Status of FRENA Accelerator ( Proton Beam):
10.05.2022- 12.05.2022:
(Final Run , SINP & VECC Collaboration)
External Proton Beam on LiF target;
Energy:1500 -2500 KeV;
06.05.2022: (Test Run, SINP VECC Collaboration)
First External Beam on LiF target;
Energy: 1.1700 KeV to 2000 Kev
Following are the snapshots of the Beam glow on the Alumina:-

02.05.2022: First External Beam on Quartz;
Energy: 500 KeV
The first external Proton Beam on FRENA was tested on Quartz today after completion of the Mechanical alignment of the experimental set up indigenously designed by SINP.
The beam was transmitted on quartz with different beam currents for short duration approximately 15 secs in each case.
Following are the snapshots of the Beam glow on the Quartz:-
Fig 1:

Fig 2:

Fig 3:

Fig 4:

Fig 5:

The immediate next plan will be to put the beam on target for calibration of the GVM.
Last Updated on Friday, 13 May 2022 16:03