Chulkov, D.CortinaGil, U.DattaPramanik, H.Emling, H.O.U.Fynbo, H.Geissel, G.Ickert, H.T.Johansson, B.Jonson, R.Kulessa, C.Langer,T.LeBleis, K.Mahata, G.Munzenberg, T.Nilsson,  et al,
71. Structure of 16C: Testing shell model and ab initio approaches
Phys.Rev. C 86, 044329 (2012) doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.86.044329 
M.Petri, S.Paschalis, R.M.Clark, P.Fallon, A.O.Macchiavelli, K.Starosta, T.Baugher, D.Bazin, L.Cartegni,H.L.Crawford, M.Cromaz, U.DattaPramanik, G.deAngelis, A.Dewald, A.Gade, G.F.Grinyer, S.Gros,M.Hackstein, H.B.Jeppesen, I.Y.Lee, S.McDaniel, D.Miller, M.M.Rajabali, A.Ratkiewicz, W.Rother, P.Voss,K.A.Walsh, D.Weisshaar, M.Wiedeking, B.A.Brown, C.Forssen, P.Navratil, R.Roth
70. Structure of the N=50 As, Ge, Ga nuclei
Nucl.Phys. A893, 1 (2012)doi: 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2012.08.007 
E.Sahin, G.deAngelis, G.Duchene, T.Faul, A.Gadea, A.F.Lisetskiy, D.Ackermann, A.Algora, S.Aydin, F.Azaiez,D.Bazzacco, G.Benzoni, M.Bostan, T.Byrski, I.Celikovic, R.Chapman, L.Corradi, S.Courtin, D.Curien, U.DattaPramanik, F.Didierjean, O.Dorvaux,  et al.
.Citation :9 Journal Impact Factor: 1.13 Author from SINP: 1
69.Development of MMRPC prototype for the NeuLAND detector of the (R3B)collaboration
NIMA 661 , 149-152  (2012)DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2010.10.055 
U. Datta Pramanik, Chakraborty, S.; Basu, P, J.Basu, P.Banerjee, B.Bemmerer, S.Bose, S.Chatterjee, Z.Elekes, M.Kempe, Y.Leifels, A.Mukherjee, A.Rahaman, S. Roy, H. Simon,  et  al,
68.Investigation of the Dipole Response in Exotic Nuclei - Experiments at the LAND-R3B Setup
 Prog.Theor.Phys.(Kyoto), Suppl. 196, 465 (2012)  doi: 10.1143/PTPS.196.465 
D.M.Rossi, P.Adrich, F.Aksouh, H.AlvarezPol, T.Aumann, J.Benlliure, M.Bohmer, K.Boretzky, E.Casarejos,M.Chartier, A.Chatillon, D.CortinaGil, U.DattaPramanik, H.Emling, O.Ershova, et al,
.67. Coulomb Dissociation of 27P
.Phys.:Conf.Ser. 381, 012115 (2012)  doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/381/1/012115
S.Beceiro Novo, K.Summerer, D.Cortina-Gil, C.Wimmer, R.Plag, H.Alvarez-Pol, T.Aumann, K.Behr, K.Boretzky, E.Casarejos, A.Chatillon, U.DattaPramanik, Z.Elekes,  et al.
.66.Multinucleon transfer reactions for the 28Si+90,94Zr systems in the region below and near the Coulomb barrier
Phys.Rev. C 83, 054607 (2011) doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.83.054607
S.Kalkal, S.Mandal, N.Madhavan, A.Jhingan, E.Prasad, R.Sandal, S.Nath, J.Gehlot, R.Garg, G.Mohanto, M.Saxena, S.Goyal, S.Verma, B.R.Behera, S.Kumar, U.D.Pramanik, A.K.Sinha, R.Singh
65. Fusion and transfer reactions around the Coulomb barrier for 28Si+90, 94Zr systems
J.Phys.:  312, 082027 (2011); doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/312/4/082027 
S.Kalkal, S.Mandal, N.Madhavan, A.Jhingan, E.Prasad, R.Sandal, J.Gehlot, S.Verma, R.Garg, S.Goyal, M.Saxena, S.Nath, B.Behera, S.Kumar, U.Datta Pramanik,  D.Siwal,  G.Mohanto,  H.J.Wollersheim,  et al.
64. The unbound isotopes 9, 10He
Nucl.Phys. A842, 15 (2010)  doi: 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2010.04.006
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