Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India
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Dr. Sankar De

Associate Professor
Room No : 340
Ext. : 1340
Email id :[AT]
Division :
  1. 'Vector magnetometry using electromagnetically induced transparency with lin lin polarization' - Bankim Chandra Das, Arpita Das, Dipankar Bhattacharya and Sankar De (Under review).
  2. 'Angular dependency of the polarization rotation in a coherent atomic medium’ - Arpita Das, Bankim Chandra Das, Dipankar Bhattacharya and Sankar De (Under review).
  3. 'Interplay between electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT), absorption (EIA) and Autler-Townes (AT)splitting in N-type atomic system: An experiment and theory’ - Bankim Chandra Das, Arpita Das, Dipankar Bhattacharya, Shrabana Chakrabarti and Sankar De, OSA Continuum, 2, 994 (2019).
  4. 'Pulse delay and group velocity dispersion measurement in V-type electromagnetically induced transparency of hot 85Rb atom’ - Bankim Chandra Das, Dipankar Bhattacharya, Arpita Das, Satyajit Saha, Shrabana Chakrabarti and Sankar De, J. Physics B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 51, 245501, (2018).
  5. 'Observation and theoretical simulation of dispersive properties of an electromagnetically induced transparent 87Rb atomic medium’ – Arpita Das, Shrabana Chakrabarti, Bankim Chandra Das, Dipankar Bhattacharya and Sankar De, Laser Physics, 28, 125205 (2018). Selected by the Editorial Board to feature in their ‘Highlights of 2018 collection’.
  6. ‘Experimental and theoretical study of polarization rotation with in V-type configuration of Rb vapour medium’ - Arpita Das, Bankim Chandra Das, Dipankar Bhattacharya, Shrabana Chakrabarti and Sankar De, J. Physics B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 51, 175502 (2018).
  7. Splitting of electromagnetically induced absorption signal in a five-level V-type atomic system’ - Khairul Islam, Amitava Bandyopadhyay, Bankim Chandra Das, Satyajit Saha, Sankar De and Dipankar Bhattacharyya, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 34, 2550 (2017).
  8. ‘Simultaneous observations of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency (EIT) and Absorption (EIA) in a multi-level V-type system of 87Rb and theoretical simulation of the observed spectra using a multi-mode approach’ - Bankim Chandra Das, Dipankar Bhattacharyya, Arpita Das, Shrabana Chakrabarti, and Sankar De, Journal of Chemical Physics, 145, 224312 (2016).
  9. ‘Spectroscopic investigations of -shell ionization in heavy elements by electron impact’ – H. V. Rahangdale, D. Mitra, P. K. Das, S. De, M. Guerra, J. P. Santos and S. Saha, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 174, 79 (2016).
  10. ‘Narrowing of Doppler and hyperfine line shapes of Rb - D2 transition using a Vortex beam’ – Bankim Chandra Das, Dipankar Bhattacharyya and Sankar De, Chemical Physics Letters, 644, 212 (2016).
  11. ‘Selective breaking of bonds in water with intense, 2-cycle, infrared laser pulses’ - D. Mathur, K. Dota, D. Dey, A. K. Tiwari, J. A. Dharmadhikari, A. K. Dharmadhikari, S. De, and P. Vasa, Journal of Chemical Physics, 143, 244310 (2015).
  12. 'Comparison of electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) spectra for six-level lambda (Λ) and five-level V-type systems’ - Dipankar Bhattacharyya, Arindam Ghosh, Amitava Bandyopadhyay, Satyajit Saha and Sankar De, J. of Atomic, Molecular, Condensate & Nano Physics 2, 93 (2015).
  13. ‘Do linear molecules always dissociate along their axis? Intra-molecular scattering within Diiodoacetylene’ - Sankar De, H. Tezuka, P. Bhatt, G. Veshapidze, C. P. Safvan, J. Matsumoto and H. Shiromaru, Journal of Physics: Conference Series.
  14. 'Observation of electromagnetically induced transparency in six-level Rb atoms and theoretical simulation of the observed spectra’ - Dipankar Bhattacharyya, Arindam Ghosh, Amitava Bandyopadhyay, Satyajit Saha and Sankar De, J. Physics B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 48, 175503 (2015). Selected by the Editorial Board to feature in their ‘Highlights of 2015 collection’.
