Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India
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Prof. Supratik Mukhopadhyay

Senior Professor
Room No : 3421
Ext. : 3425
Email id : supratik.mukhopadhyay[AT]
Division :
Particle Physics: CMS, ILC, INO and RD51

We carry out studies on the physics of particle detectors and their applications in various particle phsyics experiments. The focus is on studying fundamental issues such as particle-material interactions, charge amplification, transport, dynamic charging, space charge, ageing of Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC) and the new generation Micro Pattern Gaseous Detectors (MPGD), with a view to optimize their performance in specific applications.
Experiments and numerical simulation of radiation imaging detectors used for particle identification, calorimetry, tracking, muon tomography etc are carried out.

Applied Numerical Mathematics: neBEM and ISLES
The nearly exact Boundary Element Method (neBEM) and related Inverse Square Law Exact Solutions (ISLES) were proposed by our group in 2005 in order to solve complex problems governed by the Laplace or Poisson equations. The approach has been proved to be very accurate. While, till now, it is mostly used as the electrostatic field solver of particle detectors, other possible application areas include electromagnetics, gravitation, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, plasma physics, optics, structural mechanics etc.
Relevant web-page:

Other Areas
Impedance imaging and its applications to biomedical and other fields.
Solution of ODEs and PDEs to simulate physics processes.


Last Updated on Friday, 11 April 2014 19:21
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