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Satyaki Bhattacharya

Room No : 3407
Ext. : 3431
Email id : bhattacharya.satyaki[AT]
Division :
All of my students have worked on the CMS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. 

Past Students:

Sandhya Jain:  Submitted her thesis in University of Calcutta in 2014. 
co guide: Prof. Gautam Gangopadhyay from University of Calcutta 
Worked on search for gravitons in the single photon + MET channel for her Ph.D. She joined TIFR, Mumbai for her
post doctoral research. She works for the CMS experiment and is located in Mumbai.  
Sandhya Jain was the recipient of best poster award, presenting a poster on behalf of CMS, in the Iternational Lepton Photon Conference 2011, in Mumbai. 

Shilpi Jain: 
co guide: Prof. Gautam Gangopadhyay from University of Calcutta 
Submitted her thesis in 2014 in University of Calcutta. She joined NCU Taiwan for her post doctoral research. She is currently stationed at CERN, Geneva, working for the CMS experiment.

Bhawna Gomber:
Submitted her thesis in University of Calcutta in 2015. Worked on search for gravitons and dark matter using the single photon + MET final state. Joined University of Wisconsin Madison for post doctoral research.
She works for the CMS and the LZ experiment and is stationed at CERN . 
Bhawna Gomber received the Rahul Basu Memorial Best Thesis Award in experimental high energy physics, 2016. 

Raman Khurana:
Submitted thesis in 2015 in University of Calcutta. He worked on search for Higgs boson using the Higgs decay to two Z bosons, which further decay to a pair of light leptons (e/mu) and a pair of taus. He joined NCU Taiwan for his postdoctoral research and is currently stationed at CERN, Geneva.

Present Students:
Ashim Roy : Studies new phenomena (Graviton in Arkani Hamed, Dimopoulos, Dvali model of large extra dimensions) in the single photon final states.
Shamik Ghosh: Studies new phenomena (dark matter, compressed SUSY) in the signle photon final states.

Arnab Purohit: Studies Higgs to diphoton decay  

updated: 06/03/2017


Last Updated on Friday, 11 April 2014 19:21
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