  15. 'Incorporating real time velocity map image reconstruction into closed-loop coherent control’ - C. E. Rallis, T. G. Burwitz, P. R. Andrews, M. Zohrabi, R. Averin, S. De, B. Bergues, Bethany Jochim, A. V. Voznyuk, Neal Gregerson, B. Gaire, I. Znakovskaya, J. McKenna, K. D. Carnes, M. F. Kling, I. Ben-Itzhak, and E. Wells, Review of Scientific Instruments, 85 113105 (2014).
  16. ‘Imaging molecular structure through femtosecond photoelectron diffraction on aligned and oriented gas-phase molecules’ - Rebecca Boll et al., Faraday Discussions, 171, 57 (2014).
  17. ‘Thick-lens velocity map imaging spectrometer with high resolution suited for kilo-electronvolt charged particle detection’ - Nora G. Kling, A. Gura, D. Paul, G. Laurent, S. De, H. Li, Z. Wang, B. Ahn, C. H. Kim, T. K. Kim, C.L. Cocke, I. Ben-Itzhak, I. V. Litvinyuk, D. Kim, and M. F. Kling, Journal of Instrumentation, 9, P05005 (2014).
  18. ‘Determination of subshell resolved L shell ionization cross-sections of gold induced by 15 - 40 keV electrons’ - H. V. Rahangdale, M. Guerra, P. K. Das, S. De, J. P. Santos, D. Mitra, and S. Saha, Physical Review A 89, 052708 (2014).
  19. ‘Transition between mechanisms of laser-induced field-free molecular orientation’ - I. Znakovskaya, M. Spanner, S. De, H. Li, D. Ray, P. Corkum, I. V. Litvinyuk, C. L. Cocke, and M. F. Kling, Physical Review Letters, 112, 113005 (2014).
  20. ‘Femtosecond Photoelectron Diffraction on Laser-Aligned Molecules: Towards Time-Resolved Imaging of Molecular Structure’ - R. Boll et al., Physical Review A 88, 061402(R) (2013).
  21. 'Adaptive Strong-field Control of Chemical Reactions Guided by Three-dimensional Imaging’ - E. Wells, C. E. Rallis, M. Zohrabi, R. Siemering, B. Jochim, P. R. Andrews, U. Ablikim, B. Gaire, S. De, K. D. Carnes, B. Bergues, R. de Vivie-Riedle, M. F. Kling, and I. Ben-Itzhak, Nature Communications, volume 4, Article # 2895, doi:10.1038/ncomms3895 (2013).
  22. ‘Inner-shell multiple ionization of small polyatomic molecules with an intense X-ray Free-Electron Laser studied by coincident ion momentum imaging’ - B. Erk et al., J. Physics B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 46, 164031 (2013).
  23. ‘Resonance-Enhanced Multiple Ionization of Krypton at an X-ray Free-Electron Laser’ – Benedikt Rudek et al., Physical Review A 87, 023413 (2013).
  24. Ultrafast charge rearrangement and nuclear dynamics upon inner-shell multiple ionization of small polyatomic molecules’ - B. Erk et al., Physical Review Letters, 110, 053003 (2013).
  25. ‘Dissociation dynamics of O2+ in intense laser fields’ - M. Magrakvelidze, S. De, C. L. Cocke, I. Ben-Itzhak and U. Thumm, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 388, 032079 (2012).
  26. Dynamic modification of the fragmentation of autoionizing states of O2+’ - W. Cao, G. Laurent, S. De, M. Schöffler, T. Jahnke, A. S. Alnaser, I. A. Bocharova, C. Stuck, D. Ray, M. F. Kling, I. Ben-Itzhak, Th. Weber, A. L. Landers, A. Belkacem, R. Dörner, A. E. Orel, T. N. Rescigno, and C. L. Cocke, Physical Review A 84, 053406 (2011).
  27. ‘Following dynamic nuclear wave packets in N2, O2 and CO with few-cycle infrared pulses’ – S. De, M. Magrakvelidze, I. A. Bocharova, D. Ray, W. Cao, I. Znakovskaya, H. Li, Z. Wang, G. Laurent, U. Thumm, M. F. Kling, I. V. Litvinyuk, I. Ben-Itzhak and C. L. Cocke, Physical Review A 84, 043410 (2011).
