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Nuclear Physics

Past Seminar

Title              :

Nuclear Structure & Decay properties of Neutron rich even-even nuclei in Z=70-80 region

Speaker         : Dr. Chirashree Lahiri., IOP, Bhubaneswar
Date                : August 22, 2016
Time               : 12:00 Noon
Venue            : Lecture Hall II, Auditorium Complex
Abstract        :

The basic objective of this talk is to give a brief overview of my primary research experiences and interests regarding nuclear astrophysics and nuclear structure physics. Therefore, in the first section of my talk, I will give a brief summary of my Ph.D. and post doctoral research experiences. In this seminar my main focus will be at the study of nuclear structure and decay properties of neutron rich Yb, Hf,W, Os, Pt and Hg isotopes for which RMF calculations are performed with deformed configuration. I will show the results for quadrupole deformation, two-neutron separation energy, shell closures etc along with possible decay channels. Finally, I will try to give an outline of my future interests.


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