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Satyaki Bhattacharya

Room No : 3407
Ext. : 3431
Email id : bhattacharya.satyaki[AT]
Division :
My research is in the area of Experimental High Energy Physics(EHEP). I am interested in search for new phenomena in high energy collisions.

During my doctoral research, I worked for the L3 experiment at the Large Electron Positron (LEP) collider at CERN. In electron positron collision data I had looked for signatures of Supersymmetry. In particular, I searched for scalar (spin 0) lepton production in e+e- collision using LEP2 data.

Since 1999 I have been a member of the CMS experiment at Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN.
Photon as a probe to new physics is my current area of investigation.  Searches that I have been involved in,  includes looking for substructure of leptons and quarks,  looking for existence of extra dimensions and production of dark matter in high energy proton proton collisions.
Two non technical articles on our analysis of single photon as a probe of dark matter, are here:
A non technical article on our search for excited leptons with the first LHC data is here:
(for our papers from LHC Run I data please see my list of selected publications)

In the design phase of the CMS experiment I worked on developing a strategy for searching for the Higgs boson using its decay into a pair of photons. Details may be found here:

I have worked with particle phenomenologists on topics related to the searches at LHC, in which I am involved.
The publications are here:

I take an interest in High Performance Computing Clusters.
During my first years in CMS I spent a major part of my research time in study of high speed networking techniques like gigabit ethernet, myrinet and  infiniband. I contributed in the early phase of development of the CMS Event Builder Network.
A documentation may be found here:
The USCD group also tried building a custom computer suitable for a data acquisition network. 
A summary may be found in these old slides: 


Last Updated on Friday, 11 April 2014 19:21
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