  28. ‘Orientation dependence of the ionization of CO and NO in an intense femtosecond two-color laser field’ – H. Li, D. Ray, S. De, I. Znakovskaya, W. Cao, G. Laurent, Z. Wang, M. F. Kling, A. T. Le, and C. L. Cocke, Physical Review A 84, 043429 (2011).
  29. Velocity map imaging as a tool for gaining mechanistic insight from closed-loop control studies of molecular fragmentation’ - Bethany Jochim, R. Averin, Neal Gregerson, J. McKenna, S. De, D. Ray, M. Zohrabi, B. Bergues, K. D. Carnes, M. F. Kling, I. Ben-Itzhak and E. Wells, Physical Review A 83, 043417 (2011).
  30. ‘Vibrationally resolved structure in O2+ dissociation induced by intense ultrashort laser pulses’ - M. Zohrabi, J. McKenna, B. Gaire, Nora G. Johnson, K. D. Carnes, S. De, I. A. Bocharova, M. -resolved structure in O2+ dissociation induced by intense ultrashort laser Magrakvelidze, D. Ray, I. V. Litvinyuk, C. L. Cocke, and I. Ben-Itzhak, Physical Review A 83, 053405 (2011).
  31. ‘Momentum spectra of electrons rescattered from rare gas targets following their extraction by one- and two-color femtosecond laser pulses’ – D. Ray, Zhangjin Chen, S. De, W. Cao, I. V. Litvinyuk, A. T. Le, C. D. Lin, M. F. Kling and C. L. Cocke, Physical Review A 83, 013410 (2011).
  32. Single-shot carrier-envelope-phase–tagged ion-momentum imaging of nonsequential double ionization of argon in intense 4-fs laser fields’ - Nora G. Johnson, O. Herrwerth, A. Wirth, S. De, I. Ben-Itzhak, M. Lezius, B. Bergues, M. F. Kling, A. Senftleben, C. D. Schroter, R. Moshammer, J. Ullrich, K. J. Betsch, R. R. Jones, A. M. Sayler, T. Rathje, Klaus Ruhle, W. Muller and G. G. Paulus, Physical Review A 83, 013412 (2011).
  33. ‘Tracking nuclear wave-packet dynamics in molecular oxygen ions with few-cycle infrared laser pulses’ - S. De, I. A. Bocharova, M. Magrakvelidze, D. Ray, W. Cao, B. Bergues, U. Thumm, M. F. Kling, I. V. Litvinyuk and C. L. Cocke, Physical Review A 82, 013408 (2010).
  34. ‘Dynamic modification of the fragmentation of COq+ excited states generated with high-order harmonics’ - W. Cao, S. De, K. P. Singh, S. Chen, M. S. Schöffler, A. Alnaser, I. A. Bocharova, G. Laurent, D. Ray, S. Zherebtsov, M. F. Kling, I. Ben-Itzhak, I. V. Litvinyuk, A. Belkacem, T. Osipov, T. Rescigno and C. L. Cocke, Physical Review A 82, 043410 (2010).
  35. ‘Control of electron localization in deuterium molecular ions using an attosecond pulse train and a many-cycle infrared pulse’ – K. P. Singh, F. He, P. Ranitovic, W. Cao, S. De, D. Ray, S. Chen, U. Thumm, A. Becker, M. M. Murnane, H. C. Kapteyn, I. V. Litvinyuk and C. L. Cocke, Physical Review Letters, 104, 023001 (2010).
  36. ‘IR-Assisted Ionization of He by Attosecond XUV Radiation’ – P. Ranitovic, X.-M. Tong, B. Gramkow, S. De, B. DePaola, K. P. Singh, W. Cao, M. Magrakvelidze, D. Ray, I. Bocharova, H. Mashiko, E. Gagnon, A. Sandhu, M. M. Murnane, H. C. Kapteyn, I. V .Litvinyuk and C. L. Cocke, New Journal of Physics, 12, 013008 (2010).
  37. ‘Field-free orientation of CO molecules by femtosecond two-color laser fields’ – S. De, I. Znakovskaya, D. Ray, F. Anis, Nora G. Johnson, I. A. Bocharova, M. Magrakvelidze, B. D. Esry, C. L. Cocke, I. V. Litvinyuk and M. F. Kling, Physical Review Letters, 103, 153002 (2009) (Editor’s choice), Erratum: Physical Review Letters 112, 159902 (2014).
  38. Ion-energy dependence of asymmetric dissociation of D2 by a two-color laser field’ - D. Ray, F. He, S. De, W. Cao, H. Mashiko, P. Ranitovic, K. P. Singh, I. Znakovskaya, U. Thumm, G. G. Paulus, M. F. Kling, I. V. Litvinyuk and C. L. Cocke, Physical Review Letters, 103, 223201 (2009).
  39. ‘Angular dependence of the strong-field ionization measured in randomly oriented hydrogen molecules’ - Maia Magrakvelidze, Feng He, Sankar De, Irina Bocharova, Dipanwita Ray, Uwe Thumm, and I. V. Litvinyuk, Physical Review A, 79, 033408 (2009).
  40. ‘Ion induced dissociation dynamics of acetylene’ - Sankar De, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1099, 137 (2009). CAARI (Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry): Twentieth International Conference, Fort Worth, USA, 2008.
  41. ‘Large-angle electron diffraction structure in laser-induced rescattering from rare gases’ – D. Ray, B. Ulrich, I. Bocharova, C. Maharjan, P. Ranitovic, B. Gramkow, M. Magrakvelidze, S. De, I. V. Litvinyuk, A. T. Le, T. Morishita, C. D. Lin, G. G. Paulus and C. L. Cocke, Physical Review Letters, 100, 143002 (2008).
  42. ‘Dissociation of methanol by ion-impact: breakup dynamics, bond rearrangement and kinetic energy release’ - Sankar De, A. Roy, Jyoti Rajput, P. N. Ghosh and C. P. Safvan, International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 276, 43 (2008).
  43. ‘Ion-induced dissociation dynamics of Acetylene’ – Sankar De, Jyoti Rajput, A. Roy, P. N. Ghosh and C. P. Safvan, Physical Review A, 77, 022708 (2008).
  44. ‘Butterfly structure: Signature of vibrational flopping in dissociative acetylene’ - Sankar De, Jyoti Rajput, A. Roy, P. N. Ghosh and C. P. Safvan, Journal of Chemical Physics (Communications), 127, 051101 (2007).
  45. ‘Dissociation of Methanol and Acetylene by slow Highly Charged Ion Collision’ - Sankar De, Jyoti Rajput, A. Roy, R. Ahuja, P. N. Ghosh and C. P. Safvan, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 80, 012005 (2007).
  46. ‘A Simple Scanning Semiconductor Diode Laser Source and its Application in Wavelength Modulation Spectroscopy Around 825 nm’ - Ayan Ray, Amitava Bandyopadhyay, Sankar De, Biswajit Ray and Pradip N. Ghosh, Optics and Laser Technology, 39, 359 (2007).
  47. ‘Formation of H3+ due to intramolecular bond rearrangement in doubly charged methanol’ - Sankar De, Jyoti Rajput, A. Roy, P. N. Ghosh and C. P. Safvan, Physical Review Letters, 97, 213201 (2006).
  48. ‘Kinetic energy distributions and signature of target excitation in N2 fragmentation on collision with Ar9+ ions’ - Jyoti Rajput, Sankar De, A. Roy and C. P. Safvan, Physical Review A, 74, 032701 (2006).
  49. ‘A setup for probing ion-molecule collision dynamics’ - S. De, P. N. Ghosh, A. Roy and C. P. Safvan, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 243, 435 (2006).
  50. ‘Beam-single and beam-two-foil experimental facility to study physics of highly charged ions’ - Nissar Ahmed, A. A. Wani, R. Ram, S. R. Ahbilash, Rakesh Kumar, J. K. Patnaik, Sankar De, R. K. Karn and T. Nandi, Review of Scientific Instruments, 77, 033107 (2006).
  51. ‘A Current Controller for Tunable Near Infrared Diode Laser’ - A. Ray, S. De, B. Ray, D. Biswas, P. Nandi and P. N. Ghosh, IETE Technical Review, 17, 61 (2000).


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